Destiny Physician

Chapter 288 Li Guowei

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

Seeing the weird expression on my face, Liu Mei hurriedly asked.

"Who is your logistics manager? Is this person reliable?"

This matter is already like this now, even if it is dealt with, it will have to wait until night. Now I am more concerned about who is this logistics manager?

How could it be possible to win six fake trees of this size for 1 yuan?

You must know that in this day and age, fake things are far more valuable than real ones.

What's more, these trees are so vividly made, even if I walked around a lot below, I didn't find any difference between these things and the real ones.

Fake trees can be so fake that they are sold to Liu Mei at such a low price. It is obvious that someone is behind the scenes.

"He is my father's old subordinate, so it shouldn't be so..."

Liu Mei looked at me in disbelief.

"Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, what is impossible to happen in this day and age?"

"Then how about I call him in and ask?"

Hearing what I said, Liu Mei asked tentatively.

"I'm afraid he won't tell you about this kind of thing even if you ask him!"

"It's just a few trees. With his current status, is it possible that he still needs to take such a small kickback..."

Liu Mei said with some disapproval.

"This feng shui technique is not as simple as you think. Don't you think that the few trees planted outside were planted by your father on a whim back then? These six trees and the building itself are one and the same Great formation, those six trees are part of the formation eye!"

"Big array?"

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be a crystal pillar buried under each of the six trees! This large formation is called the Seven Stars Gathering Fortune Formation. It absorbs the vitality from all directions through these six large trees, and finally gathers in the In this building! Now, you have turned the real tree into a fake tree, not only can’t gather vitality, but also damaged your own foundation, it’s no wonder that this company has no accidents!”

After listening to what I said, Liu Mei finally realized the seriousness of this matter. After all, although the art of Feng Shui is invisible and intangible, the affairs of the Liu family are still fresh in her memory.

"Then, what do we do now?"

Liu Mei looked at me with some panic.

"Don't worry, just pretend it never happened, and leave it to me!"

At this time, they still don't know who the other party is. If they startle the snake at this time, the clue will be broken.

If you can't find out the other party directly, it will be too difficult to find out in the future.

"Then do you want me to find a few people to cooperate with you?"

Liu Mei asked tentatively.

"There's no need for this. The people around you have too many goals. I'd better act alone! You can ask someone to find his information for me, it's better to be more detailed."

If Zhang Shisan and the others were dispatched, as long as the other party found out, they would immediately guess that Liu Mei had begun to suspect him.

So after all, I still have to act alone on this matter.

What's more, I have Lin Xiaorong as my spiritual servant. If you want to follow this kind of thing, is there anyone more suitable than her?

"Then be careful!"

"Don't worry, it's not the first time I've done this kind of thing. Don't you still believe in my skills? By the way, is there still a big gap in the company's capital chain?"

In any case, although the art of feng shui has a great influence on people, it can't make money out of thin air. This specific thing still needs to be done in detail.

Liu Mei's company is in a mess right now. Even if I can help him solve the feng shui problem, if the funding gap is really too big, I really have no other way now.

"With the money you sent, it should be enough. If the situation doesn't continue to deteriorate, I guess it should be able to survive this time..."

"Go ahead. The company is in a mess. I can't help you with these matters. You have to deal with the specific matters yourself! I'll go back and prepare first, and you can just send me his information later. Already!"

Hearing what he said, I finally feel at ease in my heart, otherwise, if I am asked to get money next time, I am afraid I will have to cheat.

"Zhong Rui!"

I was almost at the door when Liu Mei suddenly stopped me.


I turned around suspiciously.

"Thank you!"

"Isn't mine yours? What are you talking about?"

I smiled, then pushed open the door and walked out.

On my way back to the store, Liu Mei finally sent the materials over.

Li Guowei, 47 years old, a native of Fancheng, followed Liu Mei, the veteran of his father's business, and also has five points of shares in the company.

Such a person, no matter from which angle it looks, does not seem to be the one who will betray Liu Mei.

Could it be that this guy was being plotted against?

Just when I was a little confused, Liu Mei sent another photo.

After zooming in on the photo, my brows immediately wrinkled together.

Although there are very few things that can be seen in just one photo, it is enough for me to have a preliminary understanding of him. The most attractive thing about this guy named Li Guowei is his eyebrows.

First of all, his eyebrows are very short. Normal people's eyebrows should start from the tip of the eye and end slightly beyond the end of the eye.

But his eyebrows were gone until the middle of his eyes, and the two bullets were rising obliquely at high speed.

According to the master's teaching, according to my "Sen Luo Xiang Ren Jing", people with moderate eyebrow length are mostly gentle and elegant.

Two high-numbered ones are called vertical eyebrows. Although expensive, they are mostly brave and cruel people who live alone.

Then there are his eyes, which are called censors in physiognomy.

The eyes are the window to the soul, and the daily living conditions, emotions, emotions, personality and state of mind can all be expressed through the eyes.

It can be said that looking at the shape of a person's eyes can basically tell how a person's personality is.

The distance between the two eyes of this guy is extremely small, and the root of the mountain is narrow. According to the saying in physiognomy, this guy must be a brave and ruthless person.

Then there is his nose, which can be clearly seen that his nose is slightly crooked.

Physiognomy says that if the nose is not right, the heart is not right. Although he does not have the intention of harming others, he is also a selfish and ungrateful person.

Judging from his appearance alone, I'm afraid this matter has something to do with him in all likelihood.

If he had been tricked, I might really have nothing to do with him.

But now it seems that this matter was done on purpose by himself, so this matter will be easier to handle.

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