Destiny Physician

Chapter 251 Giant Beast

"When is it? You still have the mind to talk nonsense here, or think about what we two should do."

Feeling the vibration from the ground, listening to the deafening footsteps, the little Taoist's face was pulled like a bitter melon.

"What to do? How do I know what to do?"

Now I am really a little desperate, the surrounding area is pitch black, even if I have natural yin and yang eyes, at this moment I can only see clearly the position less than ten meters in front of me.

Although I don't know what's going on with him, I guess it's not much better than mine.

Just listening to this deafening voice, I also know that this guy's speed is absolutely astonishing. With the current state of the two of us, it's hard to say.

I'm afraid, I don't even have the qualifications to be a dish for others.

"No, we can't sit still like this! Let's climb up!"

The little one gritted his teeth, and then said quickly.

Whether I like it or not, at this moment, this seems to be the only way we can do it.

The direction he walked in just now was aggressive, and it was obvious that the place should be used by the monster as a place to defecate.

On the other side, although I don’t know what’s going on, I just walked out not far away, and I couldn’t bear it with my physical condition, so I was directly hit by an illusion. If the two of us rushed in now, I’m afraid we would have to escape even if we didn’t die. Layers of skin.

It's just that with his physical condition, I'm really not sure if this guy can climb up.

After all, he injured his ribs. Climbing upwards consumes the most energy. Now that he is on flat ground, he may still be able to support it. If he climbs upwards, it is really a near-death for him.

"Can you do it?"

I looked at the little Taoist priest with some concern.

"No, you have to do it, do you have another way?"

The little Taoist also had a wry smile on his face.

"I'll climb up first, you follow behind!"

While I was speaking, I directly touched the two golden coffin nails. At this time, only these things can save lives.

"Be careful, if it doesn't work, cut the rope."

The little Taoist gritted his teeth and said.

"What are you talking about? The two of us came together, of course we have to go back together. If you are gone, do you think I can get out of this cave alone?"

I glared at him angrily, and didn't care too much. After tying the rope a little tighter, I jumped up vigorously, then fixed my body with two coffin nails, and kept climbing up.

At this moment, I am really very fortunate. If my right hand hadn't mutated, I don't know how many times I would have died.

After climbing up more than ten meters, I could clearly hear the rumble below, and it began to get closer.

I hastened to spare my strength and continued to climb upwards.

"You fucking come up quickly, what are you waiting for?"

Until now, I still haven't felt the pull from the other end of the rope.

So I didn't care so much anymore, and hurriedly shouted down.

"Come on, come on, what are you urging!"

Listening to the impatient voice of the little Taoist priest, my heart was finally relieved.

In this deep cave, if it wasn't for him, I would have collapsed long ago.

When I just crossed the chain bridge, I felt that my physical strength was about to be exhausted. I didn't slow down in the first place, and now I have to do this kind of exhausting movement.

After only climbing more than 40 meters, I felt that all the bones in my body were about to fall apart.

The breathing from the mouth became more and more rapid, and it seemed that what was exhaled from the lungs was no longer air.

"I can't fucking crawl, what do you think? Can you do it?"

After a lot of effort, the little Taoist finally climbed to the position under my feet, and I muttered while recovering my strength.

"Take a break, anyway, life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky!"

The little Taoist priest is already drenched in sweat. I guess he has reached the limit of his physical strength. After all, even if his physical fitness is better than mine, there is a limit to how strong he is.

He had already injured his ribs, and he had to exercise forcefully along the way, so he didn't know what the injury would look like.

Even if he has kung fu, he is still a mortal body after all.


At this moment, a muffled roar suddenly came from the position under his feet.

In an instant, I felt that my eardrums were almost shattered, so I quickly closed my mouth and held my breath.

The little Taoist also hurriedly held his breath, carefully watching the scene behind him.

"What the hell did I see..."

Hearing what Xiaodao said, I quickly turned my head and looked down at my feet.

Just less than 3 meters below our two feet, a head with a diameter of two or three meters is slowly moving forward.

This guy's body is hidden in the darkness, I really can't see clearly.

But this head is very much like the tortoise in the stone carving in front!

"Is this a fucking turtle?"

I swallowed hard and muttered to myself.

"To shut up!"

As soon as my words fell, that huge head actually looked directly at the two of us.

The hairs all over my body stood up all of a sudden, doubting the size of this guy, if it wants to eat the two of us, it seems that it only needs one mouth.

I've managed to survive until now, and at this moment, I don't want to just be in this deep cave as rations for this guy.

"His mother has been found, hurry up!"

Seeing those two huge eyes staring at the two of us, the little Taoist couldn't care less about it anymore, and climbed up desperately.

In this desperation, I don't know where I got a burst of strength, and I started to climb up quickly regardless of everything.

I don't know if the two of us are scaring ourselves, or this guy is not interested in the two of us at all. After staring at us for a while, it didn't catch up.

While crawling, I suddenly felt a strong mountain wind blowing from the position of my right hand.

"Look over here!"

Wind means there is a hole, so I hurriedly called out to the little Taoist priest.

"There is an exit!"

Feeling the fresh air in the mountain wind, the little Taoist was also surprised.

The two of us can't care so much anymore. Although this guy doesn't seem to be interested in the two of us now, if it becomes curious, then our lives will be gone.

After finally struggling and jumping into the hole, I felt that my whole body was almost going to collapse.

"I don't want to climb mountains anymore in my life. I want to stay in the city for the rest of my mother's life and never come out."

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