Destiny Physician

Chapter 250 Crow's Mouth

"You too, be careful!"

The little Taoist nodded, and then went straight to the left, while I went to the right.

Although the two of us can be regarded as showing their own abilities, after all, there is still no way to take care of the details in the dark.

So the rope around the waist has almost become the last protection for the two of us.

Along this bare mountain wall, the further I walked, the more desolate the front became, and when I reached the end, there was not even moss left.

The surrounding stones began to become drier, and the temperature was significantly higher.

When I reached out to touch the stone wall, I could clearly feel that the stone wall was a bit hot.

After walking forward for tens of meters, I suddenly smelled a strong smell of sulfur.

I suddenly had a bad premonition in my heart. Could it be that there will be some crater ahead?

But if you think about it carefully, this kind of thing is a bit unlikely. After all, where is the volcano near Qingshen County?

But as I walked, I suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Little Taoist priest! Come and have a look, I seem to have discovered something here."

I immediately yelled into the darkness behind me.

But what made me feel strange was that the only answer was my own echo, and I immediately felt a chill on my back. What the hell is going on?Is this guy missing?

"What are you doing, little Taoist priest? Don't make such jokes."

I hurriedly yelled at the little Taoist priest.

But the answer to me is still only a long echo, other than that, there is almost no sound, not even the sound of walking.

I was really focused on my own situation just now, and I really didn't know anything about what happened behind me.

In a hurry, I couldn't care about anything else, I quickly reached out and grabbed the rope around my waist, trying to drag the little Taoist past.After all, there is a rope, this guy will not lose it.

However, as the rope in my hand was slowly withdrawn, my heart began to sink continuously...

In the blink of an eye, the rope in my hand has been retracted to a length of 60 meters, and I was stunned immediately.

"Little Taoist priest, where the hell are you? Don't make such jokes here!"

While talking, I accelerated the speed of receiving the rope, but I waited until the other end of the rope reached my hand, and then I sat on the ground in despair.

Beads of sweat immediately appeared on my forehead, just now this guy was reminding me not to untie the rope around my waist, so why did he untie the rope around my waist?

"Wake up, wake up!"

At this moment, I suddenly felt a layer of pain on my face, and then the little Taoist's voice came into my ears again.

"I... what's wrong with me?"

Obviously the little Taoist priest was lost, but now why did this guy suddenly appear in front of me again?

I was taken aback in horror.

"What the hell happened to you just now? I talked to you and told you for a long time that you didn't respond. You just stood here in a daze, and kept digging the stones on the stone wall with your hands. Your hands are fucking It's bleeding, why are you still buckling here?"

Xiaodao was talking while pointing at my hand.

Hearing what he said, I felt that my two hands were really in pain now, and even the nails on my right hand had turned over now.

"I, I had a dream just now. I seemed to dream that you were lost. I couldn't find you no matter how I looked, and then I woke up..."

After swallowing hard, I hurriedly told the little Taoist priest what happened to me just now.

"No, we can't go any further. If I'm not wrong, there must be something wrong with the air in front!"

The little Taoist hesitated for a moment, then said seriously.

"We're all here now, even if we want to go back now, I'm afraid it's too late, right? Besides, even if we can really go back, are you sure you can deal with those things?"

Thinking about those centipedes behind us, the two of us are really in a dilemma at this time.

"Do you feel any discomfort in your body? Or do you have any specific symptoms?"

After hearing what I said, the little Taoist was stunned for a moment, but finally compromised.

"I didn't feel anything special just now. I just felt that what happened just now seemed to be very real, as if it really happened."

The little Taoist hesitated for a moment, then said seriously.

"By the way, you walked there just now, did you find anything?"

Seeing the disappointed look in the little Taoist priest's eyes, I hurriedly asked again.

"Things, I didn't find anything. I just feel that the air over there is a bit choking. It's so fucking hot. It's like fucking entering a public toilet."

"Wait, what did you just say?"

When I reminded him like this, the little Taoist was taken aback for a moment, and beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

This is a cave!

The two of us have been wandering around in this cave for a long time, and now even I can't tell myself, how deep are we in the ground?Where is it here?What the fuck is this public restroom?

If you can smell urine, doesn't that mean that there should be some big guy in the place where the two of us are now?

Thinking about all the strange things I encountered along the way, I really feel that the bones in my whole body are a little crisp.

"I said the two of us won't send meat to people's mouths now, right? With our current situation, if we really encounter something..."

The little Taoist said in a low voice while looking at the surrounding environment.

"I said, can you wish me well, can you fucking shut this mouth up for me?"

If it weren't for this guy's injuries, I really want to give him a hammer now!

If this was a different environment, if another person said this, I would take him as a joke, but, with this situation, and this guy with a crow's mouth, I really have to be afraid now !


Sure enough, this damn guy is a crow's mouth.

As soon as his words fell, I felt a sound like a mountain shaking came from the darkness.

"After the two of us go out, I don't want to see you again in my life!"

Just listening to that huge sound, I have the urge to bump my head to death.

Why are there so many crow mouths in this world?

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