Destiny Physician

Chapter 221 Desperate

I lost all interest in talking all of a sudden, so I just lay down on another rock beside him, staring blankly at the scene around me.

However, the more I look at the surrounding scene, the more I feel a chill in my heart.

The cliffs around this pool of water have no gaps at all, and the surrounding walls are not slippery, and there is almost no place to climb.

Looking up from where I am now, all I can see are layers of clouds and mist.

This motherfucker is simply a Jedi!


And at this time, my stomach was very disappointed, and it started to growl.

I woke up early in the morning without eating anything, and after running for so long and soaking in water for so long, at this moment, I am really hungry.

After turning over with difficulty, I tried to find something to eat from the backpack.

But what makes me desperate is that everything else in this backpack is still there, except for food, and now there is nothing left.

"I said, do you have anything to eat?"

I looked at the little Taoist next to me in embarrassment.

"Don't you just hold it in your arms? Or roast it!"

The little Taoist gave me a blank look, and then reached out to take out his pocket.

The corners of my mouth twitched, this guy is really unrestrained, you dare to come to this kind of deep mountains and old forests without bringing anything.

"Don't say such things in the future, this is my brother! I promised to take care of it!"

I gave him a blank stare, and then fell down on the rock depressed.

"You are really interesting!"

The little Taoist gave me an angry look, and seemed to have some complaints about me calling a chicken brother and brother.

"The sages say that all living beings are equal, and that humans and animals are just life. What's the difference?"

I didn't bother to argue with him, so I directly compared him, an international friendly gesture.

Listening to the sound of gurgling water around me, I actually fell asleep in a daze. I was so tired that I couldn't help it. When I woke up, the little Taoist priest had already sat cross-legged on the stone next to me.

"I said you boy, you can go to sleep when you sleep, but you are still snoring. This snoring sound almost shocked me to death!"

Probably because of the sound of me doing it, the little Taoist opened his eyes directly, looked at me with resentment and said.

"Is there? Why didn't I know?"

I suddenly felt guilty for a while.

"What do you mean? Take back the word 'ma' for me, I really admire you, I can sleep in this kind of place!"

"Aren't I too tired?"

I hurriedly muttered in a low voice.

"Let's figure out how to get out, see the rock protruding from it?"

While talking, the little Taoist pointed to the mountain wall on my right.

I looked up in the direction of his finger, and saw that there really seemed to be a small black spot in the clouds and mist all over the sky.

But it is conservatively estimated that it is at least hundreds of meters away from our current location.

"So what if we see it, can the two of us still climb up?"

Looking at the bare mountain wall, I was really depressed for a while.

This place is wet and slippery, and all these stones seem to be washed out by running water, they look slippery, and there is no trace of climbing at all.

"If the two of us can't climb up, I guess we can only starve to death here..."

After the little Taoist finished speaking, there was a wry smile on his face.

"Then you still have to drag me down?"

I couldn't help the corners of my mouth twitching for a while, this guy is really deceitful.

He didn't even think about the place to escape, but he dared to pull me and jump directly. I don't know if he was too courageous or mentally ill.

"It's good to be alive, don't worry, let's find a way!"

To find ways to?

Simple three words, easy to say, but too difficult to do.

I tried to test the hardness of the rock with my hands, and then I just gave up.

These stones seem to have been formed for tens of thousands of years. Even with the strange strength of my right hand, I have to use enough strength to forcefully break off a small piece.

It is almost impossible to climb up without using equipment.

Just as I was looking around, I suddenly found that the little Taoist priest unexpectedly caught a white fish in the water at some point, and ate the fish in a leisurely manner.

I couldn't help the corners of my mouth twitching, I really can't forget to eat this stuff anytime.

"Didn't you say that the water is poisonous? You are not afraid of being poisoned to death!"

Seeing him feasting there, my stomach suddenly became more hungry, but I still couldn't help muttering.

"Even if you want to die, you have to be a full ghost, right? This is living water, what are you afraid of? It's been such a long time, and the fish I caught just now is alive, and half of it is yours!"

While talking, the little Taoist threw half a fish over.

I subconsciously reached out to take it, and after hesitating for a while, I didn't care about anything else. Driven by hunger, I directly picked up the half white fish, and began to bite it with big mouthfuls.

I have to say that this fish is tender and tender, and it is really a rare delicacy.

Although it has not undergone any cooking methods, it is extremely delicious even if it is eaten raw.

"How is it? It tastes good, and you can only eat this kind of delicacy here! This kind of fish is slippery, and it is really difficult to catch them!"

The little Taoist was talking.While savoring the deliciousness of the fish.

"Will it be difficult with your skill?"

I muttered while eating the fish.

"It's luck to be able to catch this fish. Do you think it's the random fish you picked in the vegetable market?"

The little Taoist pouted while speaking.

Hearing what he said, I looked at the half fish in my hand.

This kind of white fish is extremely plump, but I don't know what species it is, but looking at his fangs, I think this thing should eat meat.

In general, carnivorous fish are faster and harder to catch.

I'm really curious, how did this guy catch fish?

Just looking at me, I suddenly felt something was wrong. After eating and drinking, this guy started to pull a piece of cloth from his body, washed it in the water, and carefully wiped his big toe.

Looking at the wound on his big toe, and looking at the fish in my hand, I suddenly felt retched...

"I'll go, you can't be a fish with your foot, are you?"

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