"I said, can you be honest for a while, I want to have a good sleep now."

The little Taoist actually started snoring while talking.

I couldn't help the corners of my mouth twitching for a while, this guy is really too tough, he can still sleep in this situation.

However, having said that, there is nothing difficult to understand. After all, since the two of us arrived in this cave, our physical strength has been overdrawn.

What's more, he injured his ribs before, and coupled with the forced exercise, I guess his body is reaching its limit now.

Hearing my thunderous snoring, I felt that my eyelids became extremely heavy, and I really wanted to lie down beside him and have a good sleep.

But looking at the pitch-black environment ahead, how dare I sleep now?

After lying on the ground for a while, I felt better.

He took out a big fish from his backpack, and after cutting off a few pieces of fish, he didn't care about anything else, and began to chew it with big mouthfuls.

Although the taste of this thing is a bit fishy, ​​I feel extremely sweet when I eat it now.

After eating some fish, my spirit was finally much better. Looking at the little Taoist priest who was sleeping soundly, I could only resign myself to my fate and looked around.

It's also very strange to say, it's just such a cliff.

However, these two sides are almost completely two worlds.

On the other side of the cliff, although the environment is also very harsh, there are more or less shimmering moss on the surrounding stone walls.

However, after arriving here, the moss seemed to have completely disappeared.

Without any light, my eyesight is really limited.

It may be because the terrain here is too high, there is no abnormal noise in the surrounding area, and the surrounding air is also very fresh.

Since there was nothing wrong outside, I simply walked forward in the dark.

I still haven't untied the rope around my waist. After all, the two of us in this big formation are completely like grasshoppers on the same rope, and I don't want to make any more troubles.

After walking forward for about 10 meters, the road ahead began to become narrower and narrower.

Moreover, protruding stalagmites began to appear continuously on the ground, and a lot of stalactites began to appear on the top of the head one after another, which really made me feel strange for a while.

Logically speaking, there doesn't seem to be any big caves near Qingshen County.

Naturally, these things shouldn't appear. After all, things like stalactites are basically formed slowly in that humid environment.

The situation around here does not conform to the characteristics of the limestone landform at all.

I walked straight forward for dozens of meters, but I still didn't find anything in 4 weeks.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly retreated back in the direction I came from.

The little Taoist was still snoring, the more I listened to his snoring, the more I felt that my eyelids weighed a thousand pounds.

Drowsiness hit, and I couldn't care so much anymore.

From the inside of the backpack, I carefully placed all the bits and pieces on the ground and lined them up, and then I put on my clothes and lay beside the little Taoist priest.

If something really comes over, these things may not necessarily cause them any harm, but at least they should be able to give the two of us an early warning.

The ideal is always full, but the reality is always very skinny.

Half asleep and half awake, I suddenly felt something dripping on my face.


Just when I was still in a daze, I suddenly heard a shout from the little Taoist priest, and immediately afterwards, I felt something slap my face.

Before I opened my eyes, my whole body was slapped against the stone wall next to me by a huge force.

This was already in a daze, but after being hit like this again, the whole person really felt a bit like one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born.


A sharp strange cry came, and now I was completely awake.

"I said, are you crazy? The two of you sleep together, do you think the two of us die too slowly?"

I just opened my eyes, and then I saw a white shadow flying out of the hole.

Before I could understand what was going on, the little Taoist scolded me directly.

"I was really sleepy just now, what was that thing just now?"

Seeing that white shadow flying out, I was also terrified for a while.

"What's the use of saying this now? Don't you feel that there is something wrong with you?"

The little Taoist looked at me strangely while talking.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Hearing him say that made me even more surprised.

"We just met that thing not long ago, and it seems to be destined for you!"

Seeing my puzzled expression, the little Taoist suddenly said with a smile.

"Saw it not long ago? Ghost car?"

I suddenly widened my eyes.

In a panic, I quickly reached out and touched my face. I couldn't see what was wrong with my face, but seeing the blood stains on my hands, I suddenly felt a burst of cold sweat all over my body.

Ghost car, the master is fierce!

Moreover, no matter which miscellaneous book it is recorded in, the results are similar, and the blood master of this thing is very fierce.

If it is stained with the blood of the ghost car, then it's going to be a damn disaster!

Thinking about the miserable situation of the little Taoist priest before, I feel the cold sweat on my back now.

I don't want to be like him, drinking cold water will clog my teeth.

What's more, with the current conditions of the two of us, we can't even drink his mother's cold water.

"You said this thing, why are you so interested in you? The two of us are lying side by side, but this thing doesn't care about me, and it rushes straight at you!"

Listening to the little Taoist's gloating words, now I really want to give him a hammer on the head.

No matter what time it is, this guy is still in the mood to gloat here.

"I said, are you still a human being? The two of us are grasshoppers on the same rope now. If I am unlucky, do you think you can have one?"

I glared at him angrily, and the little Taoist closed his mouth embarrassingly.

"Isn't it just a joke with you, what are you doing so seriously? I got your unlucky talisman before, isn't it okay?"

While talking, the little Taoist winked at me.

I really hated my teeth so much, if it wasn't because this guy was injured, I really wanted to push him to the ground and beat him up.

However, his words reminded me that if it is just unlucky, it seems that there is no cure...

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