Destiny Physician

Chapter 291 Be fooled!

As for why in the end, what was said here was very vague. It just said that a major event happened in the village, but there was no record of what it was.

After a lot of tossing around, I actually only know a place name, and I am really a little depressed now.

You don't need to think about it, but if you go to Wang Qingzhi at this time, that old guy must not admit it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to fool me with this thing, I really regret it now, if I knew it, I should have inspected the goods last night before letting go of that old thing.

But it's too late to say anything now. If the old guy is not sick, I guess the two of us will have no way to see each other from now on.

"Master, that talisman on your body is terrifying!"

Just when I was a little depressed, Lin Xiaorong said suddenly.

"You said this thing? Can you sense it?"

I looked at Lin Xiaorong a little strangely. Normally speaking, ordinary people would not be able to sense things like spells if they were not activated. Even the spirit body's ability to sense this thing is very limited.

But now Lin Xiaorong's reaction to this thing is so big, I'm really a little surprised.

"Of course I can sense it, this thing is scary!"

Lin Xiaorong subconsciously moved away from me while talking.

However, this made me uneasy, and finally calmed down a little bit. The greater the power of this thing, the safer I am now. With this thing, at least in a short period of time, I should not have to worry about it. Something missing.

"Forget it, let's go out tonight, we just have something to do!"

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to deal with Liu Mei's matter first tonight.

After all, the clue to the black handprint has been broken now, unless I go back to that village with the little Taoist now, otherwise, the two of us probably won't find any useful news.

Anyway, the curse also said that within three months, which means that the two of us should have three months to solve this matter slowly. When the little Taoist finds out some clues, we It should be too late for the two to go back together.

"it is good!"

Even Lin Xiaorong has now become a spiritual servant, but she still has a little bit of a young girl's detachment in her body.

As soon as I heard that I was going to take her out, the whole person immediately became excited, and she even forgot how terrible the spell was.

I shook my head with a wry smile, and then simply packed up my things.

After locking the store door, he took a taxi and took Lin Xiaorong all the way to Liu Mei's company.

Of course, on the way there, I sent a text message to Zhang Shisan, asking him to find a few reliable people to help him.

When I came downstairs to Liumei Company again, Zhang Shisan had already waited at the gate of the parking lot with seven or eight strong men.

"Mr. Zhong, can you see them?"

After seeing me get off the car, Zhang Shisan hurried over to greet me.

"As long as you are reliable and strict with your mouth, nothing else matters!"

"Don't worry, they are absolutely reliable, these people are good brothers who have been tested!"

Hearing what I said, Zhang Shisan hurriedly said.

"Okay then, let's start there first, are the shovels you brought ready?"

As I spoke, I looked at the situation around me.

This is the headquarters of the Liu Group. The operating conditions of the Liu Group have been very unsatisfactory recently. If it weren't for the life-saving money I took out today, it is estimated that there is no one in the entire office building at this time. It's two different things.

So under such circumstances, the entire Liu Group is like a ghost at night, except for the few security guards, basically no one can be seen.

But even so, I chose a shady location.

"Ready, are we going to dig something?"

After all, Zhang Shisan has already cooperated with me before, so speaking of it, he is quite familiar with the road.

Looking at the engineer shovel they took out, I nodded with great satisfaction, and then pointed to a big tree in the corner, indicating that they could start working.

I have to make sure now, is the crystal pillar standing under these big trees still there?

After confirming this matter, we can decide what to do next.

After all, there should be cumbersome runes on these crystal pillars, which are a kind of feng shui magic weapon.

Moreover, it is a heavy tool, and the production process is extremely cumbersome. At the very least, with my current skills, I ask myself that I still don't have the ability to make this thing.

Following Zhang Shisan's order, the security guards waved their engineering shovels one by one, and began to dig down around the big tree.

"Mr. Zhong, is there anything down here?"

Seeing those young men starting to work in full swing, Zhang Shisan quietly approached me and asked in a low voice.

"Why ask so many questions? Knowing too much is not a good thing!"

Although I have absolute trust in him, there are many things that ordinary people like him still don't know.

After hearing what I said, Zhang Shisan nodded in embarrassment, and then didn't dare to ask any more questions.

When I got to the big tree, I found out that the fake tree was so lifelike.

During the day, I walked around under this tree, but I just didn't realize that it was a fake tree.

If it wasn't for what Liu Mei said, I guess at this moment, I'm still wondering if something went wrong in the building.

"It seems to have dug something!"

Not long after, a bodyguard suddenly called out.

Immediately, I came to the spirit and took out the flashlight from my pocket, and went directly to it.

"You guys come up first, leave this place to me!"

The physical strength of these guys is indeed good. In just half an hour, they have already dug down more than one meter deep.

It's just that, after I pushed away the floating soil and saw the things below clearly, I was immediately disappointed.

Where is the shadow of the crystal pillar below, what they dug out was a huge concrete pier.

The last sliver of luck in my heart is completely gone, and now the trouble is really a bit big, if those things can't be found, I'm afraid it will be almost impossible to restore this big formation.

"Fill in here!"

"Fill in?"

Hearing what I said, Zhang Shisan immediately widened his eyes.

"Fill it in again, forget what happened tonight, and restore this place to its original state, as if you have never been here tonight..."

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