Destiny Physician

Chapter 210 Tour Guide

After about 20 minutes, an RV came to the door of my shop.

"Mr. Zhong, my name is Wu Wei, you can call me Xiao Wu, the eldest lady arranged for me to see you off!"

The driver of the car got off and spoke very politely, it seems that Liu Mei should have explained it on purpose.

"Then let's go!"

I nodded but didn't say much, and it's getting late now, the road is far away, it's better to start early.

Wawu Mountain is located near Mei County in Sichuan Province.

This place has now become a famous scenic spot. Of course, the vicinity of Mihun Road has always been listed as a prohibited area to visit.

Ordinary people would not enter there under normal circumstances, but there are always some people in this world who have nothing to do all day long and always want to find some excitement.

Just like Liu Wanshan who died there, with his net worth, if he stayed at home honestly, he could live to at least seven or eighty years old.

But this should be fate, he is destined to die in a foreign land, this matter is really no one's fault.

After getting into the caravan, I felt the comfort of traveling in a caravan. Compared with taxis, this kind of car has great advantages.

Sitting in the large RV sofa, you can hardly feel any bumps along the way.

There are all the facilities in the RV, and Liu Mei specially prepared a lot of food in the refrigerator.

I enjoyed the food leisurely, and then checked the information near Wawu Mountain on my mobile phone.

While I was struggling to search for information, Liu Mei had already sent me a long list of information about Wawu Mountain.

Not only are there geographical atlases of mountains and rivers, but there are also various rumors and news about strange things that have happened in recent years.

I don't know if I don't check it. After I checked it, I found out that the Fascination Road of Wawu Mountain really has a bad reputation.

In recent years alone, dozens of missing persons have been on the news.

I really can't understand the desperate mood of these rich people, let's live a good life, but insist on drilling into this kind of backcountry.

Left and right are idle now, so I simply closed all the curtains and let Lin Xiaorong out.

Now he is very curious about everything, this RV has a lot of space, and she is constantly floating around on it.

From time to time, it stopped on the back of the big cock, and what was even more strange was that the big cock was not annoyed, and just carried her around in the RV.

Looking at her carefree appearance, I was really lost for a while.

Perhaps this is her true nature. There are always some things in a person that cannot be changed. This kind of deep-rooted thing is engraved deep in the soul even if it is death.

But with the two of them as companions, I am not afraid of being lonely along the way.

After one day and two nights, I finally arrived at the legendary Wawu Mountain.

Although Meishan is just a prefecture-level city, there are really many celebrities in this place. The famous Su Dongpo is from Meishan.

I haven't been to this place before, but I fell in love with this place as soon as I got out of the car.

Compared with Fancheng, which is full of traffic, the air here has a fragrance of grass and trees.

I grew up in the deep mountains, so naturally I like this environment even more.

"You take this little money, it's your hard work for this trip!"

The place I was going to was inaccessible, and it was impossible to take him on the next road, so I simply took out a little cash and handed it to the driver Xiao Wu.

"No, no, I can't accept Mr. Zhong's money. The eldest lady has already explained it when she came!"

"Okay, okay, I'll take it if I give it to you. If you don't tell her, can it be over? This trivial matter can only be teased? You don't have to wait for me, you can rest here for a while, and then put the car away Just drive back!"

Although he kept refusing, I still stuffed the wad of cash into his hand and got out of the car directly.

This backpack is full of things, but it is really a bit heavy to carry on the body.

I don't care whether it's strange or not, so I can only put Brother Chicken on the ground and let it walk by itself.

Anyway, in this day and age, keeping pets is becoming more and more strange, and it shouldn't be too outrageous for me to have a big rooster.

Of course, with one person and one chicken walking ahead, the rate of turning heads is indeed a bit high.

"Do you need a guide, sir?"

Although Liu Mei prepared a lot of maps for me, and I collected quite a few myself, when I actually arrived at this place, the maps still didn't match up.

Just when I was hesitating whether to ask someone, a little girl about thirteen or fourteen came up to me and asked a little shyly.

"Are you familiar with the neighborhood?"

I suddenly became interested, smiled and asked.

"Our family lives in the nearby village, and we grew up near here since we were young. Now, we go up and down this Wawu Mountain every day!"

Hearing my question, the little girl suddenly regained her spirits.

"Then have you heard of the Fascinating Soul?"

I pretended to ask casually.

"Ecstasy Road? There is nothing to see there, sir, you'd better not go there!"

The little girl froze for a moment, with a panicked expression on her face, and then said hastily.

"It looks like you should know, I think it's good, here is 500 yuan, you take me there, and then the money will be yours!"

I smiled and said.

"It's not about money. That place is really dangerous and evil. Every year, many foreigners get lost there. Some people are lucky enough to get out. Those who are unlucky are really thrown in there." gone."

"Not long ago, a person was folded inside. The people in his family spent a lot of effort. It took more than two months to find him at last. Unfortunately, the body smelled bad when they found it. !"

The little girl said with a look of horror.

Hearing what she said, I knew in my heart that she should be talking about Liu Wanshan.

"I have a special reason, so I have to go in. It's not convenient for me to say more about what it is, but you can think about it. If you don't make money, others will make it!"

Although I know that she has good intentions, but there is no way, how can I find the lost soul if I don't go in?

"Think about it, it's easy for me to take you in, but it's hard for you to figure it out! I know there are rumors that there is some treasure in it, but no one has ever found it! If you listen to them It would be too stupid to go treasure hunting!"

The little girl hesitated for a moment, obviously the 500 yuan should be very important to her, but she still persuaded.

"Don't worry, I'm different from them, even if I'm trapped inside, I can get out!"

I smiled and said.

"Then...then you come with me!"

The little girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded towards me.

After all, we are about to enter the forest area, and the problem of drinking water still needs to be solved. I bought a dozen bottles of mineral water on the side of the road, and then stuffed them into my backpack, which is considered my inventory.

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