Destiny Physician

Chapter 289 Dreaming?

"Do you think this is enough? If not, I'll ask someone to collect some more!"

I just made up my mind, and Liu Mei has already sent another message.

"That's enough, leave this matter to me."

I smiled and texted her back directly.

It's still early in the day, but I can just go back and catch up on a good night's sleep. I really feel a little sleepy after all this tossing around.

It's just that I just walked into the commercial street with my front foot, and I saw a bunch of people around the door of my store with my back foot.

"Boss, you are finally back!"

Seeing me approaching, Wang Ruoxi rushed to meet me.

"What's the matter? Why are there so many people around here? When did we get so lively here?"

I looked at her with some doubts.

Although this commercial street is very bustling, under normal circumstances, seven or eight people come by the gate of my store a day, which is considered a lot.

Now this hula has surrounded more than 20 people at once, I am really surprised.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday? That has a few big customers, and they put down the deposit early..."

When Wang Ruoxi said this, she looked at me strangely.

"Then you don't have to gather around here, can you tell me that all these people are our customers?"

Looking at those people around the door, I couldn't help the corners of my mouth twitching.

"It's not that exaggerated, but those people are waiting in the house now. Some of these people were brought by them, and the rest are just to watch the excitement..."

Wang Ruoxi said with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, I wanted to sleep at first, but now it seems that it is difficult to sleep..."

I really wanted to drive them all away, but I have already spent all the money, and now they want me to refund the deposit, but I can't even refund it.

I can only reluctantly settle these few business deals first. Anyway, according to Wang Qingzhi, these people should be brought by him for me.

"Let me introduce you, this is my boss Zhong Rui! Mr. Zhong!"

After leading me into the store, Wang Ruoxi hurriedly greeted several people.

"Mr. Zhong, you can be regarded as coming back. We people came here especially for the name, and we have been waiting for you here for more than half a month!"

A middle-aged man with a thin figure and a sallow complexion, seeing me walk in, immediately greeted me, and said with a wry smile.

"you are?"

"Look at my memory, I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Zhou Jianguo, and I run a cement and building materials business in our Fancheng. This time, it started half a month ago. I started it at home around twelve o'clock in the evening. Ping-pong noise..."

Zhou Jianguo looked around in fear while talking.

"Then how do you know me?"

I'm really curious, that old man Wang Qingzhi, how could he let these people come here?



Hearing what he said, I spit out the sip of water I just drank.

"I said you're not kidding me, are you?"

I couldn't help the corners of my mouth twitching for a while, what are you kidding, can dreams be real?

"Mr. Zhong, please help us, not only Lao Zhou, but also the rest of us. This house is in a state of restlessness, and we cannot return home. We are all the same. When we dream, we dream of your house. shop, the things in this dream are exactly the same as the furnishings in your shop, and even your appearance is exactly the same!"

A woman in her 50s, with white hair and a slightly fat body also stood up immediately, echoing in a low voice.

I couldn't help snickering in my heart, this guy Wang Qingzhi really has some ideas.

He can even come up with such an idea, and I admire him a little now.

"Those guys, otherwise, I just came back from other places recently, and I am really exhausted today. Otherwise, I will give each of you a spell first, and you take the spell back. I guarantee that you can sleep well tonight." How do you feel?"

There are currently six people sitting in this room. Judging from this, they should all have paid a deposit.

If we want to solve this, we have to come one by one. Seeing how they are now, if I finish solving them one by one, I'm afraid I won't have to sleep again today.

It's okay if it's normal, but the problem is, there's something invisible and intangible squatting beside me.

If you don't take the time to sleep during the day, it will be even more difficult at night.

"Then Mr. Zhong, let's see when you can help us solve it completely..."

Zhou Jianguo asked in a low voice.

"For the last few days, please leave your phone number and I'll call you one by one. Do you think it's okay?"

"You've already talked about this, so of course it's no problem, but, does your spell really work..."

It seemed that all of them were frightened by the things at home.

"Don't you know if it works? Don't you know if you try it? Don't worry, this spell is included in the total cost, and there is no need to pay extra!"

"That's fine, then I'll trouble you!"

"Those guys wait here for a while, I'll go up and prepare first!"

I don't have many Qingwei Taishu Zhensha Talismans left in my hand, and it seems that one is not enough at this time.

But fortunately, I got Chicken Blood and Chen Sha today, even if I draw a few temporary pictures for them, there should be still time.

After returning to the second floor, I changed my clothes and tidied up, and then I picked up the chicken blood and Chensha I just got today and started tossing.

After tossing and tossing for more than half an hour, I finally got together six Qingwei Taishu Suppressing Sha Talismans for them.

"Take these spells back and stick them on the bedroom door. I promise you can sleep well for a few days. When I have time these two days, I will help you solve them immediately. Do you think it's okay?"

Anyway, Wang Qingzhi made all these noises. I guess if I say hello to Wang Qingzhi tonight, their family should be at peace.

"I'll trouble you!"

Although they were still a little bit reluctant, I had already said so, and none of them dared to offend me, so they could only nod their heads in agreement.

After one person took a spell, they finally sent them away.

Seeing that the bustle was gone, all those watching the bustle at the door finally dispersed.

Finally, my family became quiet again.

"I'm a little sleepy today, I'll sleep for a while, you clean up, and if you don't have anything to do, go straight to get off work!"

Finally I can go back to catch up on sleep, I said to Wang Ruoxi while yawning.

"By the way, boss, someone delivered a package today, and I put it on the table on the second floor for you!"

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