Destiny Physician

Chapter 209 Wang Qingzhi's Master

I finally asked this question that I have always wondered about. Although it was impolite, I still couldn't restrain my curiosity.

"Speaking of which, I'm not afraid that you'll laugh at me. I'm from the Han Dynasty. When I was alive, I was taught by an unborn strange man. I've been around him for a long time, and I've learned a little bit!"

Wang Qingzhi actually showed a nostalgic expression on his face. He still looks proud when he thinks about his experience like that.

"Then don't you know who is the strange person that the senior teacher learned from?"

Now I am even more curious, what kind of person can train such a superb person.

For his sake as a ghost messenger, this is considered the best in the world.

"His name is not found in official history and unofficial history, or even in history books. He is a legend..."

When Wang Qingzhi spoke, his face was full of reverence, and there was even a little fanaticism in his eyes.

"Not in official history and unofficial history? Doesn't that mean it doesn't exist?"

I'm usually not very curious, but now I was really seduced by him, and I feel like being scratched by a cat.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about these things later. If there is a chance, I really want you to build a ancestral hall for him!"

After Wang Qingzhi finished speaking, he waved his hand directly, and suddenly, a middle-aged man in a suit, slightly bald on the top of his head, with a fat figure and dull eyes appeared in front of me.

And there is an iron chain around his neck, it seems that this should be the remnant soul.

"Is this the remnant soul?"

I looked it up and down, then asked.

"That's right, it's him! His name is Liu Wanshan. His human soul was lost, and the remaining heavenly and earthly souls were locked together by my magic. I also lent you this iron chain, but after the incident, you must You have to pay me back, this is the guy I eat!"

"Don't worry senior, I won't cause any trouble for you!"

The soul-detaining iron chain is originally for ghosts.

This old thing should even take out this thing. I am really curious about his master.

What kind of person do you have to be able to train such a top quality...

"You just need to tie this iron chain on your wrist. When you want it to appear, just move your mind. When you don't want it to appear, it is just an ordinary bracelet! I will pass on two instructions to you , if there are some ghosts and ghosts who want to make trouble, you just need to drive it a little, and you will naturally be able to catch it!"

After Wang Qingzhi finished speaking, he lowered his voice and quietly passed on a formula to me.

"Thank you senior, I have memorized this formula!"

After having this thing, I am more confident in finding Liu Wanshan's remnant soul.

After all, human souls actually have the function of attracting each other. As long as his heavenly soul and earthly soul are by my side, human souls will always approach me inadvertently.

And with this iron chain, my safety can be greatly guaranteed. After all, no one can guarantee what is in this deep mountain and old forest.

Although Wawu Mountain has now become a scenic spot, the section of Mihun Road is prohibited from visiting.

There will always be some supernatural phenomena in inaccessible places. Although my fate should not cause any problems, there are contingencies in everything, and it is always good to be careful.

After explaining the business, Wang Qingzhi left directly, and I held the iron chain curiously. Just when I was eager to try it, I realized that Lin Xiaorong seemed to be particularly afraid of this thing.

"What are you afraid of? I won't use it against you?"

I looked at Lin Xiaorong curiously.

"The smell on this is scary..."

Lin Xiaorong said very aggrieved.


I frowned, and then with a thought, I put away the chain directly.

"Does it still taste good now?"

"Not now!"

The expression on Lin Xiaorong's face finally became much better.

Only then did I breathe a sigh of relief. If these living souls could smell this thing under normal conditions, how could his human soul appear?

"This is really a good thing!"

After playing with it for a while, I finally put this thing away, and then simply started to pack my luggage. In fact, there is nothing to pack.

I must bring everything in the hiking bag, and then add some insect repellent powder I made.

What's left is some change of clothes, plus some emergency food such as compressed biscuits that I bought specially.

After all the things were packed, I called Wang Ruoxi.

Although her body hasn't recuperated well, she has been thinking about it all the time, and she feels a little bit upset when she wants to go back to work and always get paid for nothing.

After the two argued for a long time, I finally decided to leave a key to her, and then left her tens of thousands of dollars.

Anyway, I'm not at home these days, so I can let her find some workers to help me clean up the whole second floor.

However, considering Lin Xiaorong's existence, I still asked her to help me keep the original layout, just clean up the traces of the fire.

After everything was ready, I took a nice hot bath, warmed up the soft-shelled turtle I brought back, and went to bed after eating and drinking enough.

I have to say that the efficacy of the medicated diet is indeed amazing. When I opened my eyes the next day, my body had already recovered to a full extent.

Everything was ready, so I still called Liu Mei.

I told her about my plan to go out, Liu Mei just hummed lightly, but didn't continue to ask me what I was going to do.

After chatting for a while, she specifically told me to be careful when going out, and finally hung up the phone.

But she just hung up the phone, and after a while, Zhang Shisan called.

"Mr. Zhong, I heard that you are going on a long trip, how are you going to go?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhang Shisan asked directly.

I couldn't help the corners of my mouth twitching for a while, is this what he wanted to ask?This is clearly what Liu Mei wanted to ask!

But this girl is real, why don't you just ask me if you want to know?

"I'm planning to go to Wawu Mountain, but the things I brought are a bit special, so I should charter a car there!"

I smiled and said truthfully.

"It will take two days and one night from here to Mount Wawu. Otherwise, there is still a caravan under the name of the master, or I will find a driver to take it in. Anyway, there are quite a lot of idlers in the company now! "

I understand that this should be arranged by Liu Mei. After hesitating for a while, I didn't refuse, and I agreed directly.

After all, it's a long way, and it's much better to have a caravan to see you off than to sit in a taxi by yourself.

[The author has something to say]

I have something to do today, I forgot to post it last night after I wrote it, I will post it next time

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