Destiny Physician

Chapter 280 Mantra Mantra

Although this guy is a ghost, he is not omnipotent. In addition, when the two of us had an accident, it was thousands of miles away. I don't believe that this guy has such a great ability to follow him all the way there. .

Besides, with my current ability, I can deal with this kid.

Not to mention the little Taoist, and the two standing inside the lantern, I don't know what it is until now.

The only explanation is that this old man has known about the weirdness of that village for a long time, so he deliberately led me there.

"No, no, little brother, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, I didn't mean that at all, I, I can't help it..."

"You made it clear to me. If you can't say clearly, you will die or I will die today! Of course, before I die, I will definitely let your soul fly away, and you will never be reborn forever!"

I can also see that this old thing belongs to the donkey. If you give him a good look, he will immediately start playing tricks with you.

Seeing my murderous look, Wang Qingzhi's expression changed several times, and finally he let out a long sigh and told the truth.

"Brother, what I said earlier is actually true, it's just that I hid something from you, but you also know that I'm just a ghost messenger, and someone said hello here, and I can't help it! "

"So according to what you said, you created that remnant soul by yourself?"

After listening to him, I gritted my teeth and asked again.

"Probably, maybe, maybe, right..."

"I'll go to your uncle!"

I was really anxious by his words, it's a fucking time, this old boy is still playing tricks on me here.

"Little brother, don't be angry. I, I have no other choice."

Wang Qingzhi looked at me with a wry smile.

"I have no other choice? You have no choice but to kill the young master? It's a waste of my trust in you before, how dare you set up a trick to kill me!"

The more I talked, the more angry I got. After talking for a long time, the remnant soul was the bait this guy made for me.

If it weren't for my fate, I guess the little Taoist priest and I would have died in that mountain at this time.

"Little brother, don't be impulsive, you've gotten into big trouble now, and I feel a little sorry for you, so I've collected a lot of information for you these days!"

While Wang Qingzhi was talking, he hurriedly took out a faint blue booklet from his sleeve.

"Who told you to deal with me? Tell me clearly!"

Thinking about the things I encountered in the cave with the little Taoist priest, I feel uncomfortable all over at this moment.

How could it be possible to let him go just because of his flirtatious words.

Besides, it is really hard for me to believe what he said, after all, I am just an unknown kid.

If you want to say that I am a little famous in this place with a few miles around.

But to say that I have any reputation in the underworld, that is simply nonsense.

"I don't know who is above. They only say that it was arranged by a big person above. I can't help it."

"Since there is no way, then you go to die!"

I was so angry, how could I be polite to him, while pinching my fingers, while holding the money sword in my hand, I started to cast spells again.

The power of this talisman array is really extraordinary, and I am not the Wuxia Amon of the day, after the superposition of these two factors, it didn't take long for Wang Qingzhi to start begging for mercy.

His originally solid body began to continuously emit black smoke, and after a while, his whole body began to become a little illusory.

"Say it or not, if you're still stubborn here, then you won't have a third chance!"

"I really don't know, even if you kill me, I don't know!"

Wang Qingzhi couldn't stop howling, until now he still refused to let go.

Hearing what he said, I really murmured a little in my heart.

Looking at him now, it seems that he really doesn't know anything.

Otherwise, just like his bullying character, it is impossible for him to persist until now.

"It's not impossible if you want me to spare you, but the two of us have to settle the account!"

After hesitating for a moment, I finally let out a long breath.

"You say it, you say it!"

Hearing what I said, Wang Qingzhi quickly put on a smile.

Seeing him begging for mercy now, I really feel sick in my heart.

If it weren't for the black handprint on my shoulder, I haven't figured out what it is until now, I really want to slash this bastard now.

"Then I'll just say, you tricked me out this time, and it's been almost a month of tossing around, and there were more than a dozen narrow escapes, and you lost my big cock Don't you think you should be responsible for this loss?"

Although there is no way to kill him, I know in my heart that this old bastard still holds a lot of money in Yangjian.

This bastard's money is also money.

Liu Mei doesn't know what's going on now, I need a lot of money urgently.

"That's right, that's right, I should be responsible for this! Why don't you think this is better? Little brother, can I make this number?"

Wang Qingzhi raised a finger while speaking.

"I said, where are you sending the beggar? Is the young master's life worth such a little money?"

As soon as I rolled my eyes, Wang Qingzhi's whole body trembled immediately.

"Then, how much did you say?"

His body is still emitting black smoke. If it continues according to the current situation, it may not take long. Even if he is a ghost messenger, he will be out of his wits.

"Spit out all the money in Yangjian left in your hands! This matter is considered even between the two of us. By the way, stick this to yourself!"

While talking, I took out a light blue charm from my pocket.

This thing is called the mantra, as the name suggests, after sticking it on the body, what comes out of this mouth can only be the truth.

If you tell a lie, you can't help but slap yourself.

Although it's relatively partial, but in Qingwei Taishu's true understanding, this thing's ranking is actually higher than the Golden Armor Talisman.

Of course, because this thing has no attack power, nor any defense power, so there is only this one in the thick stack of spells in my hand.

"This, what is this?"

Wang Qingzhi trembled all over, looking at the talisman I threw on the ground.

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