Looking at his malicious eyes, I was stunned for a moment.

Such a guy suddenly appeared in this deep mountain and old forest, and what happened just now, I couldn't help but be careless!

"You know what this is?"

As I spoke, I quietly adjusted my position.

The guy in front of him was tall and tall, and, through the dim light of the fire, it was obvious that the knuckles of this guy's index finger were abnormally thick, so he seemed to be a trainer.

"Little brother, if I were you, I wouldn't try to do it!"

The guy sat down by the fire as he spoke, and faced me with his back very confidently.

As soon as his words fell, I felt a sudden chill on my back.

It seemed that something was staring at me from behind, so I hurriedly adjusted my position and kept retreating backwards.

But no matter how I turned around, the feeling of being on my back never disappeared.

Although my hearing is not amazing, but in this silent night, I can still hear clearly the movement within a radius of tens of meters.

If it was a living person, no matter how he moved, he would definitely make a sound.

But this guy didn't make any sound at all from the beginning to the end. Obviously, this guy seemed to be a fellow.

In a panic, I hurriedly took out a Six-Ding Liujia Protective Golden Armor Talisman from my pocket and patted it on myself. Then I quickly recited the spell, pinched my fingers, and directly activated the spell.

Sure enough, after that layer of pale yellow light enveloped his whole body, the feeling of being on his back was finally much better.

"I really didn't expect that it turned out to be a master of Taoism!"

After the guy finished speaking, the expression on his face immediately relaxed.

Moreover, he directly took out a slap-sized small drum with a simple shape, and patted it three times with his hand.

However, the strange thing is that I didn't hear any sound from the beginning to the end!

However, since he patted it three times, the feeling of being like a glow on my back really disappeared.


Just when I was wondering, a pure black cat jumped down from a nearby treetop and landed directly on his shoulder.

Although this black cat looks harmless to humans and animals, the big rooster next to me has always maintained a posture ready to attack since it appeared.

Moreover, under my dark eyes, this black cat has a strong sense of Yin.

From the looks of it, this thing doesn't seem very simple.

"My name is Han Li. I don't know what to call my little brother?"

When Han Li spoke, he took a few steps back consciously, and reached out to hug the black cat by the way.

My pupils shrank, I don't understand why this guy suddenly showed his favor to me, but I know that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

After going down the mountain, I have experienced so many things, and I am no longer that simple boy.

Of course, he wouldn't let his guard down just because of his gesture of goodwill. Now this is in the deep mountains and old forests.

Wang Lei's lesson lies ahead, and I don't want to follow in his footsteps.

"My name is Zhong Rui, but I'm just a wild fox Zen. It's too much to talk about an expert!"

Although I was polite to him, I didn't dare to let go of my guard at all, and even let Lin Xiaorong out quietly.

"Little brother, speaking of it, it is a kind of fate that the two of us can sit together in this deep mountain and old forest. I think you should take that spirit servant away, otherwise you may cause innocent troubles." !"

While Han Li was speaking, he smiled at me with a strange expression on his face.

"Do you want people to take the spirit servants away so that you can sneak attack them?"

When I was thinking about how to deal with it, a man's lazy voice suddenly came from behind me again.

This time, I really felt the hairs on my back, I just realized now that I really underestimated the people in the world.

At first, I thought I was being alert, but I didn't expect two people to run out one after another not far behind me.

"Smelly Taoist, if you are sensible, get away, I am too lazy to fight with you today!"

While Han Li was speaking, the person behind him had already revealed his figure.

After hearing that person's voice, Han Li immediately stood up, and a handful of sharp Emei thorns appeared in his hand!

I subconsciously took a few steps back, I was really a little scared in my heart.

Although I said that when the master taught martial arts, I was basically fishing for fish most of the time, but I still learned a little bit.

The Emei thorn is a short weapon, and it is most suitable for close combat. Just now, the distance between me and him was more than ten meters, and the Emei thorn cannot exert its maximum power.

But if I walked up to him, I guess if he wanted to do something to me at this time, I would already have more than a dozen blood holes on my body.

It's just that when I saw this person, I froze on the spot. Is this also considered a Taoist priest?

The clothes on this guy were really nondescript, he was wearing a pair of jeans on his lower body, and he was actually wearing half a Taoist robe on his upper body.

The hair on the top of the head was dyed in various colors, and he was wearing a pair of sunglasses in the middle of the night. I was speechless for a moment. Isn't this guy afraid of falling when he walks?

And his shape is a bit too weird, right?

Put this in any Taoist temple, don't let people type it out...

"Stop putting gold on your face. If you could beat Lao Tzu, would you still escape here intermittently for two months?"

In any case, at least until now, I have always considered myself to be of the same line of Taoism, so psychologically, I am inherently inclined to this deviant Taoist priest.

Seeing the two of them face each other, I subconsciously took a few steps towards that.

"I said, two, I don't know what grievances there are between you, but I just want to know where the little girl went?"

Seeing the two of them refusing to give in to each other, my heart moved, and then I asked.

"Need to talk? Don't you know his kung fu? The surname is Han, if you have the guts, don't run away today!"

Before the Taoist could finish his sentence, Han Li suddenly took out a black bullet the size of a fist from his right hand.

After throwing it vigorously into the fire, a puff of smoke suddenly appeared in the fire.

The speed at which the smog filled was so fast that it completely covered the surroundings almost in an instant.

I hurriedly took a few steps back, leaning against a big tree, carefully guarding my surroundings.

"Master, that black cat is coming towards you!"

At this moment, Lin Xiaorong suddenly said in my ear.

"The way of heaven is clear and bright, the way of authenticity is peaceful, the way of humanity is empty and quiet, the three talents are one, the universe is mixed, the wind god borrows the law, and the urgency is like a law, order!"

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