Destiny Physician

Chapter 279 Black Handprint

"What do you mean to say, you almost killed me, but you just introduced me a few businesses, and you just want to get away with it? Is my life only worth that little money?"

Seeing that Wang Qingzhi was about to run away at any time, I simply waved my sleeves and pinched a weird formula in my hand.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up on the ground of the second floor, and immediately after, all the core papers flew into the air, and the bright red runes on the ground seemed to come alive all of a sudden.

This massive formation was immediately mobilized by me.

"I said, little brother, we have something to discuss. Do you insist on fighting with me? You have to think about it clearly. I'm a ghost messenger. If you really fight, you will suffer."

This was the first time I saw a scared expression on Wang Qingzhi's face.

Now I understand this old guy, this time he is completely cowardly.

"Really? Although I have narrowly escaped death this time, my strength has improved somewhat. Otherwise, senior, you can give me some advice today?"

While talking, I took out a stack of charms from my pocket.

"Little brother, what are you doing? Don't forget my identity."

"What? Don't you know what I'm going to do, senior?"

As I spoke, I began to activate the formation.

This formation originally existed exclusively for spirit bodies, and the formation has just begun to activate.

Wang Qingzhi's body began to become blurred. Although he stabilized quickly, his expression also became a little unnatural.

"Stop! Stop!"

I could tell that he was really panicked, but it's just that he put on such a big posture tonight, of course I couldn't just let him go.

Otherwise, I am a little sorry for the suffering I have suffered this time.

The knuckles in my hand were constantly changing, and the formations on the ground began to emit bursts of dazzling red light.

In this dark night, these red lights are so dazzling.

With the appearance of these red lights, Wang Qingzhi didn't dare to push him any further.

The backhand conjured a mourning stick from the void, and then threw it directly at me.

However, just when his body was about to rush out of the edge of the formation, a light curtain shot up into the sky, and his whole body seemed to have crashed into a speeding truck.

Without any resistance, he was thrown into the air, and fell heavily to the ground.

The originally solid body immediately became somewhat illusory.

For a ghost like him, the more solid his body is, the stronger his strength will be.

Just this moment just now is enough time for him to practice for more than ten years.

"Little brother, we have something to talk about, something to talk about."

Otherwise, these guys are all bullying and fearing the hard, and this guy immediately started to give up when he saw that he was going to suffer.

"I really don't know what else the two of us have to say. I really treat you as a brother. Every time I ask you to make a move, I don't mean to bargain at all, but how did you treat me? "

I sneered and stared at him angrily.

"It's really not my fault, no, no, it's my fault, I can't help it..."

Wang Qingzhi originally wanted to shirk responsibility, but he changed his words immediately when he saw the angry look on my face halfway through the sentence.

"I said people are talking nonsense, do you think I will believe your words tonight?"

Looking at his perfunctory look, I really don't want to talk nonsense with him.

Seeing that the 4 weeks of red light began to slowly shrink inward, Wang Qingzhi really panicked this time.

"Little brother, you have something to say, you have something to say. You are also facing a catastrophe now. Without my help, I'm afraid it won't take long for you to kill me today, and you will be out of your wits."

"It's already here. At this moment, you are still threatening you with false voices. Do you think I will still believe what you say?"

How could I trust him again after being fooled so much this time?

No matter what he says, anyway, I don't have any intention of letting him go.

The fingers in his hand continued to urge, and he couldn't stop chanting words.

The power of this formation was quickly pushed to the extreme by me, and Wang Qingzhi's body began to become a little distorted.

"When you went out this time, did you accidentally enter a ancestral hall by mistake?"

Seeing that I would not believe him no matter what he said, Wang Qingzhi was really impatient, just said that.

"Ancestral hall?"

Hearing what he said, I felt a little hesitant in my heart.

If we really talk about it, the danger in that ghost village is no less than that of Wawu Mountain.

"That's right, did you enter the entrance of an ancestral hall by mistake, and there are still two lanterns made of corpse scalps hanging there!"

Seeing that I stopped what I was doing, Wang Qingzhi said hastily.

"Say it clearly! So what if I go in? I've already come back alive. Is there anything else that can come here directly?"

My pupils shrank. Although I still had some doubts about what this guy said, I still frowned and asked.

"Although you came back alive, you have caused yourself a terrible disaster. If you don't believe it, take off your clothes and see if there is a black handprint on your shoulder!"

Hearing what he said, my heart really beat a little.

"I'm trapped by your formation right now. Anyway, I can't move now. You can go and see it now, and we'll talk about the next thing."

Seeing that my heart was a little moved, Wang Qingzhi said hastily.

"If you dare to play tricks, then don't blame me for being rude."

After hesitating for a moment, I tore off my shirt.

After tearing off my blouse, I realized that on my left shoulder, at some point, there was already a handprint the size of a baby's fist.

That pitch-black color doesn't look good, and now I'm really a little panicked.

When the two of us came out of that weird village, we went to take a shower together.

When I took a shower, I didn't find any fingerprints on my body.

It's only been a few days, why did such a ghost appear all of a sudden?

"I didn't lie to you, did I? You also need my help! This time, we are even, how about it?"

Seeing the solemn expression on my face, Wang Qingzhi said hastily.

"How do you know these things? Are you going to tell me that all this is part of your plan?"

I gritted my teeth and looked at Wang Qingzhi with a murderous look on my face.

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