Destiny Physician

Chapter 218 Epiphany

To be honest, I'm really not too cold about his proposal.

After all, speaking, the remnant soul is on me now, and I can be said to be the most hopeful of all people to find it.

Because there is actually a strange connection between the three souls and seven souls of people. As long as I can enter their sensing range, they will attract each other.

There is really no need for me to give him half of the bonus I got.

"Don't worry, I don't want a bonus at that time, I just want a thing that was scattered around when that guy died, if there is one!"

What the little Taoist said aroused my curiosity, and I am even more curious now, what is it?

It's worth that he doesn't even care about [-] million cash!

But no matter what, at least until now, I have no reason to reject him. Two people are indeed much more likely to find him than one person, and he seems to be very familiar with this neighborhood.

And his skills don't seem to be inferior to mine. With him around here, my safety can be greatly guaranteed.

"Why don't you choose to cooperate with his surname Han? From the looks of it, his skills should be much higher than mine. If the two of you join forces together, the possibility should be much greater than if you are with me!"

Although this kind of cooperation seems to be very beneficial to me, I still asked with a smile.

"It's very simple, because your face looks much more honest than his. I'm afraid that not only will I not get anything in the end, but I will lose my life if I'm with him!"

Some people may think that the reason for judging people by their appearance is really absurd, but after learning physiognomy, I think this is the really reliable reason.

"That's for sure!"

I smiled and held out my right hand.

"A word is settled!"

The little Taoist also gave me a polite smile back, then reached out and gave me a high five.

"Okay, it's too late today, let's go to sleep first and then start tomorrow. I've been wandering in this mountain for more than two months. I've been sleeping in the open every day. It's rare to have a tent to sleep in!"

Hearing what the little Taoist said, I was taken aback for a moment, this guy is really following fate, but this kind of free and easy attitude makes me very envious.

Now I feel more and more that the master's whole heart in marrying me and Liu Mei is not just to save me from the catastrophe of life and death.

If you think about it now, there is no meaning of Hongchen refining one's heart...

Seeing that the little Taoist went straight into Wang Lei's tent next to him and went to sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Although the interaction between me and them was very short, I still felt an inexplicable pain in my heart just watching them die and disappear in just less than two hours.

Human life is too fragile, and in many cases, even oneself has no way to grasp it at all.

A bonfire in the barren mountains and mountains, but it made me completely understand my future path.

In fact, I don't have that many ambitions, but I don't want to die silently like them in this barren mountain one day in the future.

After returning to my tent, I took out the Yinshan Secret Record again, and started to practice.

It is really not suitable to be a god in the three thousand worlds of mortals. After arriving in this barren mountain, I felt the joy of cultivation instead.

As soon as I entered the samadhi state, I felt that my cultivation base, which had been stagnant, suddenly began to rush forward.

Again, I feel like this thing was made just for me.

The bottleneck that has troubled me for a long time almost broke in the blink of an eye.

That feeling of enlightenment gave me a burst of ecstasy.

The true qi in my body began to surge violently, and I could feel my body strengthening rapidly,

Especially the strength of my right hand is increasing crazily at an incredible speed.

The rapid increase in strength made me enter a state of ecstasy faster, and when I opened my eyes again, it was already dawn the next day.

"I said Zhong Rui, you are really hardworking. I was not as serious as you when I practiced Qi on the mountain! It's just that the method you practice feels a bit strange. It doesn't seem like a Taoist method? But You always have a Taoist aura about you, I'm really confused, who is your master?"

As soon as I got up, I heard the little Taoist yawning and saying.

"I'm just a wild fox Zen, and I'm not a Taoist Buddhist. By the way, where are we going next?"

I still don't want to mention this matter of Yinshan Secret Record to others, so I can only play sloppy here at this time.

"Stop joking, if you are like Yehu Zen, then there will be no masters in this world. With your current progress, I estimate that in two or three years at most, you can be comparable to masters like my master." Already!"

When the little Taoist said this, he looked at my expression and was actually full of envy. I felt a little embarrassed when he said that.

"Don't be kidding, I'm just a fledgling rookie, how can I be compared with your master?"

I smiled wryly, and then said directly.

"Who is joking with you, I guess your current realm may be higher than mine! I really don't know what you ate to grow up at such a young age, isn't this cultivation speed too fast? Last night When I was there, I could still see a little fur on your kid, but when I see you now, I feel like I'm looking at my master!"

The little Taoist looked at me strangely while talking.

"After chatting with you last night, I suddenly felt an epiphany, so this time it seems to be a little bit older..."

"I'll go, you kid has an epiphany?"

Before I finished speaking, the little Taoist priest looked at me enviously.

His eyes are full of naked envy. I have to say, his envious eyes really fully satisfy my little vanity.

"A fluke! A fluke! By the way, where are we going today? The water I brought is running out. Is there a water source near here?"

Vanity belongs to vanity, but what I practice is ghost way skills. It is hard to imagine what kind of attitude these respectable disciples will have when they see me.

I don't want to fall out with this guy right now in the deep mountains and old forests, so I changed the subject bluntly.

"There is a source of water, but it's too early to go now. You took his things with you, and if you go there before noon, I'm afraid both of us will lose our lives there!"

The little Taoist looked up at the sky, then muttered.

"Take his things? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Hearing what the little Taoist said, my whole body suddenly became more violent, why is this guy talking about it.

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