Destiny Physician

Chapter 300 The Missing Little Taoist Priest


"Boss, if you don't like her, I actually think you'd better not contact her, it's good for both of you..."

When I was about to say something, Wang Ruoxi suddenly spoke.

After listening to her words, I was stunned for a moment, but I quickly realized that what she said did make sense.

"You're right, I didn't think well about this matter..."

If I think about it carefully, if I make this call again, I'm afraid I don't know what will happen afterwards. With my current situation, I can't make any promises to her at all.

Moreover, now that the relationship between Liu Mei and I has basically stabilized, it would be better to just completely forget each other...

"Boss, what would you like to eat today?"

Wang Ruoxi smiled and didn't say anything else.

"Whatever, you can see that it's done, anyway, my body can't do anything these days!"

While talking, I walked to the bathroom next to me, washed up briefly, and then leaned on the wall unsteadily, and walked down the first floor slowly.

Just for a short while, I already felt that my whole body was drenched with sweat.

Half of it is pain, and the other half is because the body is really weak.

The elixirs brought by the little Taoist are indeed miraculous. After taking them for more than a week, I already feel that I have no problems walking.

After wearing that spell next to her body, the feeling of being spied on by something completely disappeared.

It's just that anyway, I can finally rest and recuperate my body temporarily.

After resting for more than two weeks, I also finished the elixir given by the little Taoist priest, and my body has returned to its peak state before.

"Boss, I think your health is about the same now, or you can take the time to solve the problems of those big customers for him. They have already called many times to urge you, and I don't know how to procrastinate." It's..."

Just when I was about to go out for activities, Wang Ruoxi said suddenly.

"That's fine, that's fine. You can arrange them in order first. Tomorrow, I'll visit them one by one!"

Although I also understand that there shouldn't be any major problems in their family, basically all of them are caused by that old man Wang Qingzhi.

But if this is not a formality, it seems that the remaining money really cannot be recovered.

I overplayed it before, and now I'm a pauper.

If he didn't recover his blood quickly, he might not even be able to pay the rent soon.

"Well then, I'll contact them today!"

After hearing that I agreed, Wang Ruoxi finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that she must have had a lot of headaches dealing with them these days.

I haven't gone out for a long time, and I've been nestling at home every day these days, either practicing or sleeping, and now I feel like my whole body is getting rusty.

Even if I simply come out to breathe fresh air, I feel refreshed all over my body now.

Originally, I wanted to call the little Taoist priest to see how this guy was preparing, but I didn't expect that this guy's phone would be disconnected anyway, and no one answered every time I called.

This can't help but make me a little worried, maybe something happened to this guy.

After wandering around the city for a day, I stopped by Hu Jinsong to sit for a while, and treated him to a meal, which was also a way of expressing my gratitude for his care during this time.

I waited until after eleven o'clock in the evening before I returned to the store.

Just about to take a simple wash, the phone rang suddenly while sleeping.

"I said little Taoist priest, where are you now?"

As soon as the phone was connected, I couldn't help asking directly.

"Don't ask so much about that, do you have any money on hand now? Get me some money first?"

"Want money? How much?"

I was stunned for a moment, I looked at the phone with some doubts, and after confirming that it was the number of the little Taoist priest, I couldn't help asking again.

"Twenty thousand!"

The little Taoist said awkwardly.

"I still have cash on hand, but how can I give it to you? Or you can come to me to get it?"

Now I'm really in a bit of trouble.

Some time ago, in order to raise the little money for Liu Mei, I basically emptied my bank card. The expenses during the recent period were all due to the little cash I saved in the safe at that time, although it is not much now. , but it is estimated that there should still be [-] to [-].

"I, I can't get out now, why don't you send it here?"

The little Taoist smiled, and then said awkwardly.

"I said where are you? There is no news for so many days, please send me the address, and I will send it to you in a while!"

"That's all right, hurry up, I'm a little anxious here."

After the little Taoist finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and after a while, he sent me a location.

Looking at such a location, it said "clear water and blue sky bathing city", I immediately felt the corners of my mouth twitch. Could it be that this guy met a fairy and danced?

But it's already like this now, no matter how you say this kid is my friend, I can't just ignore him when he encounters difficulties in Fancheng.

After a brief change of clothes, I hurriedly took 2 yuan from the safe, and hurried out again.

Following the location, I took a taxi all the way to the bathing city, and then I called the little Taoist priest again.

After a while, a security guard from the bathing city took me directly to the security room at the back.

"What did I say?"

Looking at the little Taoist priest in a bathing suit squatting in the corner, I really didn't understand, what is this guy singing?

"What else can happen, you buddy has lived and played with us for more than half a month, and you want to leave today after patting your butt. Do you think there is such a cheap thing in this world?"

"No, how long did you say he was here?"

Hearing what the security guard said, the corners of my mouth twitched for a while, this dead Taoist is really his mother's bitch!

I really thought this guy was going to prepare something. After talking for a long time, he came here to eat, drink and gamble.

"No, you want money if you want it, why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry up and give them the money!"

Hearing what the security guard said, the little Taoist priest's face turned red like a monkey's ass.

"I said you kid still have the face to say it?"

Looking at the face of the little Taoist priest, I feel out of breath right now.

This guy is too disrespectful, right?

Although this kid can't help you there, you don't have to come here to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, right?

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