I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 110 Listening to Zhuan Xu's Inventory of the Great Divine Water

Among the 100 ways to talk about eggs, netizens expressed:

:I'm hungry……

: Let's talk first, I'll bake an egg.

: Can eggs be baked?

: If the sage says it can be done, it can be done. (/funny)

: (figure expert)...

: I can now understand why Long Zu and Hei Di are always busy fighting for eggs, because Azai back then really didn't want to be too...but (hao) love (chi)!

: Back then, Long Zu and Hei Di were either on the way to grab eggs, or on the way to grab eggs...

Ao Xing remained silent.

At this time, he found that Bai Ling was far away, pointing him in colloquial words—'Interview! '

"..." He really regarded him as a news host!

However, now is indeed the best time for an interview. If you miss it, you will not be able to pick up Zhuanxu's fierce stories in the future.

(Zhuanxu will return to Youming in the future, who dares to chase after Youming and ask him!)

Zhuanxu looked at him reminiscently, still gesticulating with his hands: "The younger brother was just an egg back then, but now he has grown so big..."

"Don't talk about this now," Ao Xing didn't want to mention it anymore, and quickly changed the subject: "Otherwise, let's talk about something else."

Zhuan Xu: "Others?"

Ao Xing: "Yes, there is a small game in the world called quick question and quick answer. If I ask a question, you have to answer it immediately. If you don't answer for more than 10 seconds, then..."

"One cup of fine wine?" Zhuan Xu asked with a smile, "There used to be a drinking order, but I didn't expect that the way people play has changed now."

"Isn't that right? I don't know how to order wine. I can recite three hundred Tang poems, but I can." Ao Xing quickly smiled and covered it up. He put two wine glasses on the table.

Unexpectedly, Zhuanxu put another wine glass in.

Ao Xing: "?"

Zhuanxu: "Brother, don't you want to play?"

"!" Ao Xing's expression was stiff: "I... I am underage!"

: Anchor, can't you afford it?

: You are eighteen!

: The Dragon Clan came of age at [-] years old~

: (Ao Xiaoqing) Little ancestor Mo Xu!Our Dragon Clan is not drunk with a thousand cups!

: ! ! !

: It’s really the Dragon King of the East China Sea, you’re back @谢小青

: (Ao Xiaoqing) Well, I'm back.

: Taibai Jinxing didn't bother you much, did it?

: (Ao Xiaoqing) It's okay, just a routine questioning, I didn't confess my little ancestor. (^-^) It’s a good thing I didn’t confess, the little ancestor is the lucky son of my family!Can't fall into the hands of heaven!

: (Ao Xiaohei) Did not confess, does it mean that he almost confessed?You thief loach!

: (Ao Xiaoqing) Don’t quarrel, the old ancestors and the young ancestors are here, my dragon clan is about to rise again, at this moment our four clans should unite and love each other, why bother fighting again?

: (Ao Xiaohei) You are right.

: (Ao Xiaohong) (/shake hands)

: (Ao Xiaobai) (/shake hands)

: Is the Dragon King of the Four Seas the first brother and friend respectful?

: (Ao Xiaoqing) Again, we are not brothers!

: (Ao Xiaohong) We have different colors, how could we be brothers!

: The boat of friendship capsizes...

: The Dragon King of the East China Sea is back, why hasn’t my little brother come back yet?I miss my little brother, my Myth Encyclopedia~

: Maybe Heaven is busy.

: (Ao Xiaoqing) Is there anyone in Heaven watching the live broadcast? ? ?

: Yes, the little brother is actually a high-ranking official in the heavenly court, and Taibai Jinxing's girlfriend is playing a transvestite... Oh, you were not there at that time, so you don't know.

: [System: Ao Xiaoqing exited the live broadcast room. 】

: [System: Ao Xiaohong exited the live broadcast room. 】

: [System: Ao Xiaobai exited the live broadcast room. 】

: [System: Ao Xiaohei exited the live broadcast room. 】

:Oops!Why are you gone?

: Maybe change the number...

: They seem to be quite afraid of heaven.

: What are you afraid of?They have the son of luck!

: Son of Luck is the anchor, not them...

In the gluttonous hotel.

"What does it matter if you are not an adult? Junior brother belongs to the dragon clan, how can the dragon clan have the reason to drink and get drunk?" Zhuanxu smiled and filled all three glasses of wine.

Ao Xing was stunned: "Are the dragons drunk?"

Zhuanxu said: "Dragon people are born with the ability to control the water of the world. No matter how intoxicating wine is, its essence is still water. Naturally, there is no reason why wine can drunk dragons. Unless it is brewed with the seven great gods, the dragon people Not drunk at all."

Ao Xing asked curiously: "What about the seven great waters?"

Zhuanxu asked, "Is this the beginning?"

"Uh, that's fine too!"

Zhuan Xu smiled and pointed to the wine glass, and said, "If we can't answer the question of the younger brother, then we will drink it. If we can answer all the questions, then the younger brother will drink it. What do you think?"

Look at the wine bottle...


52 degrees!

"Can't you really drink the dragon...??"

"Yes. This degree, to junior brother, is plain boiled water. I answered, junior brother drinks." Zhuan Xu picked up the wine and poured it into Ao Xing's mouth.

Ao Xing: "!"

: I really do what I say!

When Ao Xing first drank it, he was full of panic, but as soon as the wine entered his throat, the taste was not as good as he had imagined. It retained the mellow aroma of fine wine, and the aftertaste was sweet, but it didn't choke his throat, nor did it stick to his head!

"Good wine!" he said pleasantly.

Zhuan Xu smiled.

Since he can't get drunk, let's drink. As long as he can get more ancient stories, then what if he drinks more?It's a big deal to go to the toilet a few more times!

Ao Xing asked: "Brother, what are the seven great waters you mentioned just now?"

Zhuanxu said: "The first type is Xiantian Renshui. It is made from the congenital spiritual root of the flat peach tree. It feels the essence of the myriad seas and gathers the essence of heaven and earth. It takes tens of thousands of years to condense a drop of divine water. One drop of this divine water It can be turned into rivers, seas and lakes, and ten drops can drown the world."

Ao Xingjiong: "One drop is so much, use it to make wine??"

"The belly of a dragon can absorb hundreds of rivers." After speaking, Zhuan Xu pinched Ao Xing's mouth and looked at it.

Ao Xing: "?"

After reading it, Zhuan Xu sighed, "Junior Brother, you are so good at it."

: Hei Di, I suspect you are driving!

Ao Xing: "...I will drink more water from now on!"

"Just drinking water is not enough." Zhuan Xu said seriously, "You have to drink a river."

Ao Xing: "... Got it."

: Pfft, we mortals drink water in cups a day, dragons drink water in rivers...

Zhuanxu let go of his hand: "The second type is the Sanguang Shenshui. The three lights are sunlight, moonlight, and starlight. It was first stored in the eight-treasure glass bottle of Yuanshi Tianzun, and later stored in the jade bottle in the hands of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Middle. The three kinds of divine water are separated and are peerless poisons. The divine water of sunlight will wear away the flesh and bones, the divine water of moonlight will corrode the soul of the primordial spirit, and the divine water of starlight will swallow the consciousness of the true spirit. It is Daluo Immortal , if you get infected with them, you will have to shed your skin even if you don’t die!"

Ao Xing was shocked: "Who would use this kind of water to make wine!!!"

And give it to the Dragon Clan? ? ?

He was kicked in the forehead by a donkey to drink this wine!

Zhuanxu chuckled, and said, "Junior Brother, don't be alarmed. Separately, the Sanguang Shenshui is poison, but when combined, it is a life-saving elixir! Besides, the Dragon Clan's Yushui, even if you drink it separately, it will be fine. Will be drunk for a thousand years."

The corners of Ao Xing's mouth twitched: "I've been drunk for a thousand years, is that okay??!"

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