Destiny Physician

Chapter 287 Seven-Star Gathering Wealth Formation

Obviously, she didn't want me to see her embarrassed look.

"You are my woman, can I not come at this time?"

I smiled, then swaggered to her side, stretched out my hand and pressed her on the chair next to her.

"Oh, I didn't see it, there is a hero who saves the beauty here! Kid, do you know how much she owes us? You don't even think about your own identity when you come here to save the beauty!"

A middle-aged man in a black suit said with a strange smile.

Although I don't know who they are, I can probably guess that these people belong to the same group. They came here today for this office building.

"You guys are bullying a little girl, what should I say about you? Don't you have any shame?"

I sneered, and then went straight back.

"It's no problem if you want a hero to save the beauty, then please return this pile of IOUs!"

A bald man took a step forward while talking, and directly slapped a thick stack of loan contracts on Liu Mei's desk.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, you'd better not get involved, or else you should go back first, and I will come to you in a few days..."

Liu Mei said in a low voice.

"What are you talking about? How can I back down when I'm your man?"

While I was talking, I picked up the thick stack of contracts.

"Don't worry about it, this is a contract that Ms. Liu borrowed from us for a period of one month. As of today, the total amount including principal and interest is 980 million!"

The bald man looked at Liu Mei with a lewd smile while talking.

"These things have nothing to do with him!"

Liu Mei said stubbornly.

"If you don't have the strength, don't pretend to be aggressive here. You are such a poor guy, what kind of hero do you come here to pretend to be? Didn't you say that you are her man? Are you paying her back the money today, or what?"

Before she finished speaking, the bald head was already looking at me mockingly.

"Okay, isn't it just such a small amount of money? As for letting them make trouble here? I gave you the card just now, and you insist on taking it yourself. I sent it to you specially!"

I didn't bother to talk to him and smiled directly, then reached out and took out the bank card from my pocket, and put it on the table in front of Liu Mei.

"That's enough, boy, don't act here, we people are not easy to fool, unless you take out the money in real money today, otherwise, don't play tricks here!"

The man in black who spoke at the beginning exchanged glances with his accomplices, and then spoke directly.

"Go get the company's chief financial officer!"

I didn't look at him, I just turned my head to look at Zhang Shisan and said.

Zhang Shisan immediately cast a questioning look at Liu Mei, and Liu Mei seemed surprised by what I said just now.

After a long while, he nodded towards Zhang Shisan.

Soon, a middle-aged woman in her 40s opened the door and walked in.

"Miss, are you looking for me?"

"There are 9000 million in this card, and the password is six or eight. You take it first and pay back their money. By the way, let them write the receipt clearly for me!"

As I spoke, I pushed the bank card in front of the woman.


Hearing what I said, everyone in the office fell silent.

"Please, everyone!"

Seeing that I finally controlled the situation, Zhang Shisan excitedly said to those people.

"Boy, if you dare to play us, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

While talking, several people kept exchanging glances.

It seems that my arrival today completely disrupted all of their plans.

However, seeing their stunned faces, I really felt an inexplicable excitement in my heart.

It feels so good to be rich!

It's just that when I think about spending the 9000 million, I became a pauper again in the blink of an eye. Now I really have a feeling of hopelessness in my heart.

"Where did you get so much money..."

After those people had all walked out, Liu Mei pursed her lips before speaking to me.

"Of course I earned it. Otherwise, why do you think I went this month?"

Of course, I can't tell her about those dangerous things at this time, so I can only say them with a smile.


"Okay, it's nothing but yours, isn't mine? By the way, how did you become like this? Even if the company is short of money, it won't be so short, right?"

Anyway, there are no outsiders here, so I simply asked directly.

"I don't know what's going on this month. Anyway, everything is not going well. The situation was almost stabilized, but suddenly, the loan that had been negotiated was canceled directly. The contract that has been negotiated, the other party suddenly broke the contract, and even would rather pay liquidated damages than continue to do business with us..."

When Liu Mei said this, she also had a look of helplessness.

"Has anything strange happened to the company recently, or has any strange person visited?"

While talking to him, I walked to the window and looked down through the huge French windows.

Looking down from here, the entire surrounding scene can basically be seen at a glance.

"It seems to be nothing..."

Liu Mei frowned and recalled what happened recently, and after pondering for a moment, she said seriously.

"Your company's feng shui is very problematic now. Yin, yin, yang and yang are all reversed. It seems that this is a trick by an expert!"

While talking, I finally saw the layout of the entire building outside. If I read correctly, this is the Seven Star Gathering Wealth Formation on the Qingwei Taishu Zhenjie.

The whole body of this office building is circular, and the entire exterior is covered with curtain wall glass, which looks like a huge glass cylinder.

And the six podocarpus pines surrounding the entire building are the other six eyes of the entire formation.

If I guessed correctly, there should be a huge crystal pillar buried under each of the six big trees.

Through the power of the formation, gather all the vitality around in the entire building, and finally ensure that the company in this building has no taboos and makes money every day.

"Hands and feet? It seems that nothing strange has happened in this building recently..."

"No! It's not the six big trees outside the building. Has anyone moved them recently?"

After seeing clearly the layout of the entire formation, I immediately reacted.

"Are you talking about those pine trees? A few days ago, the company's logistics department said that those trees were suddenly dead, bare, and looked ugly. It happened that someone sold a batch of fake trees, and the price was very cheap. Six The tree cost less than 1 yuan, so I let them buy it and replace it, is there anything wrong?"

"You said that the six pine trees below are all fake trees?"

My face suddenly became weird...

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