Hyundai, 2022.

Ao Xing stretched his waist after seeing off Zhuanxu and his son group, "Ah! Senior brother is gone, I'm actually a little bit reluctant..."

Tai Ao smiled: "Do you want me to send you to find him?"

"No, thank you." Ao Xing politely refused immediately!

Tai Ao stroked his beard, smiled and said: "It's really a escape into the nether world without friends."

When they returned to the house, they saw Bai Ling staring blankly at a watch. It was a white tiger baby bracelet that was locked once worn and could not be unlocked until he finished learning the spells inside!

Ha, didn't expect that?

1080 spells, I learned them all in one night!

Ao Xing really wanted to be so loud that the whole world would know about it, but suddenly it occurred to him that as soon as he cocky, his father would immediately arrange a promotion exam for him... Forget it!Talk about it later!


show off?

Hold back!

He walked over and coughed.

Bai Ling came back to his senses, and hurriedly hid the watch in his pocket guiltily.

Fortunately, she didn't want to delve into the baby watch. After all, she moved out a magic weapon that she was so proud of. What system arranged learning tasks and magic weapon rewards (9000 pieces) were all ready, but the other party learned all the spells in one night. , and emptied out 9000 magic weapons and materials!

The bracelet space has been completely emptied!

Is she shameless?

Don't they, the White Tiger Clan, lose face? !

But in front of the two big brothers, she just doesn't want this face!

She looked at Ao Xing, saw that his face was full of spring breeze, his eyes were quite wise, she couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes, he looks a bit like a cultivator."

"Of course." Ao Xing grinned, stretched out his hand to fetch something from the air, fetched a glass of water, and drank it with relish.

After drinking the water, I took a bag of potato chips from the air, and smacked my mouth while eating, wishing that everyone in the room could hear it.

"You're amazing! You've got me!" Bai Ling said helplessly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it, right?

Ao Xing, this kid has just learned spells, so he's showing off there!

Bai Ling didn't pay much attention to this small spell. After all, what Ao Xing knows now is what she learned when she was a child.

Business matters.

She waved her hand and said to Ao Xing, "Come here, we have something for you on our website."

"What?" Ao Xing walked past Bai Ling.

Bai Ling: "..."

The next second, Ao Xing came back.

Bai Ling: "You shrank your head too much."

"I know, ahem..." Ao Xing said.

: Too much show...

: Looks like a silly son of a landlord...

: Like a fool who can't wait to show off after getting rich overnight...

: If I can learn 1080 spells in one night, I will show off!

: First of all, we have to have the cheats of 1080 spells, laughing and crying...

Ao Xing asked: "What will your website give me?"

Seriously and without emotion, Bai Ling took out the magic weapon from the courier box and handed it to Ao Xing: "This is the Bibo Sword and Miaomiao Immortal Clothes, the rewards from the live broadcast of the last Night of Sprites."

"I almost forgot about these two things..." Ao Xing opened it to take a look, and immediately showed a disappointed expression: "To be honest, this live broadcast reward is not very attractive to me."

Bai Ling looked at him resentfully: "When we released the live broadcast mission on our website, we never thought that you would be upgraded to the Mahayana stage that night! Brother, do you know that the upgrade should be slower? You can go up to four ranks in one go, and we What else are you filming? Do you know that if you are fast-forwarding to the finale of a series, do the audience still need to watch the series?”

Ao Xing: "Ah, this..."

: I think it's good to go up to four ranks in one breath. (/funny)

: Don't get stuck!The anchor should directly ascend to immortality!

: Ascended, is the anchor still alive? (/laugh and cry)

: What made the boy stop his ascension?

: It is to stay in the human world and continue the live broadcast for us hahaha...

: What I said earlier makes sense!

: +999

"Ah, this... The situation was really urgent at the time, and I didn't care about that much... But it's useless for you to tell me this! Whether or not the catastrophe will come, you tell him, don't tell me!" Ao Xing pointed Tai Ao said.

Tai Ao is drinking black tea, keeping in good health.

Bai Ling glanced at him.

Step back a meter.

Another meter.

Until he retreated to the corner and made an X with both hands.

:Xiaobai: I won’t say anything, even if I’m beaten to death.

: Stay away from the old dragon and keep your life safe!

Ao Xing said: "I suspect now that he must have let down the four catastrophes that night!"

Tai Ao drank black tea and said lightly: "Be confident and remove the 'doubt'."

Ao Xing: "..."

Tai Ao: "At that time, I saw that you were so eager to ask for the catastrophe to come, so I satisfied your needs. Is there a problem? No problem!"

Ao Xing: "..."

: It’s really no problem, but my poor cousin...

: Has anyone dug out the identity of the big cousin so far?


: No one knows about the famous son of Rahu!

: (I am Chunliang)...

: (work and rest on time) What's the situation?I just fell asleep, why does it seem like a lot of things happened...?

: Brother, when you were asleep, the son of Rahu came to rob you, but he was caught by the anchor, and survived four catastrophes by the way, and then the anchor recognized him as his big cousin!

: Big cousin, what a miserable person...

: Brother, you are familiar with Luo Hu, do you know who his son is?

: (working and resting on time) First, I am not familiar with Luo Hu.

: (working and resting on time) Second, does Rahu have a son?A person like him who is devoted to his career doesn't seem like he would fall in love and have children!

: [System: "I am pure and good" liked the previous barrage of "Punctual work and rest". 】

: From ancient times to the present, who can guarantee that Luo Hu will not secretly give birth to a cub?Look at your old man, isn't he still an old tree blooming, concentrating on hatching eggs for 10 years?

: (work and rest on time) No.

: (Working and resting on time) For those of us in this position, there is a saying that has been circulating.

: What words?

: (work and rest on time) Women will only affect the speed of our preaching!

: [System: "I am pure and good" liked the previous barrage of "Punctual work and rest". 】



: (working and resting on time) Luo Hu is determined to prove the Tao with demons, how can he find a woman when he is free?

: Laughing and crying...

: I hope Patriarch Luohu won't vomit three liters of blood when he hears this!

: (I am pure and good) (/proud)

"I knew it, I knew why you came here as soon as the big cousin left. Sure enough, you are always nearby, but you just don't want to help!" Ao Xing said.

Poor Ah Wen was beaten so badly!

What a dear father + dear ancestor and grandpa!

Tai Ao clicked his tongue: "Nonsense, I obviously made a move."

Refers to catastrophe.

Poor big cousin!

"By the way, Dad." Ao Xing sincerely asked for advice: "Since you were nearby at that time, then did you recognize that big watch... who is that demon?"

Tai Ao said: "It's too far away, I can't see clearly."

So Ao Xing condensed out of the screen of water, recreating the scene of that night: "What about now?"

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