Destiny Physician

Chapter 290 Hidden Dragon Village

Although sleeping on the recliner is very comfortable, but in comparison, I still prefer my own bed.

After tossing and tossing for so long, I was already too sleepy.He didn't even bother to wash up, he simply took off his clothes and got into the bed directly.

I don't even know when Wang Ruoxi left. When I opened my eyes again, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

It was only then that I realized that I hadn't eaten anything all day, and now I was so hungry that I was so hungry.

Anyway, it was already dark today, and I didn't bother to continue washing. After putting on clothes indiscriminately, I went out directly.

When I was in the mountains, I kept thinking about the small barbecue stalls on the roadside.

Now I finally have time to feast on my food, and of course I won't treat myself badly.

"Mr. Zhong, you haven't been back for a while, is this a business trip?"

Speaking carefully, I am indeed a rather homely person, and I basically stay in the store when I have nothing to do.

At night, it is always inevitable to eat something like barbecue.

Therefore, I am very familiar with these small vendors who set up street stalls.

"That's right, I took a long trip and was delayed outside for a while!"

While eating barbecue, I chatted casually with them.

After eating and drinking all the time, he returned to the store again.

Anyway, it was completely dark now, so I released Lin Xiaorong directly and let her move around freely.

I am full, and my spirit has improved a lot. Before that thing appears, I also want to seize the time to draw a few more spells for self-defense.

It's just that when I was packing my things, I discovered that there was an extra express box on the table on the second floor.

I opened the box curiously, but after I opened it, I was completely stunned. What was inside was actually a flat crystal box.

Sealed inside the box was a dark black spell.

Although I don't know what this talisman is for, even through the box, I can feel the surging power on this talisman. This thing is really not simple.

Now I'm really a little confused, now this year's charm is a rare thing.

Especially this kind of high-level spell, although I can't confirm the power of this spell, but judging from the power it shows now, the power of this thing is definitely no less than that of the magic weapon.


Just as I was wondering who sent this thing, my phone rang suddenly.

"Who is it?"

Seeing the unfamiliar number, I connected the phone with some doubts.

"I said, can your memory be worse? Didn't I leave your phone number when I left?"

Hearing the little Taoist's voice again, I really felt an inexplicable intimacy.

"I, I really didn't notice..."

I said with some embarrassment.

"Don't talk nonsense, boy, have you received the things I sent you?"

Before the voice on my side fell, the little Taoist had already asked straightforwardly.

"You mean the black charm?"

I reacted immediately and said for a long time that this thing was sent by him.

"Listen to me, ever since I came back from the mountains, I feel like there is something staring at me all the time. I guess it should be the same on your side. This is a spell drawn by my grand master. This piece The exorcism talisman can temporarily calm that thing!"

Hearing what the little Taoist said, my eyes widened immediately.

I originally thought that this thing was provoked by Wang Qingzhi, but I didn't expect this thing to be aimed at me.

And the little Taoist priest actually encountered exactly the same situation, and now I am really a little uneasy in my heart.

"Have you met too?"

I asked in disbelief.

"There are some things that I can't explain in a few words. My grand master is trying to figure out a way. As soon as there is news here, I will go to find you immediately. You must remember that no matter what you do in the past few days What are you going to do, you must bring this spell with you!"

"I see, don't worry, I will definitely take this thing with me!"

"Alright, there are some things that I can't explain on the phone. Let's talk about it when we meet. By the way, save my phone number. I'll call you when I arrive in Fancheng in a few days!"

After the little Taoist finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, but my mood could not be calm for a long time.

After carefully looking at the spell, I casually put it into my pocket.

Now, I don't even have the mind to draw a talisman. While randomly picking up the things left around me, I slowly figured out what to do next.

But at this moment, I suddenly remembered that when Wang Qingzhi left, he seemed to have left me a pamphlet.

After he left, I threw this thing into the sky.

Throughout the whole day today, I was also busy with the bank and Liu Mei's affairs.

As for the contents of the booklet, I haven't read anything until now.

Suddenly thinking of this matter, I didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, and hurriedly took out the blue booklet from the bedside table.

But what makes me angry is that this pamphlet is full of ghostly symbols. I have been looking here for a long time, but I just can't understand what is written on it.

Just when I thought I was being tricked, Lin Xiaorong suddenly floated over and looked at the booklet with a strange expression.

"you recognize?"

I looked at Lin Xiaorong a little strangely.

"Of course I do, isn't that weird?"

Lin Xiaorong looked at me innocently.

"Then what is written on it?"

I came to the spirit and asked quickly.

"This is a local chronicle, and it says a place called Yinlong Village."

Hidden Dragon Village?

I reacted suddenly, is this the mysterious little village?

I didn't care too much about it, so I handed the thing to Lin Xiaorong, and asked her to translate it for me.

After she finished translating, I suddenly felt my head hurt even more.

This is really a wave of ups and downs!

Only then did I realize that I forgot to ask the little Taoist priest about the black handprint on my back when I called him just now!

But even so, the matter of this hidden dragon village is enough for me to have a headache.

According to the records of this local chronicle, since 50 years ago, all foreigners who have been to this Yinlong village will turn black and die within three months at most...

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