I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 107 魑: There is no me in the nether world, but there have always been legends about me...

Ah Wen: "If little uncle loses a single hair, I will never end with you two!"

As soon as the words fell, Ao Xing pulled out a hair.

After the hair falls from the head, it becomes a white mane.

He showed it to Ah Wen: "It's gone."

Ah Wen was dumbfounded: "..."

: Is the anchor too bad?Ha ha!

: You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!

: Sister Ah Wen: I can’t handle this...

"I will do what I say." Ah Wen solemnly said to Ao Xing.

Sprite: "0a0!"

Ryo: "0a0!"

: ! ! !

Ah Wen held the lantern in one hand, clenched his fist in the other, and beat him hard!

sprite tat!

: Damn it!Really fight!

: The ancients kept their promises...

: Doing what you say is the traditional virtue of our Chinese descendants!

: Our ancestor A Wen taught us by precept and deed, teaching us to give full play to traditional virtues!

: Emma!Sister Ah Wen looks small, but she didn't expect her fighting power to be so explosive!

: It is said that Sister Ah Wen’s strength is comparable to that of the beauty, but she did not enter the ranking.

: Your younger brother, Zou, stood aside and looked at it in confusion...

: Finally joined the group fight.

: Family younger brother!

: Family younger brother!

: Family younger brother!


After a round of ping-pong beatings, Ah Wen held Bian's hand, and said solemnly to Ao Xing: "Little uncle, I broke the hands of these two brats, and within a short period of time, they can no longer threaten you. Do not worry!"

Ao Xing was stunned when he saw the broken sprite, he gave Ah Wen a thumbs up: "Good sister!"

: Good sister!

: As we all know, Ah Wen is a good sister!

"But it's really okay if it's like this?" Ao Xing asked worriedly.

Ah Wen shrugged: "It doesn't matter, it's a routine."

Home, regular, convenient, meal!

Ao Xing swallowed hard!

: Potluck...

: Is it the tradition of the Heidi family to beat monsters?

: You really deserve to be the younger brother of the family!

"It's still light. If they were in Youming's hometown, my father would have thrown them directly into the frying pan." Ah Wen sighed.

Ao Xing was stunned again: "Are your family rules so cruel?"

Life is not easy, Ah Wen sighed: "We don't want to do this either, but the sprites are really too stubborn. They won't be safe without breaking a bone."


Look at the sprites that have been broken...

Elf: "What are you looking at?! Even if our hands are broken, we still have legs!"

Ryo: "Even if I only have legs, I can beat you, a little dragon, to howl!"

Elf: "Remember, don't leave alone! Otherwise..."

Ah Wen's eyes killed him!

Sprite: "0a0!"

: The younger brother of the family should stop talking. (/laugh and cry)

: Why was he beaten so badly and kept causing trouble?

: If you don't die, you won't be a sprite! (/laugh and cry)

"Be careful...don't be alone!" Yaoying added with a lack of stamina, and Ao Xing was speechless after hearing this: "Are you talking harshly? Or are you telling me to pay attention to safety?"

Such weak and cruel words!

There is no convincing at all!

"It's really strange. Since childhood, sprites have been stubborn." A Wen sighed and said, "As the saying goes, the wicked have no fear, and it is they who are talking about them. They are as fearless as they are stubborn. Unexpectedly, they are afraid It turned out to be..."

"Don't say that name!" the twins yelled suddenly!

They turned white again.

Ao Xing was puzzled: "You don't know that they are afraid..."

"Don't say that name!" the twins begged.

Ao Xing: "..."

I've never seen this kind of fear method. I can't even hear the name without people present.

How terrifying is this scorpion?

He turned his head to look at Ah Wen, only to see that Ah Wen was also puzzled.

"You didn't know they were afraid of 'that' before?" Ao Xing asked.

Ah Wen shook his head.

"Have you seen 'that'?" Ao Xing asked.

Ah Wen shook his head again: "I have never met him, but I have heard of many deeds. When I first heard about him, he was Chi You's military advisor. He recruited 24 ghosts for Chi You. My three younger brothers, It was at that time that he was recruited. Back then, Chi..."

"Ahh! I don't want to hear that name again! He's a nightmare!" Sprite jumped up crazily and ran out the door.

So what if the hand is broken?

They still have legs!

But when they fled to the door, they were suddenly bounced back by some invisible barrier!

"The sprites are too disobedient, always slipping away under my nose. If Nether is like this, it's fine, but now they are in the human world, not my territory. If they cause any trouble, it will definitely cause chaos in the Three Realms! So I put a restriction on the two brothers, and they are not allowed to leave me a hundred paces." After speaking, Zhuan Xu smiled and offered a glass of wine to Tai Ao.

Can't leave a hundred steps away?

Ao Xing was happy when he heard it.

He didn't forget the hatred of ridiculing on the street, let's see how he kills them later. (→v→)

But now Ao Xing is more interested in ancient stories, following what Ah Wen said just now, he continued to ask: "In those days, how was 'that'?"

Ah Wen replied: "Back then, 'that person' could be said to be the real king of ghosts!"

Ao Xing: "If he is the king of ghosts, then your father..."

The Hei Emperor is in charge of the Netherland in the north, so from a certain level, he is also the king of ghosts, right?

Ah Wen said: "Later, in the battle of Zhuolu, Emperor Yan and Huang fought against Chi You, and my father fought against 'that man'. In the end, Emperor Yan and Huang defeated Chi You. With the help of my grandfather, my father defeated that man. Since then The world is peaceful, the five emperors divided the world equally, and because of that battle, my father defeated that man and subdued the sprites, thus laying the foundation for him to become the Northern Nether Heavenly Emperor. But even so, in the depths of the Nether, the ghosts still believe in That person, there has always been a legend—”

"The day that person returns must be the time when the Nether and the Nether are united. Black Emperor Zhuanxu, come and see him!"


*Real historical facts: The Battle of Zhuo (Zhuo) Deer, about 4600 years ago, was a great battle between the Yellow Emperor tribe and the Yan Emperor tribe, and Chi You.

*Changes to this book: The Battle of Zhuolu took place 1 years ago. After the war, the five emperors divided the world equally. Zhuanxu took his children and fled to the nether world, and separated from Taiao. (Actually, I think it was shortened. It would be better if it was changed to 5 years ago.)

*On January 1th, it will be released for a longer period of time.

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