Destiny Physician

Chapter 223 The Mysterious Stele

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. I can't do anything about it. We're both going to die anyway. If I don't come in and make a fuss, I'm really not reconciled!"

Regarding my threat, the little Taoist didn't take it seriously, and muttered in his mouth.

"You are the one who is going to die, your whole family is going to die, but my young master has to live well!"

I was excited all of a sudden, I still have a lot of things to do.

Master treats me with great kindness, no matter what I say, I have to find a successor for myself, and I can't just let the master's lineage be broken with me.

I still have to change my fate against the sky, I still have to find my parents, I still have to marry a wife and have children like an ordinary person, how can I die with such a stinky Taoist priest?

"Don't get excited, there may not be an exit here!"

The little Taoist obviously didn't expect that my reaction would be so big, so he immediately said with a smile.

"If it's not that I can't beat you, I really want to kill you now!"

Of course I knew in my heart that he was telling the truth, but it was just that I couldn't get angry.

After panting for a while, I sat down cross-legged, and then began to restore the true energy in my body.

The little Taoist priest also started to recover his physical strength immediately, after all, at this time, the two of us must solve the problem as soon as possible, otherwise, we will starve to death just by being hungry.

All the food in my backpack is gone now, and only half of the white fish I ate just now is left in my stomach.

If we don't find a way out or find food as soon as possible, it is estimated that the two of us have no other way but to jump down again.

After what I just climbed, I don't want to see anything like rock climbing for the rest of my life.

After about an hour or so, I finally regained my strength and opened my eyes directly.

And the little Taoist didn't know where to get a torch. After lighting the torch, he fumbled and started to walk towards the end of the stone platform.

"I said, how do you know there is a cave here?"

I looked at the little Taoist with some doubts.

"What's so strange about this, there are so many old bull-nosed people in our family, isn't it normal to know some weird places like this?"

While talking, the little Taoist carefully looked at the surrounding situation, his appearance as if he was facing a big enemy really baffled me.

"You won't tell me, what danger is there?"

Seeing that he didn't answer, I stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder and asked.

"Ten years ago, a few foreign explorers found a stone tablet near the Kunlun Glacier. All the characters on the stone tablet were tadpole characters. They moved their minds and wanted to get this stone tablet abroad. Go, but was seized by people from the cultural relics department on the way!"

"You told me what are these steles found on the Kunlun Glacier, and what does it have to do with this place?"

I looked at the little Taoist with some doubts, not knowing what he meant.

"Don't worry, can you listen to me?"

This guy must have figured it out too. If he doesn't speak clearly today, I won't go in with him.

So, he simply pulled me back a few steps, all the way to the outside of the cave, and then found a big rock and sat down.

"That stele is full of tadpole scripts. Even a few domestic linguists are a little baffled by that thing. Therefore, in order to study those contents, people from all walks of life were directly removed from the above, including our family. An old bull nose!"

The little Taoist was rubbing his shoulder while talking, it seemed that his shoulder hadn't recovered yet.

"and then?"

I asked impatiently.

"In the end, of course, something came out of the research, and then the rubbings of the stone tablet were brought back to Quanzhen Sect! But just a few years ago, an old monster who had been reclusive for a long time came out of the mountain, and he solved the piece by accident. The content on the stele!"

"Can you make a long story short? If you go on like this, I guess the two of us will starve to death!"

I am really speechless about the behavior of the little Taoist priest.

"Okay, okay, I'll make a long story short, don't blame me if you don't understand!"

The little Taoist gave me a blank look and said angrily.

"Since you are also from the Taoist lineage, you should have heard about the Shihuang and the people of Wanqu in the Supplementary Notes, right?"

The little Taoist pondered for a moment and then spoke again, but his opening immediately stunned me.

The people of Wanqu?

I haven't read the book Supplementary Notes, after all, my fate was abnormal at the time, and when the master was teaching the skills, everything was nervous and life-saving was the priority.

Most of these anecdotes and strange things were said in modern times, and those masters who were too old didn't even mention them.

However, in the prologue of Yinshan Secret Records, the part that I can understand is that there are eight hundred people in Tuwanqu, who took the heads of the enemy chieftains, became my idols, took the enemy's flesh, and carried my secret techniques .

I was a little confused all of a sudden, could it be said that this so-called Wanqu people was recorded in Supplementary Notes?

"You don't know, don't you even know this? Let me give you a free science! According to historical records, in the 36th year of the first emperor, a big star fell in Dongjun. On it, it said: 'The first emperor died and scored' seven Big characters. Shihuang was furious and rushed to Dongjun personally."

"This record can be found in Shi Ji, but there is another version, which is the record in Shi Yi Ji."

"Another version?"

"That's right, it is recorded in Supplementary Notes that what fell from the sky was not a big star. The original text is: There are people from Wanqu, who arrived on a snail boat. The boat, the people of the country are ten feet long, weaving the feathers of birds and beasts to cover their shapes, the first emperor talked to it, and when the heavens and the earth were opened, it is like seeing it with your own eyes!"

"You mean to say that Qin Shihuang rushed to Dongjun on purpose to meet this so-called Wanqu people?"

"That's right, that's how it was recorded in Supplementary Relics. That's why Xu Fu went to the east and the first emperor built the Yunming Terrace because of this incident, so that the world thought that Qin Shihuang was seeking immortality and immortality!"

"Why not?"

The matter of Xu Fu's journey to the east has become a legend until now, and now that this guy suddenly brought it up to talk about it, I suddenly felt like I was about to be subverted.

"Sure enough, the thing recorded on that stone tablet is exactly the opposite of what is recorded in Supplementary Notes!"

"exactly the opposite?"

I was stunned.

"It is recorded on that stone tablet that when Qin Shihuang saw the people of Wanqu, he was really envious of their longevity. He originally wanted this guy to stay in Xianyang and teach him the art of longevity, but he didn't expect..."

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