I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 108 Shocked!My dad is a portable grandfather!

Chi's status can actually directly threaten Hei Di's life!

Ao Xing stared wide-eyed: "Your father is still in power, and the people below dare to spread the word like that?"

"Why don't they dare?" Ah Wen smiled wryly. She looked at the two younger brothers who were still trying to escape, but were always restrained and pulled back to Zhuanxu's side. "Look at the sprites, they still haven't obeyed their father's discipline."

Ao Xingjiu: "I thought they were just rebellious..."

: I thought so too!


: +999

Ah Wen smiled wryly and said, "The ghost clan is sinister and cunning, and they do all sorts of evil, except...except for that person, I am afraid that there is no one in this world who has such an absolute deterrent power against ghosts!"

Ao Xing was puzzled: "Then how did your father control Nether?"

"Two of the four great ghost kings are enough." Ah Wen was referring to the two unlucky younger brothers.

It seems to make sense.

Unexpectedly, these two things are the key to Zhuanxu's rule of Netherworld!

(Ao Xing's inner os: So they are still useful?)

Ao Xing: "...What about Mei?"

Ah Wen: "After the battle of Zhuolu, Mei was on the run, and Chi (softly) disappeared."

Ao Xing: "You have never looked for him in the past 1 years?"

Ah Wen: "I looked for it, but I don't know where to go!"


"That Chi," said Hei Di, who was drinking over there, with a smile at this moment, "it's a blessing or a curse. He will appear by himself sooner or later. If he appears again, it will be a catastrophe for the netherworld and a catastrophe for the world. If we don't show up, we'll be happy to live in peace."

Ao Xing looked over.

These two elders, while talking about themselves, also pay attention to what they are talking about, and when they are interested, they just chime in.

Ao Xing asked: "Brother Zhuanxu, the legend of You Ming means that when that guy reappears, he will kill you for revenge. Are you afraid of him?"

Zhuanxu laughed and said, "Why should you be afraid of your defeated general? Besides..."

He blinked at Ao Xing: "Isn't there still your father? Back then, I fought against 24 ghosts, but Master helped me!"

"That's my dad's power!" Ao Xing's eyes lit up!

That pride!

Tai Ao smiled.

"That's right!" Ao Xing remembered that there was a question in the interview manuscript, so he quickly hugged the manuscript and moved over: "By the way, brother, how did you and my dad know each other back then?"

Zhuanxu said reminiscently: "At that time, I was born in Ruoshui. I was gifted when I was a child. I practiced Qi at the age of four and established the foundation at the age of ten. I became the youngest monk who established the foundation by Ruoshui in a century. When I thought I might surpass my uncle Shaohao’s ability, suddenly for three consecutive years, my skill did not increase but retreated, and in the end I even regressed to the point where I was inferior to ordinary people! When I was 15 years old, my fiancée brought their entire tribe to visit me Ruoshui divorced..."

Ao Xing muttered: "Why does this story sound so familiar to me?"

Thousands of netizens: This story is a bit familiar...

Zhuan Xu recalled the old days: "On that day, I suffered a lot of humiliation. But it was also on that day that I met my benefactor Tai Ao. He actually possessed my mother's relic ring all the time..."

Ao Xingjiu: "This really doesn't sound familiar at all!"

: Well, it seems that I almost remembered...! !

: I seem to have read this story 10 years ago...!

: I just watched anime recently! (/Shock)

: What are you talking about...?

Ao Xing seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "Senior brother! Don't tell me that the reason your skills have regressed in those three years is because my dad was secretly absorbing your skills?"

Zhuan Xu was surprised: "How do you know?"

Ao Xing: "Don't tell me again, after my dad shows up, no one else can see him, only you can see him."

Zhuan Xu was pleasantly surprised: "Yes! Master has told you?"

Tai Ao smiled and shook his head, saying no.

Ao Xing: "From now on, my dad has become your golden finger. He not only started the one-on-one teaching mode, but also gave you a lot of natural talents and treasures. When necessary, he will also pass on his spiritual power to you to help you Are you defending against the enemy? So you leapfrogged all the way and beat all the bosses, and finally became the famous Northern Heavenly Emperor?!"

Zhuanxu smiled from ear to ear: "Yes! It was the happiest time in my life to travel to the Kyushu Continent with Master! But what is a golden finger?"

Ao Xing held his head in a mess: "Isn't this meowing old grandfather?"

"My dad turned out to be an accompanying grandfather!"

: Shocked me! (/shocked/shocked/shocked)

: I always thought this story was a novel...! !

: I always thought it was anime...! !

: Shocked, Dou x Cangqiong is actually telling the story of Long Zu and Hei Di!

: About the portable grandfather, I always wanted to ask...

"Dad, I have always had a question about the portable grandfather." Ao Xing asked the portable grandfather himself excitedly: "About the setting of the portable grandfather, if the ring you possess is taken away by someone else, then you Wouldn't it be someone else's golden finger... Oh no, I mean, Master. (Change the vocabulary that the ancients can understand.)"

: It turns out that the anchor and I are fellow travelers!

Tai Ao smiled and said, "So what if someone picks me up? I'm not someone who can see me whenever they want. If I don't like it, even if the founding Yuanling comes, I won't see it."

: The old man is arrogant~

: Unravel the confusion of book fans for many years!

After finishing speaking, Tai Ao glanced at Zhuan Xu with a smile.

it is more than words.

Zhuanxu also smiled conceitedly: "Junior Brother, worry too much. With me here, let alone someone else came to snatch it, even if they got their hands on it, I will not let them get their hands on my master's hiding ring!"

: Domineering!

: As expected of the Emperor of Heaven!

Zhuanxu took off a dragon-shaped ring from his left middle finger, and handed it to Ao Xing: "This is the holy ring of dragon soul that your father possessed in the past. This time, the senior brother came to the world in a hurry, and he didn't prepare a gift for the junior brother. The ring should be regarded as a meeting gift for the senior brother. This ring is of great significance to the senior brother. During these years in the Netherworld, whenever I miss Master and you, I will take out this ring to have a look..."

Ao Xing wondered: "If you miss your master, you will miss your master. Why do you take me?"

Zhuanxu smiled: "Because you were also in the holy ring back then!"

Ao Xing: "?!"

Zhuanxu gestured reminiscently: "Back then you were so big, chubby, and so cute. Every time my brother entered the holy ring space to practice, he would hug you and hatch you..."

"Hatch?" Ao Xing's expression changed.

Zhuanxu smiled: "That's right, back then you were just an egg, so big."

He gestured again.

: It's such a big egg, I can't hold it with both hands!

: Cub, don’t be shocked, back then you were just an egg!

:Shock!The anchor was hatched by the black emperor!

: No wonder Heidi always looks at the anchor with a strong paternal love in his eyes...

Tai Ao took out his handkerchief to wipe away his bitter tears, and complained quietly: "You still blame me for stealing Xu'er's skills, don't even think about it, who is it all for?"

Ao Xing is completely messed up!

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