Ao Xing is messy, but still sober: "Don't fool me, I am a dragon, he is a human, how does he hatch eggs?"

Tai Ao wiped away his old father's tears: "Inject spiritual power, and nourish your body once you are still egg white."

: Key point: still the anchor of Egg White...

: egg white (/laugh and cry)

: I want to know what the anchor looks like in the egg white period...

: Long Zu is lustful!What egg white?Obviously...

: Second understanding (/funny)

: Second understanding (/funny)

: Second understanding (/funny)


Ao Xing was also confused by the word "egg white".

I have been a human being for so long, and I never thought that one day I would be described like this!

"You, you fooled me again!" Ao Xing recovered from the shock of the word "egg white": "Brother at that time was just an ordinary human foundation-building cultivator, you raise an egg, and the foundation-building level is enough Suck it? Now I can level up once every time I hack, but I know very well that a little bit of cultivation in Foundation Establishment is not enough to raise a dragon egg at all!"

Ao Xing: I'm not stupid, don't fool me!

The old father wiped away his tears: "Ah~ I was discovered, that's right, besides my cultivation, I also helped you inhale something else."


"Luck~!" Tai Ao laughed, at this moment Ao Xing seemed to see a bling~bling red light flashing in his eyes!

: What is luck?

: Niu wow wow wow!Long Zu is too good at it!Zhuanxu is the future emperor, so it's sure to suck his luck~!

: Luck refers to a person's fate and qi number. If luck is high, things will be smooth sailing, and if luck is low, drinking water will be stuffed between teeth!

: This is just the luck of ordinary people.If it is the luck of the strong, it may affect the luck of a family, a country, or even the whole world!

: Zhuanxu is the future emperor, and his luck will affect the future direction of the human race. It is right to suck him! (/ I also suck funny)

:what?The old man stole our luck from the human race? ! ! ! ! (/angry)

: Those who are angry can stop, Zhuan Xu is not angry, why are you angry!

: It's wrong to steal my luck from the human race!

: Didn't Zhuanxu become emperor in the end?

: Longzu is Zhuanxu's teacher, didn't he also help him later, hanging and beating all kinds of strong people all the way, and finally won the battle of Zhuolu, repelled the demons, and suppressed the ghosts in the depths of the nether world forever? ?

: This kind of thing must be a mutually beneficial and win-win situation, even my human race is still a good thing, otherwise Zhuan Xu would not be so grateful to Longzu!

: Heizi can wash up and sleep. If you don’t experience that era, you can’t weigh the pros and cons. You still don’t know the attitude of the bosses of that era towards this matter? (/despise)

: Unknown...

: I'm the only one who cares - Longzu gave me all the luck? (/something)

: (Ao Xiaoqing) What rice?I heard that my Dragon Clan is going to prosper?

: The Dragon King of the East China Sea? ! !

Zhuanxu was still immersed in the gesture of the giant egg that he couldn't hold in his hands, tears filled his eyes, just like the touch of the happy father: "Junior brother was so cute back then, all the saints I met liked it, once I hugged it, I couldn't put it down In those years, Master and I tried our best to grab the egg. I really miss the passion of that time!"

: I recalled my running in the sunset that year...

"Snatch, grab eggs? Saint, saint?" The corners of Ao Xing's mouth twitched, as if he couldn't even speak!

Zhuan Xu smiled and said, "Yes!"

Ao Xingjiong: "Are saints walking everywhere?!"

: I remembered a sentence my elder brother said: In those years, when you walked casually on the road, you would meet a saint, so in order not to be beaten, you can only work hard to become stronger! (/funny)

: True saints walk everywhere. (/laugh and cry)

: This is the emperor, the son of luck of the human race↓

Zhuanxu: "Yeah~! I don't know what happened. In those years, I ran into senior saints wherever I went, and they all helped me practice and fight. I am really grateful to those seniors! Good people!"

: True Son of Luck! (/laugh and cry)

: Congratulations to all the great masters from all walks of life for offering a Heidi good person card~!

: Zhuanxu, are you the cheating hero in the online novel?

: Which emperor in history is not a cheating hero?

Tai Ao (^-^): "I also took a little bit of their..."

Ao Xing: "..."

: There is also a ↑ of fishing in troubled waters, (/laughing and crying)

: As expected of you!

: Wait, how many people have the anchor been hatched by?

: If you rub a little bit everywhere...

: Anchor, are you the legendary son of luck of all races?

: Commonly known as: the next hanging force.

: (Ao Xiaohong) In 2022, my Dragon Clan will rise? ?

: (Ao Xiaobai) The old ancestor was really far-sighted!

: (Ao Xiaohei) I, I thought we had been abandoned by the times long ago, but I didn’t expect our ancestors to pave the way for us... (/Wow burst into tears)

: (Ao Xiaoqing) The son of luck was finally born in our clan!

: Really the Dragon King of the East China Sea is back! ↑

: (figure expert) What?The egg I hugged back then turned out to be the son of the Dragon Ancestor? ! ! (/was struck by lightning!)

: Capture a saint alive↑

: Capture a saint alive↑

: Capture a saint alive↑

If Tai Ao hadn't always maintained the appearance of an old man with immortal (ruo) wind (bu) Tao (jin) bone (feng), Ao Xing really wanted to slap him!

"How do you rub people's luck everywhere? Don't you have it yourself?"

"No." Tai Ao said frankly: "It has been used up long ago."

: This is the first generation of Dragon Emperor, the first overlord of the world after the creation of the world! ↑

: After the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, the three clans used up all their luck and withdrew from the hegemony stage, and the lich came on the stage. (/sucks funny)

: Since the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, Zulong's luck was exhausted and his karma was entangled. He was suppressed under the Longquan Cave in Kunlun Mountain...

: Long Zu seems to have said that after the war, his soul was broken?

: Keke!That means the information I checked was wrong! (/blush)

Ao Xing frowned and struggled: "So you just rub a little bit everywhere, isn't this way too shameless?"

The old father was innocently wronged and sad: "It's not my father's fault. It's all because you are so cute. All saints can't help snatching you home when they look at you. It's not because my father wants to rub their luck. But when they touch you, you will take the initiative to absorb their luck! They sent it up on their own initiative!"

Ao Xing: "...So who is to blame?"

Tai Ao looked at him lovingly: "I blame you for being too cute!"

: (The figure master is in a mess) At that time, I was studying the recipe...

: (The figure master is in a mess) Is it better to eat baked eggs or boiled eggs...

: The person concerned appeared to restore the historical truth! ↑

: The person involved couldn't believe that he almost ate the son of Zulong. ↑

: The person concerned is now full of remorse, too late to regret. ↑

: The pattern is small. @手做达人, obviously you can also poached eggs, fried eggs, scallion eggs, tea eggs, soft-boiled eggs, egg drop soup, tomato scrambled eggs...

: Brothers in front, the layout is also small!My pancake fruit must be nominated!

: Then my cake must have a name too!


: ... Is what you said later still the way of ordinary eggs? !

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