Destiny Physician

Chapter 215 Stranger!

With the strange strength of my right hand, this punch was naturally no small matter, and Wang Lei's head turned into a rotten watermelon in an instant.

Strictly speaking, this should be the first time I have personally killed someone.

Although I can be regarded as killing in self-defense, but at this time, after the real hand, I still feel sick for a while.

Especially looking at the bursting brains on the ground and smelling the bloody smell, I only felt retched for a while.

After tossing and tossing for more than half an hour, I finally got a little better.

However, when I reacted, I realized that Xia Tian lying on the ground had disappeared!

I felt dizzy all of a sudden, this is really troublesome, although I killed someone in self-defense, but in this deep mountain forest, who else can prove it for me?

If this little girl really wants to run out, it will be a huge trouble for me. I can't stay in the deep mountains and old forests forever, can I?

But even if it is depressed, there is no other way at this time. I can only find a way to get rid of this corpse first, and then talk about other things.

The sticky hands were so uncomfortable, I could only take out a bottle of precious mineral water and rinse the blood and brains on my hands, and then I was going to go back to clean up Wang Lei's body.

When I packed everything up and came back to the place where I killed Wang Lei just now, I realized that Wang Lei's body was gone.

The blood scattered on the ground is still there, the ax and Wang Lei's backpack are still on the ground, and even his clothes are still in place, but the corpse inside is strangely missing...

Immediately, I felt the hairs on my back. Can a corpse without a head still walk?

But if he didn't go away by himself, then what the hell is it?

If it is an ordinary beast, when it bites the corpse, will it still leave intact clothes?

What's more, this guy weighs more than 100 catties no matter what, and with a height of 1.8 meters, even if he encounters a pack of wolves, it is impossible to eat him silently in such a short time.

This time I was really a little scared, this place is really weird!

After hesitating for a long time, I reached out and picked up the ax from the ground. This thing looks ancient, and most importantly, it is also one of the evidences of self-defense!

After all, the wound on my back was caused by this thing, and there should be Wang Lei's fingerprints on it.

Coupled with the blood stains on it, it can be regarded as evidence anyway.

After putting away the axe, I started packing Wang Lei's clothes again.

This thing is just an ordinary mountaineering suit. Except for the more expensive material, there seems to be nothing special about it. The pockets are empty. Except for a few common mountaineering gadgets, there seems to be nothing else.

I hesitated for a moment, and threw the thing directly into the nearby fire.

Xia Tian also ran away, and now I am the only one left in the entire camp.

I didn't care about anything else, and went straight into their tent, and then started to check their backpacks.

The pink one is a summer backpack, which only contains some girls' clothes and some climbing tools.

I just flipped through it, and then I didn't have much interest, but there were more things in the other backpack.

Besides the climbing tools, I found two rosewood boxes.

These two boxes look very ancient, and it is obvious that this thing is not a modern thing.

After I opened one by chance, I was stunned for a moment. The things inside really seemed familiar.

I also have two of these things in my hand. They are nothing but the coffin nails I got out of that yellow-skinned corpse!

However, the quality of these three nails is obviously not the same. Compared with these three nails, the ones I got are simply tattered.

This thing looks golden, it is obvious that this thing seems to be pure gold, and the runes and beasts carved on it are obviously more complicated.

It looks like this thing is the real real thing after death, and the ones I got my hands on are just imitations.

I hesitated, picked one up and stabbed the nearby Swiss Army Knife.

What I didn't expect was that I didn't even feel how hard I was. The Swiss Army Knife, which has always been known for being well-made, was pierced just like that.

Sure enough, the sharpness of this thing is worse than the two I got.

There are a total of three in this small box. I was overjoyed and put them directly into my own backpack.

I was slightly surprised to open the remaining box. Inside the box was a simple mirror, and it looked like it should be the kind of small mirror that women use for makeup.

"Master, those fogs came out of this mirror! Now it is sucking those fogs!"

At this moment, Lin Xiaorong whispered in my ear.


Hearing what Lin Xiaorong said, I immediately understood in my heart that this mirror seems to be a great magic weapon.

It seems that I really made a lot of money this time, and it seems that what the ancients said is really true.Sure enough, a man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass.

Now it seems that this mirror should have a very powerful confusing effect on spirit bodies.

As for why the fog has been sucked back now, I guess it has something to do with Wang Lei's death.

Of course, I haven't figured out how to drive this thing until now, but I know it's a good thing, and it's too late to study it after I go back.

After thinking it over, I put the mirror in my pocket, and then continued to search for things in Wang Lei's backpack.

"I said that the little brother will share half of the meeting. You can't take advantage of this benefit alone, can you?"

Just as I was concentrating on flipping through things, I suddenly heard a man's voice from outside.

I was startled, and stood up immediately, grabbing the Swiss Army Knife in my hand.

After I walked out of the tent, I realized that there was already a middle-aged man in his 40s beside the fire.

This guy looks to be in his forties, and I think his stature is close to two meters tall, and the ones with big arms and round waists must weigh at least one hundred and seventy-eight kilograms.

There is an obvious scar on his face, and his bald head can almost be used as a light bulb.

Just the current look, even if he doesn't move, is enough to scare the child next door to tears...

"Don't be nervous, little brother, I saw all the process of that wolf-hearted thing being killed by you just now, I'm just more interested in the thing in your hand!"

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