"The road ahead may be a bit far, and it's not easy to walk. Do you have to take this big rooster in?"

The little girl looked at me suspiciously.

"It's okay, it's powerful. After entering the mountain, maybe it can protect me!"

I smiled and said.

The little girl did not lie. The further we walked, the more rugged the road became. Because the road we walked was a prohibited tourist area, there were several barbed wire fences on the road one after another.

Fortunately, this little girl is really very familiar, and I followed her around here and there.

After going around a few times, I was already in a daze, but she seemed to be familiar with the road.

I stopped and went in the middle, walked for three or four hours, and finally a vast forest appeared in front of me.

"In front of you is the Fascinated Soul Road. I, I can't go with you any longer. You'd better not go in. It's really dangerous inside!"

Although it was almost noon now, there was still white mist rising in the forest from time to time.

The little girl said to me with a little fear.

"This is the promised reward, thank you!"

"Big brother, I heard from my grandmother that there are really treasures in this mountain, but whoever takes the things inside will definitely be trapped in it for the rest of their lives. Don't pay attention to those treasures." !"

We will be parting soon, and the girl still told me worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have other things, I won't go looking for any treasure!"

I smiled, tightened the shoulder straps of the backpack, and strode in.

"If you get lost, just follow the river, the water flows downhill, and it will always bring you out!"

After I walked a long way, I heard the little girl shouting at me from behind.

Anyway, it was her kindness, I turned my head and waved to her, and then I went straight into the forest area.

After entering the forest area, the road became more and more difficult to walk. At the beginning, there was still a small road that could barely move forward.

The more you go inside, the narrower the road becomes, and there is no road at the end, and there is a virgin forest everywhere.

In the woods, there are bursts of birdsong from time to time, which is indescribably sweet to the ears.

If you don't consider the words "Ecstasy Road", the scenery of this place is indeed extremely beautiful.

As I was walking, I picked some mushrooms from under the tree next to me. I grew up in the mountains, so of course I can tell which ones are edible and which ones are poisonous.

In this kind of primeval forest, generally speaking, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are.

Instead, these ordinary-looking, unremarkable mushrooms are exceptionally delicious.


As I was walking, I suddenly heard a human voice in front of me.

Moreover, the voice seemed to be a woman.

I was taken aback for a moment, I wouldn't encounter any monsters here like in Journey to the West, would I?

After hesitating for a moment, I decided to look ahead.

Follow the sound and walk forward slowly. The further you go, the more dangerous the terrain becomes.

Not far away, the vines growing around have almost closed all the roads.

I could only draw out my saber and walk away. Fortunately, my right hand is powerful, so it's quite easy to do this kind of thing.

"Is there anyone? Help!"

Following the sound, when I got closer, I realized that there seemed to be a dark pothole on the ground in front of me.

That voice for help came from there.

It's just that now that I'm getting closer, I hear more than one person below, and there seems to be a man's voice, but the man's voice is very weak.

There are vines everywhere on this ground, and the original ground can hardly be seen.

I guess they didn't see the pothole on the ground, so they just fell into it.

"anyone there?"

I hesitated for a while, and broke a branch from the side, and while slowly exploring and walking forward, I asked loudly.

"Someone! Someone, help us, we accidentally fell!"

After hearing my voice, the girl's voice seemed to become agitated all of a sudden.

While speaking, I finally touched the edge of the pit.

Looking down from above, the big pit is almost ten meters high. You can see a man and a woman lying on the ground. Just barely able to make a sound.

Both of them were wearing mountaineering suits and carrying backpacks. It seemed that they came here to explore because of their reputation.

"Can you still move? Wait a minute and I'll pull you up!"

"I can still move, but he was injured and can't move now!"

As the girl said, tears began to flow from the corners of her eyes.

I didn't care so much anymore, I hurriedly took out the climbing rope from my backpack, and then carefully wound it around the nearby tree a few times before throwing the rope down.

Fortunately, both of them seemed to be very experienced, but it was only because the pit was too deep that they both fell into it.

The girl first wound the rope several times under the man's ribs, and then tied a knot around his waist and legs.

Finally, let the man hold the rope tightly with both hands, and then he signaled that I can use my strength.

This man seems to be 1.8 meters tall, and I guess he weighs about [-] to [-] kilograms. Fortunately, my right hand is extremely strong, so I can pull him.

"Thank you, thank you, that, you, do you still have water on you?"

After finally pulling the two of them together, the girl didn't care so much anymore, and asked me a little embarrassedly.

"Fortunately, I just came in today!"

While talking, I dug out two bottles of mineral water from my backpack, and took out two boxes of compressed biscuits for them.

Even though her lips were so dry that they were about to crack, the girl still fed the man water first, and then she took a few sips.

After drinking some water and eating some biscuits, the spirits of the two were obviously much better.

In this deep mountain and old forest, it is not easy to meet them, so I chatted with them directly for a while.

The two of us are also a young couple, the male is called Wang Lei, and the female is called Xia Tian. The two of us are also a young couple who love adventure.

Therefore, from time to time, I always like to play these deep mountains and old forests, and this time the two of them have missed.

If they hadn't met me, they probably would have died together.

"His injury seems to be quite serious. There is a shortage of doctors and medicines here. I'm afraid you have to get out as soon as possible!"

I also learned some medical skills on the mountain, but this man suffered some trauma, and there is a lack of medicine and medicine here. Even if I have supernatural abilities, I can't help at all now.

"Thank you, Brother Zhong. If I hadn't met you today, I guess both of us would have to confess here!"

While talking in Xia Tian, ​​he looked worriedly at Wang Lei on the ground.

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