Destiny Physician

Chapter 297 Goodbye Little Taoist Priest

"Mr. Zhong, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing my current state, Zhang Shisan was also taken aback, and hurried forward to help me up.

"Call your eldest lady and ask her to book the nearest flight immediately. No matter where you go, the important thing is to leave Fancheng as soon as possible, as far as you can!"

"I'd better take you to the hospital first, your current situation seems to be very wrong..."

Seeing that I was covered in blood, Zhang Shisan hurriedly said.

"Stop talking nonsense, your young lady will be completely hopeless in a little while."

There are only two hours in total, that is, four hours. Who knows if these guys will do it in advance.

For Liu Mei, distance is life now!


"Oh, sir! Hurry up and call!"

Seeing him standing there in a daze, I was really a little annoyed, and cursed directly angrily.

Seeing that I was really angry, Zhang Shisan didn't dare to delay any longer, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and started calling Liu Mei.

But at this moment, Liu's Group has just started to get back on track, so how could Liu Mei be willing to leave directly?

In desperation, I had no choice but to forcibly snatch the phone from Zhang Shisan.

"Listen to me that you have to go now. You can't delay for a minute right now. Don't take anything with you and leave immediately. No matter where you go, the farther you go, the better! I will call you when I can come back, It will only take two or three days at most, so I promise not to delay the affairs of your group!"

I said hurriedly while vomiting blood.

"What happened? Zhong Rui, what's the matter with you? Why do I hear something wrong with you?"

Liu Mei also reacted immediately, and asked directly.

"Listen to me that there is no time now, you really don't want to ask so many questions! If you don't leave, I'm afraid tonight will be your death day!"

I spoke too quickly, and I even felt my eyes go black for a while. If Zhang Shisan hadn't supported me, I might have fainted immediately.

"I see, I will listen to you now!"

Fortunately, Liu Mei's voice finally came from the other end of the phone, and I let out a long sigh of relief.

"Mr. Zhong, are you okay?"

After Liu Mei hung up the phone, I was like a deflated ball, and I was suddenly wilted in Zhang Shisan's arms.

"Don't take me to the hospital yet, do you think I'm fine?"

I can only smile wryly, I really don't know what to say about this kid.

After half an hour, Liu Mei finally sent me a message, saying that I had boarded the plane and was about to take off.

In any case, I have done everything I can. Now, as for the final result, it can only depend on the will of God.

Anyway, one thing I'm sure of, the cripple is going to have some bad luck tonight.

Surrounded by so many ghost messengers, and there is a god-level figure in the middle, if this old boy can still escape, those ghost messengers are too inferior.

Although I can't find a solution to the number of borrowed lives, according to common sense, as long as the cripple dies, the rest should be simple.

This may be the longest night I have ever spent in my life. Lying on the hospital bed, seeing the doctors tossing back and forth, constantly checking and drawing blood, I felt like I was lying on an iron plate steak on.

Let them toss back and forth here, but fortunately, they still have a little bit of conscience.

After they had finished their initial checkups, someone finally came and gave me a painkiller shot.

I don't know if it's the effect of the painkiller injection or my physical strength has really reached its limit. Anyway, I finally fell asleep in a daze. When I opened my eyes again, it was already the morning of the next day.

"Boss, you finally woke up! What's the matter with you? How could you be so injured in this night?"

I just opened my eyes when I saw Wang Ruoxi sitting on the chair opposite to my hospital bed.

"Where's my phone?"

Although I also felt that I was extremely weak from top to bottom, I still hurriedly asked.

"By the way, Ms. Liu called just now and said she wanted me to tell you that she landed safely. Do you want to tell her about your situation?"

"Don't tell her yet!"

Seeing my whole body being tied up like a zongzi, I couldn't help but give a wry smile.

Although this traditional treatment method is effective for ordinary people, it may not have a very good effect on my injury.

I am quite clear about my own body. This place is not a place to stay for a long time. If I stay here any longer, maybe they will consider amputating my limbs after a while.

All over my body, the most injured part was my right hand.

The bones on the entire arm have basically cracked, and it may take a long time to recover naturally.

"Call Brother Hu for me and ask him to find a way to get me out of here!"

At this moment, it seems that Hu Jinsong is the only one who can help me. After all, with my current physical condition, even if I want to be discharged from the hospital by myself, I am afraid that the doctors in the hospital will not agree.

"Boss, your current body... Otherwise, you should stay here for a while. Anyway, there is nothing too urgent in the store."

After hearing what I said, Wang Ruoxi froze immediately, but he reacted quickly, came over and whispered to me.

"Okay, I know my own body in my heart, if I delay here, maybe I will become permanently disabled if I delay for a while!"

Although I have many fractures and fractures all over my body, I still have cultivation after all.

Forcibly using true energy to restore the broken bones to their original positions is what I need to do most right now.

It’s just that the injury this time is indeed a bit serious. To complete such a task, I’m afraid it’s a difficult process, and it’s also a time-consuming process. A place like a hospital is really inconvenient, so I’d better go back to the store Let's figure it out by ourselves.

"OK then……"

Hearing my persistent insistence, Wang Ruoxi had no choice but to quickly take out her cell phone and call Hu Jinsong.

The ancients said that there are people in the court who are easy to be officials. Hu Jiansong really seems to have a very close relationship with the leaders of the hospital. After making a few phone calls, I was discharged directly from the hospital.

"I said you boy, what's the matter with you? How could you be injured so badly this time? Why do you have to come back in such a hurry now? Do you have any treasures in this shop?"

After sending me upstairs, Hu Jinsong said with a wry smile.

"Zhong Rui! Zhong Rui!"

When I was about to say something, the voice of the little Taoist suddenly came from downstairs.

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