"Leave them alone. I'll take a two-day rest first. By the way, I've worked hard for you during this time. Just get off work early today."

After this narrow escape, I really have a little bit of resistance to this business now.

If it weren't for the fact that I really don't have any other abilities now, I really want to close this shop and stay away from this business completely from now on.

"Then I'll clean up the sanitation here, and I'll go back first!"

After Wang Ruoxi finished speaking, she smiled sweetly, and continued with the work at hand.

Lying on my recliner, basking in the warm sunshine, I fell asleep in a daze after a while, and I didn't even know when Wang Ruoxi left.

By the time I woke up, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

After warming up the takeaway that Wang Ruoxi left on the table, I took a bite of the meal.

It was only then that I remembered, it seemed that I should really call Liu Mei at this time.

But coincidentally, no matter what, her phone calls were always disconnected, and no one answered her.

After returning to the city from that primitive world, I suddenly felt that all the strength in my body had disappeared, and I didn't want to move at all.

Although I just woke up, I still don't have any interest in other things now.

Of course, except for one thing.

If it weren't for the constant instigation of that old man Wang Qingzhi, how could I have gotten involved in this kind of thing.

If you say that the old guy doesn't know what's going on in Wawu Mountain, I absolutely refuse to believe it.

After all, he is a ghost!

I don't know how many years I've been in this business, even if he hasn't been in it himself, the things that the messy wandering ghosts he came into contact with can probably be measured by car.

This old thing is completely cheating me on this matter this time.

If I don't seek justice from him, I'll feel really aggrieved in my heart.

Anyway, the rune in my hand is still there, and it’s already dark today, if I don’t get this old thing out to settle the score, how can I swallow this breath in my heart?

He simply packed up his things, then hurried to the bathroom to take a shower.

I just returned to my room and found a thick stack of talisman papers. I finally felt a little bit of security in my heart.

When I think of that guy Wang Qingzhi, I can't wait to strangle him to death.

Considering that this old thing comes and goes without a trace, I quickly flipped through the Yinshan Secret Record.

Sure enough, I quickly found a talisman array called Liuhe Locking Soul Array inside.

This thing is different from ordinary formations, and it is specially used to deal with spirit bodies.

Thinking about it, even if Wang Qingzhi is a ghost, he should still be a spirit body, after all, he doesn't have a real body.

Hatred is really the best motivation, although the layout of this talisman array is extremely cumbersome.

However, when I thought of subduing this old bastard for a while, I would be able to deal with him severely, and my blood immediately began to surge in my heart.

I don't know if the effect of hatred is too great, or because my own talent is indeed in this area.

This time, it took me less than an hour to actually copy this set of talismans.

Looking at the densely packed runes on the ground, I was really proud in my heart. With this thing, even if that old bastard Wang Qingzhi came, he wouldn't even think about running away.

Today is different from the past, and now I am not the little bastard who was manipulated casually by him back then!

Although this trip to Wawu Mountain has brought me countless troubles, and almost lost my life several times in a row, my strength and fighting experience have also been honed.

If that old thing dares to fight me tonight, he will definitely be able to surprise him.

After preparing the talisman array, I quickly pasted the Qingwei Taishu Zhensha talisman on all the doors and windows.

At the same time, I specially made up a few bad luck charms in my hand, and only then did I look around with satisfaction.

Except for the somewhat obvious runes on the ground, it seems that there is nothing to prepare.

After thinking about it for a while, I found a stack of cell paper from the cabinet next to it, and carefully spread it on the ground one by one, covering all the runes on the ground.

Very good and perfect.

I put the lightning strike wooden bracelet left by my master on my wrist, and then used my own blood to sharpen the money sword before carrying it behind my back.

Everything was ready, so I used that rune to summon Wang Qingzhi again.

Probably the old guy didn't expect that my strength would improve so much this time, so after a while, I actually appeared on the second floor of my shop again.

"Brother, when did you come back? This is a great thing to celebrate, how is it? How is the harvest this time? Have you found the remnant soul?"

Wang Qingzhi obviously didn't find anything wrong at the scene, and kept asking about the remnant soul with all his heart.

"I said, Brother Wang, have you forgotten something?"

I sneered, and then slowly walked towards Wang Qingzhi.

Speaking of which, this was the first time I took the initiative to join him, and Wang Qingzhi immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

Looking at the Qingwei Taishu Zhenshafu pasted on the surrounding windows and walls, Wang Qingzhi finally felt a little scared.

"What am I going to do? Brother Wang, don't you know what's going on in your mind? What's going on in Wawu Mountain? Don't you know it yourself?"

While talking, I took out the money sword from my back.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense, as long as this old man dared to talk nonsense again, I would immediately raise my knife and slash down with my sword.

"Don't, don't, I said little brother, I really feel guilty about this matter, and I also have some small thoughts, but are you okay? Besides, haven't I been trying my best to make up for it these days?"

While Wang Qingzhi was talking, he couldn't stop stepping back.

There is an old saying that people are three percent afraid of ghosts, and ghosts are seven percent afraid of people.

This sentence is absolutely correct, the yang qi in a living person is a kind of tonic to these yin and evil things to some extent.

However, if it was too close, it would be a kind of harm to them.

Especially for a cultivator like me, the three yang fires brought by nature are really extremely strong.

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