I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 145 I want this day, and I can no longer meddle in the world!

Zhuanxu: "...Master, can you stop being naughty?"

Tai Ao smiled.

At this time, the enchantment was strengthened in the sky!

Lightning protection and wind protection!

Tai Ao can't be naughty for now.

The Yellow Emperor issued an order: "All officers and soldiers listen to the order!"

Just now I was immersed in the celebration banquet, and now all the races in the world have regrouped and are ready to fight the second battle!

The white tiger that Tai Ao leaned on stood up.

Tai Ao said: "Go."

Only then did the white tiger spread its wings and fly to the side of Baidi Shaohao.

Shaohao cried: "I thought you weren't coming back?"

Baihu laughed and said, "No, no, you will always be my good master!"

Shaohao gritted his teeth: "Then you have been following others?!"

Bai Hu: "He has a top-notch skill at stroking cats! Do you know how?"

Shaohao looked at his hands and fell silent: "..."

On the other side, Shaoyang summoned the holy sword of Tiande and kicked Yingde by the way: "It's about to fight, which side do you stand on?"

Before Yingde could speak, Huangdi Xuanyuan said first: "From the moment he stood up, he couldn't go back!"

Yingde was depressed and wanted to cry: "Since I met you, Xuanyuan, I have been cheated all the time! Never stopped!"

He said why Xuanyuan didn't make a sound in front of him, and waited until he stood up to grab the purpose. Isn't it because of his delicate position in the Yinglong clan?

He should say that the Dragon Clan used to be the strongest fighting force in the Heavenly Court. If they were still loyal to the Heavenly Court, then the Yellow Emperor would have a headache.But now that the Yinglong clan has openly despised the decree of the heavenly court, it is now their turn

"Forget it, since the fall of ancestor Gengchen, our Yinglong clan has not been happy in the sky, so we might as well return to the heaven and return to the sea!"

When Shaoyang heard this, he immediately cheered: "Yes, yes, cut off your interfering wings, and return to the sea!"

As soon as the words fell, the old senior gave him a strange look.

And Yingde was also furious: "You..."

At this moment, an awe-inspiring and vast voice came from the sky: "I am Emperor Haotian, the Lord of the New Heaven conferred by Daozu Hongjun, a sage of heaven. A few days ago, I sent Yinglong, Tiannuba and others from the lower realms to help you out. Now you I have won, and I ordered Yinglong, Tiannu and other immortals to return to the heaven immediately, and the mortals kneel down to accept the order, and I can forgive you for the previous crime of disrespect!"

Someone said angrily: "At this time, Haotian actually wants us to kneel down to take over the title? Now that our human race also has a Heavenly Emperor, why should we be afraid of the power of the Heavenly Court!"

And Shaoyang laughed, and bumped Yingde with his elbow: "Haotian said you were sent by him, so shameless!"

Yingde sighed: "That's why there is a reason to share half of my merits!"

Speaking of this, he thought of the senior's description of meritorious deeds + 1 + 2 + 3 just now, and couldn't help laughing.

He stepped out and responded to the heavens: "Don't talk nonsense, boy Haotian! It has nothing to do with you when I wait for the help from the lower realms! It has nothing to do with you to win the battle of Zhuolu! I won't go back for the next nine days!"

Haotian asked: "Would you like to rebel?"

Ying De said: "God is not benevolent, how can you be the master of the world!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Haotian announced: "Now the Yinglong clan is rebelling in the lower realms, and today they will be removed from the immortal status and labeled as demons! The Xuanyuan clan led the rebellion, which violates the law of heaven. Today, I issue an order to expel the human race from the law of heaven! "

"Shameless boy, if you want to steal our merits and virtues, you will not succeed, and you want to destroy our human race on behalf of the heavens?" Xuanyuan smiled coldly, pointing his long sword at the sky, and said angrily: "The sky is going to destroy my human race, how can our human race sit and wait for death! We are going to fight today Your Heavenly Court! Drive Er and other cold-blooded and ruthless immortals away from the world!"

Just as Xuanyuan was about to turn back, suddenly there was the cry of a child in the sky, the clouds parted, and a group of dragons, young and old, were standing on the clouds under the heavenly soldiers and generals, with dragon-slaying knives on their necks.

Yingde's expression changed!

Shaoyang couldn't help being anxious, and scolded: "You have come down, why didn't you bring the clansman down too!"

Yingde was helpless: "I thought I could go back..."

"The New Heavenly Court has not tolerated you old people from the former dynasty for a long time. This time, if you go down to earth without permission, Haotian will have an excuse to expel your immortal status." Taihao sighed.

Yingde: "I thought the Nine Heavens where my clan lived was safe, and Haotian couldn't enter the place where my clan lived..."

Taihao sighed: "Now it seems that Haotian's power has spread throughout the entire Nine Heavens!"

At this time, the voice of Haotian came from the sky again: "Yingde, I will give you another chance. If you are willing to return to the heaven again, your immortal status will remain, and I will let it go. Otherwise, I will descend to the dragon clan as an inferior demon." All spirits in the world can be punished! These old and young remnants will be killed in front of all spirits in the world today, so as to make an example to others!"

"You..." Yingde wanted to retaliate, but looking at the elders and children of the clan and listening to their cries, he couldn't utter a single retort!

Others dare not say a word!

At this moment, an awe-inspiring voice came from the ground: "In front of me, kill my descendants of the Dragon Clan, don't you want to have this Heavenly Court?"

Previously, "the excitement belongs to you and has nothing to do with me", but now Tai Ao stood up with a gloomy expression on his face!

He didn't say much, sacrificed his primordial spirit, and rushed to the sky, trying to save the young and old of the Yinglong clan, but when he arrived, he was struck down by a purple lightning!

When Yuanshen returned to his body, several purple lightning bolts and meteorite sparks had rained down from the sky, hitting the human world, causing countless casualties!

Tai Ao became angry from embarrassment: "It's really worthy of borrowing the name of the way of heaven, with the protection of the way of heaven! My soul can't break through their defense line, unless I sacrifice my body to heaven!"

At this moment, there is no time to delay, and the two emperors Yan and Huang joined hands to form an enchantment to resist natural disasters.

Emperor Qing stomped his feet, and several wooden roots spread out from his feet, heading towards the people of all ethnic groups, sending a steady stream of vitality to heal the people.

Baidi Shaohao raised his arms and called out: "Father warrior, follow me first!"

So the feather warriors spread their wings and rushed to the sky with weapons in hand!

After the Qing Emperor Taihao protected the people on the ground, he formed vines and grew up towards the sky, in order to make a ladder to the sky, so that all races on the ground can rise to the sky and fight!

Emperor Yan and Huang revived and ordered the warriors of all races to go up the ladder after finishing their lineup, while the two stayed beside Emperor Qing and passed on spiritual power to him to support the ladder.

And all races cannot be headless, so Huangdi Xuanyuan ordered the black emperor Zhuanxu: "Xu'er, take the lead!"

"Yes!" Zhuanxu picked up his weapon and rushed up the ladder with the warriors of all races!

However, the sky ladder is too eye-catching, and the heavens are not blind, so all the natural disasters that fell were concentrated on the sky ladder, Zhuanxu took the lead and charged up, and was knocked down in a short while!

He was not convinced, and wanted to charge again, but someone held down his shoulder, and when he turned his head, it was Master Tai Ao.

Tai Ao's face was cold and solemn, this was the first time Zhuanxu saw the murderous look in Master's eyes in 4 years!

At this time, the sky also spilled a piece of red blood.

Yingde screamed in pain, no longer afraid of hands and feet, turned into a prototype winged dragon, and led the Yinglong clan to the sky!

However, the Tiandao Zidian Meteorite is too powerful, and many Yinglong clan were also knocked down!

The majesty of the sky, do not send provocations!

When the wailing sounds spread all over the world, Zhuanxu still heard a calm and calm voice, just like in the past 4 years, always guiding him: "What do you want?"

His eyes turned red, and he said, "I want this day, and I can never interfere in the human world again! I want that ghost, and I can never disturb sentient beings again!"

"Okay, I'll help you!" As soon as the old man finished speaking, the black dragon picked up Zhuan Xu.

The giant dragon spread its wings, half of the sky was blocked, and all the purple meteorites were blocked!

The crowd was stunned.

They have never seen such a giant dragon that can cover the sky by spreading its wings!

As soon as you flap your wings, you are already in the sky!

"This is..." Huangdi Xuanyuan asked in surprise.

Qingdi Taihao was also too shocked to be himself: "I have seen the portrait of the ancestor, this, this seems to be... the ancestor dragon of the extermination of the world!"

There is a legend about the Dragon Clan that the world is the first to measure calamity. The ancestor of ten thousand dragons was instigated by Rahu to launch a war against the Phoenix and Qilin Clans. That war of calamity almost wiped out the world. It's just that there is no one out of ten, but the end of complete destruction!

The old man's joke came to my ears again: "This old man has killed more people than all of you here combined."

What can kill more than war?

It's annihilation!

The startled voice of younger brother Shaoyang came from the side: "It turns out that the dragon's wings are so useful..."

Taihao came back to his senses, and whipped a rattan whip: "What stupid things are you talking about, why don't you rush?"

"Oh!" Shaoyang finally came to his senses and led his tribe to rush up.

With the black dragon opening the way, the Heavenly Dao Zidian Meteorite could no longer fall down, and all races on the ground climbed up the ladder smoothly!

And the people in the sky were also stunned by the body of the giant dragon. They had never seen such a giant dragon, which spread its wings and could cover the sky!

Before they could react, the giant dragon flapped its wings, and a strong wind blew up in the sky, blowing away the auspicious clouds, and many low-level celestial soldiers fell down immediately!

The executioner stopped the dragon-slaying knife and was shocked to see the dragon.

And in the next moment, the giant dragon had come before him, opened his mouth and sprayed, and a mouthful of purple electricity beat all the executioners to pieces!

Is this also Zidian? ?

How about mocking Heaven?

The old dragons of the Yinglong clan hurriedly picked up their young sons, and fled to their patriarch under the protection of the giant dragon!

This battle between heaven and man did not last long, and within two hours, it ended with the victory of the human race.

The heavenly soldiers and generals were defeated by the army of the world, and under the shadow of the giant dragon, there was still a voice, which became the nightmare of the older generation of heavenly people who were still trembling after thousands of years!

"I want this day, and I can no longer interfere in the world!"

"I want that ghost, so I can never disturb sentient beings again!"

The black emperor Zhuanxu used weapons to split the world and the nether world. From then on, the Three Realms were born without interfering with each other.


*Yes, yes, authors who do not control the number of words are garbage authors. The memoirs of this garbage author are not finished yet. This chapter is 3000 words.

*But this is the end, just a little tail.

*That's right, the Three Realms were drawn out by Zhuan Xu, a young man.

*In ancient times, the three realms of heaven, earth and man were actually connected, but in the end Zhuanxu ordered the separation of the three realms. Since then, the heavens have been far away from the human world.

*Baidu keywords: Jedi Tiantong.

*Video: Zhuan Xu separated the Three Realms with his own power.

*If you are interested, you can check it out.

*Evil, why is Zhuanxu's weapon a spear?One Sword Divides Three Realms How nice it sounds!One fight divides three worlds... well, it reads weird.

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