Some people want to see more Zulong, so let's make up for the big battle...

But the battle is nothing, after all, it is a crushing victory.

——(Battle takes over from this sentence)——

The old dragons of the Yinglong clan hurriedly picked up their young sons, and fled to their patriarch under the protection of the giant dragon!

"Attack the dragon!" The heavenly soldiers and generals quickly turned around and attacked the dragon.

But even if all their spells and magic weapons hit the giant dragon, they seemed to be tickling him, without even a trace of scorching!

Hiding above the nine heavens, with the help of the power of the heavens, Haotian, who sent down the thunder of the purple sky and meteorite sparks to the world, didn't he concentrate all his firepower on the giant dragon?

But the giant dragon shouldered all his strength, and the power of the law of heaven seemed to have turned into tiny dots in terms of his huge body, burning out a little bit of smoke, but this did not affect the action of the giant dragon at all.

Haotian looked at this scene in shock and powerlessness, he understood very well——

this one,

He is destined to lose!

If he loses, he loses, he is not so boring that the human race can still get the help of this giant dragon!

It has a huge body with two wings. The dragon horns symbolize the age of the dragon. The more branches there are, the older it is. The dragon horns and branches on the head of this giant dragon are almost blooming!There are countless ages!

This is actually an ancient giant dragon!

The ancient dragon clan has become an ancient legend. It is so old that people forget the power of destroying heaven and earth when the dragon clan ruled the prehistoric world after Pangu created the world!

Now that it appears in the world, who can fight it?

Haotian lost.

If you lose, you lose. He didn't expect that there are still ancient dragons in the world...

But hey, I didn't see this dragon in the battle of Zhuolu! !

Now, dragons roam freely among the clouds, messing up the sky.

With one flap of its wings, tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals can be sent flying.

Heaven and man are based in the sky, which is their greatest advantage in despising the common people on the ground, but this advantage seems to be completely non-existent in front of the giant dragon!

And the warriors in the world also climbed up the ladder to the sky, fighting and fighting with the heaven and man!

Just after the Battle of Zhuolu, the human warriors are still bloody!

The heavenly soldiers retreated step by step, completely powerless to resist.

Haotian can only order the heavenly soldiers and generals to withdraw to Jiutian in time!

Of course,

Just when the heavenly soldiers retreated, the ancient black dragon was still chasing the heavenly soldiers.

He does not attack.

But flying above the Heavenly Soldiers, a huge shadow has always shrouded the Heavenly Soldiers, becoming the nightmare of the older generation of Heavenly Court people, who are still trembling after thousands of years!

But along with the shadow of the dragon, there was a young voice:

"I want this day, and I can no longer interfere in the world!"

"I want that ghost, so I can never disturb sentient beings again!"

The man standing on the back of the giant dragon wields his weapon, Shengdegang, and the black dragon provides him with powerful energy, which finally splits the world and the nether world, and draws the boundaries of the three realms!

From then on, the Three Realms were born.

Heaven and man cannot arbitrarily cross the boundary and set foot in the world;

The dead go to the nether world and can never return.



After dividing the three realms, the black dragon carried Zhuanxu on his back and flew directly to the border between the underworld and the human world.

After landing, it turns into a human form.

"Just leave now? Without saying hello to your people?" the old man asked with a smile.

"The Three Realms have been established, of course I have to immediately take all the ghosts into the Netherworld, so as to completely draw the boundaries of the Three Realms." Zhuan Xu said.

And the ghosts he led, also under the management of the eldest daughter Ah Wen, lined up to enter the nether world.

But the living cannot enter the Netherworld. Once he goes there, he will bid farewell to the world, clansmen, relatives and friends forever.

But he is not unhappy at all, because dividing the boundaries of the Three Realms has been his long-cherished wish, and now that his wish has come true, even if the result is eternal loneliness, what regrets do he have?

He looked at the old man: "Master, you have been with me since I was born and have never been separated. How about you enter the Netherworld with me so that Xu'er can continue to honor you?"

Tai Ao laughed: "No, you know, at my age, I can't stand loneliness and desertion. It's good to have you in the Netherworld, but it's not as lively as the world."

"Okay." Zhuanxu also knew that his master was a monster in terms of lifespan, maybe one day he would still be ahead of his master, and then it would be another tragedy of a white-haired man giving away a black-haired man , it is better to separate at this point, and there is no need to go through death.

He bowed and said: "Zhuan Xu bids farewell to Master, I hope you and your junior brother will be well."

Tai Ao stroked his beard and smiled: "Yes."

After a cup of tea...

Zhuanxu asked, "Where is your brother?"

"That's right! Where's my egg?!" Before finishing speaking, Tai Ao disappeared in front of Zhuan Xu!

The corners of Zhuanxu's mouth twitched, but in the end he resisted the instinct to look for eggs, clenched his fists, turned his hands away, looked at the direction where Tai Ao disappeared, and sighed: "That's it, that's it! From now on, I won't be in charge of my junior brother! I hope he can... break his shell alive!"

He turned around and followed the army of undead into the Netherworld.



The human army returned to the human world from the ladder.

The Dragon Clan is in the rear, in case the Heavenly Soldiers look back and attack.

Of course, this is not possible.

With the help of the power of the dragon, Zhuanxu drew the boundaries of the Three Realms, and no gods, humans, or ghosts could cross them ever since.

Shaoyang and Yingde were at the end, and the figure of the giant dragon was still spinning in their minds. The mighty momentum made the blood in their chests unstoppable for a long time!

Shaoyang was both envious and yearning: "It's amazing! Who is the sacred ancestor? He really can't imagine it with the Eight Clans. He only has wings. This is a little bit like your Yinglong Clan's imagination! I'm afraid it's yours too! Should belong to the lineage of the dragon."

Ying De is also full of admiration: "I'm afraid he is not from our lineage of Ying Long!"

Shaoyang: "?"

Ying De: "I'm afraid it should be said that our eight clans come from the same source, and that old ancestor is the source, and we are the branch, so how can we use our current concept of the eight clans to distinguish them?"

Shaoyang's expression changed, but he still admired him: "Could it be that you say he is...?!"

Yingde nodded.

Shaoyang: "But didn't the ancestor of our clan fall in the first calamity of heaven and earth?"

Ying De: "Yeah, so I'm not sure, but that senior is indeed somewhat similar to the portrait of the ancestor."

Shaoyang was irritable: "Is that right?!"

Yingde struggled: "It's hard to say..."

Shaoyang: "It's hard to say, so don't say it!"

"Yes! It's not easy to say, so let's not talk about it!" Yingde agreed, they all understand, about the ancestor of the Dragon Clan, if you are sure, it will definitely be a great event for the Dragon Clan.

But if you’re not sure, you go out and tell the world, wow!My ancestor is still alive!Will you still dare to bully us in the future?

In the end, it turned out that the old man was not, so it would be embarrassing!

The embarrassment of the world!

and so……

Don't say anything until you're sure!

They chatted and chatted, and they had already walked down the ladder.

A black wind swept by, and an old man appeared in front of them.

The two were overjoyed, and quickly said: "Senior! I have something to ask you!"

The old man's face was pale: "Coincidentally! I just happen to have something to ask you!"


So Shaoyang and Yingde uttered two words that made them regret for life...

Really, definitely enough to regret for life!

"You first." The juniors said politely.

Tai Ao asked sullenly, "Where's my egg?"

"Ah?" The two were stunned, and subconsciously replied: "I don't know!"

"Ahh! Where's my egg?" The old man grabbed his hair and disappeared in front of the two of them again.

He comes fast and goes even faster!

coming soon...

"I haven't asked you if you are Zulong yet!!"

But now it's too late to regret, the old man is gone, and he won't be able to see him again!

Since then, there is no longer a legend of "the boy chasing the egg" in the world...

Instead, it became the legend of "the old man chasing eggs"...

And it was passed on, somehow it became the legend of the "leftover old man"...


At the same time, New Heaven.

Now it is not only the new heaven, but also the new heaven.

After the new Tiandi Haotian was completely crushed in the Great War between Heaven and Man, he returned to the Nine Heavens and became seriously ill. Since then, he was frightened and trembled when he saw a shadow of something, so he found a place to hide.

Later generations specially created an idiom for this purpose, called: cup bow snake shadow.

(Snake: Have you misunderstood something???)

After recovering from his illness, Haotian ran to Daozu Hongjun and asked to resign from the position of Emperor of Heaven.

Taoist Hongjun chose such a heavenly emperor after thousands of choices, so he naturally refused to agree.

After many times of begging to no avail, Haotian returned to Lingxiao Palace in a depressed mood, and happened to see his younger brother passing by.

Grab it.

younger brother:"?"

"Yu'er, stretch out your hand, I'll show you a treasure." Haotian said.

The younger brother held out his hand.

A holy token of the Nine Heavens Soaring Heaven, which can command the immortals in the heaven, fell into the young man's hand, and Haotian had already turned into a gust of breeze and fled away.

And the young man, who later became the Jade Emperor, uttered his first cry when he ascended the throne——

"I rely on!!!"


*It's really over this time.

* Haotian God and Jade Emperor are not the same person.

*So you guys forget about the bugs I wrote earlier, I'm going to fix them now!

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