Destiny Physician

Chapter 208 Absurd Investment

Hu Jinsong smiled and got into the car and left. After he left, I put the huge hiking bag on the second floor, locked the door again, and went out again.

Although there are indeed a lot of medicines in this mountaineering bag, in fact, for me, instead of believing in these medicines, I might as well believe in the spells I drew.

Those cinnabar-equipped spirit inks are really used less, and I am a little reluctant to use them when I draw those ordinary spells.

I simply went to a nearby pharmacy to buy some top-grade cinnabar, and then I could ask them to grind it for me with the finest grinder.

In addition, I bought some insect repellent medicines to prepare insect repellent powder. After everything was prepared, it was already evening when I returned home again.

I've been slacking off lately, so the spells in my hand are exhausted, and I don't have much to do right now.

I deliberately took a bowl of chicken blood I bought, mixed it with cinnabar and my fingertip blood, and then started to draw talismans.

My side has just set up a posture, ready to draw a talisman, Lin Xiaorong has already shrunk away very consciously.

Although she is now considered my usurped spiritual servant, she has a natural fear of these things.

The spells on Yinshan Secret Records are all-encompassing, and all kinds of weird spells emerge in endlessly.

Although these things have no defensive or offensive functions, all kinds of strange spells also have their own unique uses.

For example, the simplest ignition talisman does not even need other fire starters at all, as long as it is thrown on the wood product, it can be ignited instantly.

As for what is the principle behind this, I also have a little understanding, I just know it and don't know why.

Although I have a lighter and a magnesium rod on hand, I still drew a few pictures of this thing.

After tossing and tossing until midnight, I stopped the pen in my hand happily.

Looking at the thick pile of charms in front of me, I really felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in my heart.

"Little brother, I didn't expect you to work so hard at such a late hour!"

While I was admiring my masterpiece, Wang Qingzhi suddenly appeared in a flash.

"I made the seniors laugh. I haven't practiced for many days. I specially practiced it today!"

Looking at his deceitful smile, I can only make excuses.

"Little brother, it's meaningless to be polite. The two of us should be regarded as our own now. I brought you the remnant soul, but you have to give me a guarantee!"

Wang Qingzhi smiled strangely while talking.

I'm a little unhappy to hear him say that. What the hell can I guarantee you?

"I don't know what guarantee Senior wants?"

I frowned and asked directly.

"This remnant soul should be regarded as my investment, but no matter what, you have to bring me back the capital! After all, you also know that this thing is very sought-after now, and their family members are looking for it every day. An expert summons souls..."

I froze for a moment, I didn't expect this old thing to know this.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved, this old boy was going crazy from poverty, begging for money all the time.

"I don't think it's as good as this. I'll take this remnant soul as my own. Senior, please set a price!"

I hesitated and said.

"No, no, how can this matter be calculated like this? It would be too hurtful if it is calculated like this!"

After hearing him say this, I suddenly felt a shock in my heart, where is the relationship between me and him!

This old guy is just asking for money from the beginning to the end. Besides, he made his words so clear, isn't it just for money?

"How can it hurt feelings? Brothers have to settle the accounts clearly. If we don't settle the accounts in advance, it will be meaningless if we make any dirty words because of this matter in the future!"

Seeing the greedy expression on his face, I didn't bother to talk nonsense with him and just picked up a bottle of drink with my right hand.

After adjusting the direction, I exerted a little force with two fingers, and the sealed can was crushed by me.


"I'm really sorry. Something went wrong when I was practicing some time ago. I can't control the power in this hand at all. If I don't pay attention, something like this will happen..."

I smiled and explained to him.

Wang Qingzhi seemed to have just remembered this matter, the expression on his face changed a few times, and finally softened.

"Look, what I mean is, if you find this, then the benefit is..."

While talking, Wang Qingzhi kept rubbing the two fingers of his right hand, gesticulating towards me frantically.

"Senior, that's fine. How can I get this remnant soul and return it to you? If I lose it, I will compensate you with an extra part of the money! If I find his soul, after the money is in hand, I will give it back to you." What do you think of converting all your share into paper money and hiring someone to burn it for you?"

"No, no, I know that little brother, your little girlfriend is very powerful. How about putting this money with your little girlfriend and treating it as my share? Just burn the fixed dividend to me every year, and the rest Leave the rest with her..."

After listening to Wang Qingzhi's words, I suddenly felt absurd.

I'm really curious, what the hell was this old kid doing when he was alive?

This fucking errand came to Yangjian and wanted to take a stake in a company in Yangjian.

Do you dare to be more bloody?

"Why don't you dare to accept the money, little brother?"

The corners of my mouth twitched, I really didn't know what to say.

"Brother, you have to think about it. Investing in this thing can be both profitable and profitable. If you lose, you will lose all your money!"

This old boy's interest rate is frighteningly high. The loan sharks in this world are usually paid out of thirteen times. They refer to the monthly interest rate, but this bastard actually refers to the daily interest rate...

If I just agreed, wouldn't that be digging a hole for Liu Mei?

"Of course I understand this truth, but your little girlfriend is very lucky, and you are there to help, so it is impossible to lose money. Besides, it doesn't matter if you lose money. Anyway, the money came for nothing. What's more, if you convert it into dry shares for me, there will be no problem anyway!"

"Senior, can I ask you a presumptuous question?"

I couldn't bear my curiosity and asked tentatively.

"The relationship between the two of us now, you have to talk straight!"

Wang Qingzhi pretended to be hearty and laughed.

"I don't know what you did before your death, senior?"

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