Destiny Physician

Chapter 217 Sex Empty

So far, I still haven't been able to find any traces of that black cat, but the only thing I can be sure of is that that thing is really not easy to mess with.

Just when I was hesitating whether to take out the Five Thunder Curse to fight it, I suddenly heard a sound of incantation.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind blew up, and the dense fog that filled the forest immediately dissipated.

"Meow - woo -"

As the thick fog dissipated, the unreliable-looking Taoist priest finally appeared, and then flicked a white light towards my head.

When I was about to dodge, I suddenly heard a cat meowing from above my head.

When I looked up again, the black cat had disappeared.

I was instantly furious, this fucking man treated me like a persimmon, this guy was thinking about killing me even if he was running away.

I was really depressed for a while, if I knew this place was so weird, I shouldn't have come in!

"There's no need to chase after him. This man surnamed Han's ability to escape can be said to be unmatched among his peers! Damn it, he ran away again!"

Seeing that I was about to chase, the little Taoist hurriedly stopped me.

"Thank you!"

In any case, he saved my life just now. Although it is useless to say thank you, I still said it seriously.

"I think you should be regarded as a fellow with your appearance. Saying thank you is a bit too hypocritical. I think you might as well show something practical!"

The Taoist suddenly smiled, then looked at me strangely and said.


I froze for a moment, not knowing what this guy was talking about.

"I think your big cock is not bad, why don't we roast it?"

The guy actually swallowed his saliva while speaking, and the corners of my mouth couldn't help twitching.

Aren't you a fucking Taoist priest?

But what was even more weird was that after hearing him say this, the fierce and aggressive rooster shrank directly behind me, and stuck its head out from between my legs.

Carefully looking at the little Taoist priest standing opposite him with two eyes.

It seemed that he was really terrified of this little Taoist priest.

"I'm afraid this won't work, but I still carry some food with me at any time, if you don't mind..."

Anyway, this big rooster has different meanings to me. On the one hand, it is a fighting partner. On the other hand, it is also my longest living thing.

"I don't dislike it, of course I don't dislike it. I can already smell the aroma of luncheon meat. I have been wandering in the deep mountains and old forests for more than a month, eating wild game every day. I almost vomit! You can even bring out some compressed biscuits , I think it tastes good!"

The guy swallowed again while talking, I was really amused to see him like this.

But I didn't dare to delay, and directly took out the food I brought this time from my backpack.

"I'm going, what a rich man! All these things you bring are top-quality goods. This canned luncheon meat costs more than 80 for a bottle, and this biscuit costs more than 200 for a box! You local tyrant!"

What I didn't expect was that this guy seemed to be poorer than me, and just a few cans of lunch meat had already made him call a rich man.

"Is this thing so valuable? I really haven't noticed..."

Most of these foods were brought in from the RV. Although I knew that these things should not be cheap, I didn't expect that a box of luncheon meat would cost more than 80 yuan, and a box of biscuits would cost more than 200 yuan.

"Sure enough, it's the style of a local tyrant. Hey, a local tyrant, I say let's be friends!"

The Taoist priest opened the can of luncheon meat nimbly while talking.

I don't know where I found a pair of chopsticks, and I started to eat.

"My name is Zhong Rui, I don't know what to call you?"

Anyway, at least on the surface, this guy didn't seem to have any malice towards me, and he saved my life just now.

So, I smiled and introduced myself first.

"It's easy to say, you can call me Xingkong!"

The little Taoist said casually while eating with his mouth full of oil.

"Sex empty?"

I still know a little bit about the seniority of this Taoist school, and he should be the Quanzhen Taoist according to this dharma name.

It's just that I'm really curious, how could such a deviant person like him, who even dyed his hair in various colors, come from us.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. You have to dye your hair back before you go back to the mountain. What's wrong with Taoist priests? Don't Taoist priests have the right to pursue beauty? Besides, there is no precept of the Quanzhen sect that Taoist priests are not allowed to dye their hair, right?" !"

While talking, the little Taoist looked at me calmly.

Seeing his serious expression, I was almost amused by him to laugh out loud.

This guy is really a living treasure!

"Of course not. Everyone has the right to pursue beauty. Isn't it just dyeing your hair? What's the big deal!"

After going down the mountain for so long, I have learned the ability to talk to people and talk to people.

Besides, isn't it just dyeing your hair?What's the big deal, it's a big deal in this day and age?

"Little brother, I like you!"

Hearing what I said, the little Taoist was immediately happy, looked at me with a smile on his face and said.

"By the way, just now you said that the girl was taken away by Han Li, so she won't..."

"Then it depends on the little girl's own luck, no one can guarantee whether she will survive in the end!"

When the little Taoist said this, he smiled wryly.

Although I have already guessed it in my heart, I still feel a little inexplicably uncomfortable when I hear what he said now.

"By the way, what are you doing here? This place is not like a place where ordinary people should come!"

After the little Taoist finished speaking, he took a sip of mineral water and looked at me and asked.

"I'm here to find something..."

Although he has saved my life, in this kind of barren mountains, I think it's better to be honest, not to mention, it doesn't seem like I'm lying to him by saying this.

"You also came to find that remnant soul?"

The little Taoist suddenly smiled strangely.


Hearing what he said, I felt a sudden blushing. I really didn't expect that after talking for a long time, is this already an open secret?

But soon I was relieved, I should have thought of it a long time ago...

"That's right..."

I coughed dryly and said with some embarrassment.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. After all, it's the first time the two of us have known each other. But I think you're not bad, and you seem to be from the same line of Taoism. Why don't we join forces?"

While talking, the little Taoist looked at me with a smile on his face.

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