Destiny Physician

Chapter 219 The Secret of the Ecstasy Path

"You don't know anything, so you just plunged in?"

While the little Taoist was talking, he looked at me strangely, as if he was looking at a fool.

I was really at a loss for words for a while, and what I said was really spoken by him...

"I'll go, I said brother, I admire your courage so much, I really can't tell whether you are bold with high skills, or fearless with ignorance, tsk tsk tsk..."

Seeing my embarrassing expression, the little Taoist immediately laughed out loud.

Looking at his expression like a fool, I was really depressed for a while.

"Isn't this just a remnant of the innate gossip formation? Although my attainments in formation techniques are mediocre, I shouldn't be so mocked by you..."

Although my abilities in this body are not very good, I still feel a little uncomfortable being mocked by him like this.

"Innate Eight Diagrams Formation? What you said is true, but do you know what this Innate Eight Diagrams Formation is for?"

Seeing my unconvinced expression, the little Taoist smiled and asked.

This really caught me. At first, the master just told me that this gossip formation is difficult to deal with, and told me not to come here when I'm free, but he didn't tell me the specific things.

In addition, I have just left the mountain now, and the people in this circle I come into contact with are either my enemies or people who are not as good as me.

This is the first time I have encountered someone of the level of a little Taoist priest, so where can I learn more about it?

"I really don't know about this..."

I said with some embarrassment.

"Let me tell you, there is indeed a surviving innate gossip formation here, but this formation is different from what we have come into contact with before. This is a pure sleepy formation!"

Hearing what he said, I was stunned. It seems that this guy knows a lot.

"Don't look at me like that. Anyway, I'm also a Quanzhen sect. There are too many old bulls in this family. It's so strange to know these things!"

The little favor I had for him in my heart disappeared in an instant.

I'm really looking forward to it now, and I don't know what the expressions of the elders of the Quanzhen Sect will be when they see him so foolishly calling their elders Niubizi?

"Don't look at me like that, anyway, those old things can't hear now, I'll just complain, and you just listen to it, I won't admit it when I get out of this mountain!"

The little Taoist stretched himself while talking.

"From the beginning to the end, you are the only person in the circle I know. As for the rest of them are enemies, who shall I tell?"

I smiled shyly and said.

"I don't care who you tell, even if you tell them, I won't admit it! Let's get back to the topic, there is a big guy trapped in this congenital trap, and I don't know exactly what it is , Half a month ago, if I hadn't run fast, I probably would have confessed to being in the river!"

When the little Taoist said this, he had lingering fear on his face.

"big guy?"

I was stunned for a moment, what is it that can scare him?

"You just said that I took its things, you mean the mirror?"

I realized it all at once, then looked at the little Taoist seriously and asked.

"Then what do you think? Could a treasure of this level appear out of thin air?"

Hearing what he said, I quickly reached out and took out the small mirror.

This thing doesn't look strange in the sunlight now, and apart from the simple and simple shape, it seems that there is no other difference.

"Then what if I give it back? I didn't steal this thing..."

I hurriedly looked at the little Taoist priest.

"Will you listen to an ant's explanation?"

The little Taoist said with a hey smile while talking.

"According to what you said, wouldn't it be very dangerous if I walked towards the river?"

I was stunned for a moment. If he said so, I went to the river to fetch water, which could almost be regarded as a suicide.

"Do you think you can escape if you don't go to the river? Since you know that this big formation is a broken innate gossip formation, you probably don't know that the Dao of Fascination itself is a part of the big formation. Part of it?"

The little Taoist looked at me gloatingly while talking.

"What do you mean? You mean we are already in the formation?"

When he said that, my eyes widened.

I was completely stupid. If he said so, wouldn't I be the hunting target of that big guy now?

The corners of my mouth couldn't help twitching for a while. If I knew this thing was so hot, I should have given it to that Han.

"Why didn't you remind me earlier? If you had said earlier, I would have let that Han take away the things!"

I couldn't help the corners of my mouth twitching...

How to use this thing, I haven't figured it out until now. If I lose my life for a thing that can't be used, how wronged I would be.

"Han? Do you think he really wants what you have? That's just an excuse. How could a ghost like him want such a hot thing! You wouldn't Do you think that this thing has been kept here for so many years, and no one has discovered it, so it happened to be brought out by that little thief?"

After listening to the little Taoist's words, I was completely dumbfounded.

I suddenly had the urge to hit my head with a hammer.

The eyelids are still too shallow, and when I see something good, I want to put it in my pocket.

"Don't you know how to get out of the mountain? Can you send me out first?"

"Don't waste your energy, no one will be able to get out until the night of the full fifteenth month!"

The little Taoist looked at me with a strange smile on his face.

"Then you still dare to be with me? Are you not afraid that I will hurt you?"

I was stunned.

"Hey hey hey, I said, can't you let me finish talking at once? Why are you always in such a hurry?"

Seeing that I was a little anxious, the little Taoist sat down on the wooden stake next to him, found a bag of melon seeds from nowhere, and knocked the melon seeds directly...

Looking at his leisurely and contented appearance, I really wish I could knock him to the ground and give him a hammer. This guy is still playing tricks on me even now.

"Don't be too nervous, this mountain is so big, how can it be caught by it with such an inch?"

The little Taoist said casually while eating melon seeds.

"Then what did you mean when you said that there was danger before noon?"

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