"Why do you talk so much, brat? You can eat whatever you want. How do you get it? I have made such a big sacrifice. If you don't appreciate me, forget it. What kind of expression do you have?"

The little Taoist looked at me with an aggrieved expression, as if I had done something bad to him.


I don't need to mention it because I'm depressed in my heart. This is really dumb eating coptis, and I really can't say it at this time.

But no matter what, we finally filled our stomachs, and after the unbearable hunger was gone, the two of us returned to the origin of the problem again.

How to get up?

This directly became the biggest problem before us.

Although there is food and drink here, the problem is that if you are really trapped here, then life is really worse than death.

"Don't look at me, I don't know how to get up, I only know that there is a deep pool below, but I don't know how to get up!"

Seeing my questioning gaze, the little Taoist spread his hands flatly.

Listening to his irresponsible answer, I really had the urge to cry, you kicked me off without knowing anything.

This fucking is as good as murder!

If it wasn't for consideration, I might not be able to beat him now, I really want to go up and beat this guy up.

The two of us fell into silence again, and I was bored sitting on the rock and observing the ups and downs of the water.

It's really strange to say that, if this is just a pool of stagnant water, the water should already be smelly.

But up to now, there are not only swimming fish in the water, but also no fishy smell.

"Wait for me, I'll go down and have a look!"

I subconsciously drew a mark on the wall with the saber in my hand, and after observing for a long time, I realized that the mark hadn't changed in any way.

It seems that the water level should have been stable to a certain extent. If you say that, then this matter is a bit strange.

"I'll go down and have a look, you're waiting for me up there!"

After hesitating for a while, I greeted the little Taoist priest directly, then jumped down with a plop while holding the saber in my hand.

After entering the water, I directly turned my breathing into internal circulation.

Ever since I practiced Yinshan Secret Records, my cultivation has been improving rapidly. Now, relying on the true energy in my body, I can hold back in the water for a full half an hour.

But to my disappointment, I have already dived into the water more than ten meters deep, but I still haven't found the things I imagined.

You can't see the water inlet or the water outlet, which is really weird.

In desperation, I could only continue to dive, but when I dived to a depth of more than [-] meters, I already felt that this seemed to be the limit of my body.

But there is still only a black hole under the water, except for those bare rocks, there are only some messy fish left, and there are even few aquatic plants.

Disappointed, I caught a big fish and floated up.

It seems that the road under the water is impassable, and we still have to find a way to climb up, but how to climb up?Let alone climbing this bare stone wall, even approaching it is a bit difficult.

"How? Did you find anything?"

Seeing me climb up, the little Taoist looked at me seriously.

"Don't mention it, I guess I have dived to a depth of more than [-] meters, but I haven't found anything so far. It seems that the road below is impassable. Let's find a way to climb up!"

After tossing around like this, until now, even I feel a little exhausted.

The little Taoist was not in the mood to speak, he rested his chin with one hand, stared blankly at the stone wall in front of him, and didn't know what was going on in his mind.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly I felt a flash of inspiration in my mind, it seemed that I really had a good thing hidden in my backpack.

I hurriedly sat up, and then started to look through my backpack. After not much effort, I finally found what I wanted. After I opened the sandalwood box, the little Taoist still looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"I said you probably want to fight at this time, but let me tell you that the two of us really want to fight, and now we are both hurt!"

Seeing that I copied the guy directly, the little Taoist immediately showed a nervous expression.

It seems that this guy is really guilty.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

I was too lazy to continue chatting with him, so I directly held a coffin nail in one hand, and started to approach the stone wall.

When I was in front of the stone wall, I used both hands to stab the coffin nails into the cliff in front of me.

Accompanied by an almost inaudible sound, the two coffin nails in my hand really lived up to expectations and pierced directly into the stone wall.

I was overjoyed in my heart, it seemed that there was something going on this time.

"I'll give you these two sticks, I'll open the way, wait for you to follow!"

I immediately took out my original two coffin nails from my backpack, and threw them to the little Taoist priest as well.

After the little Taoist took it, he directly stabbed it on the rock under his feet, and it reached the end without any effort.

"This is really a good thing, it really is the road to heaven!"

The little Taoist was also overjoyed, and immediately jumped over.

I didn't care about the nonsense, and tied the big cock around my waist with a rope, and then directly climbed up with a coffin nail in each hand, so abruptly.

To be honest, this is really a physical job, and my right hand is different from ordinary people.

This is the only way I can barely support it, otherwise I don't think it will take long, and I will have to fall.

But even so, when I climbed to the stone platform that the little Taoist said, the muscles of my whole body began to tremble uncontrollably. I guess if the height is three to five meters higher, maybe I have now fallen straight down.

The situation of the little Taoist priest was not much better than mine. After climbing up the stone platform, he lay down on the ground directly.

"This damn thing is really not a human job!"

The little Taoist was panting heavily while cursing.

"I said what the hell is in here, are you sure there is an exit here? We don't have to climb all the way up from here, do we?"

I was lying next to the little Taoist priest, looking at the clouds and mist above my head, and asked casually.

"It's a good place inside. It is said that there are good treasures inside, but I don't know if there is an exit!"

"What are you talking about?"

I really have the heart to kill him now, when the hell is it, and I'm still trying to figure out what is precious or not.

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