Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 983 The Title Is Too Shocking

"Do you know? Hetu Manufacturing placed an order for our tractor factory, but our boss Huang actually refused."

"Boss Huang said that he has cooperated with Goldman Capital."

"The problem lies in this kind of cooperation. Goldman Capital's doing this is clearly aimed at suppressing Zhao Shanhe. The question is, if they fail, do you think Goldman Capital will continue to perform the contract with us? If it is not implemented, then the machines we produce will be just decorations."

"It's not just decoration, it's all money."

"If you ask me, we should really cooperate with Hetu Manufacturing. After all, they are all enterprises in Handong City. There is no reason to abandon us. Even if there is something wrong, the city will It’s impossible to say we don’t care.”

"Who knew it would turn out like this."


This version is completely on Zhao Shanhe's side, and it is also the one that is closest to the truth so far.Of course, sometimes the truth doesn't really matter, what matters is how things turn out.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Because they knew very well that the order from Zhao Shanhe and the First Construction Group was half a month away, and if he couldn't produce the tire roller by then, the reputation of Hetu Manufacturing would be ruined.And if he said he could get it out, Goldman Capital would lose.

It's just another matter of how many people the losing Goldman Capital will bring along with them.

city ​​hall.

Yang Shoucheng sat in the office with a gloomy expression on his face.There was already a lot of noise outside, and of course he also knew about Hetu Manufacturing and the Tractor Factory, and just because he knew, he was depressed and restless.

In his opinion, Huang Fangjun went too far this time.

"What do you think of this?" Yang Shoucheng asked in a deep voice.

Sitting opposite was Qi Sheng, the deputy director of the office. As the person who followed Yang Shoucheng closely, he naturally knew what the leader was thinking.Of course, he also felt that Huang Fangjun was a little conceited in this matter.

"I think Huang Fangjun is going too far."

Without the slightest hesitation, Qi Sheng said calmly: "Zhao Shanhe even went to the tractor manufacturer to discuss the matter of cooperation, how dare he blatantly refuse?"

"Yes, he has now signed a contract with Goldman Capital, but the problem is that everyone knows that Goldman Capital is unreliable. You would rather trust an unreliable person than target a reliable one. Isn't this nonsense?"

"But Goldman Capital can't offend either."

Yang Shoucheng narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "If it is possible, we should also bring Goldman Capital to Handong City to attract investment."

"You're right, but I don't think it will be that easy. Besides, in terms of this matter, it would be best for Goldman Capital to win, so the tractor factory has made a wise choice."

Speaking of this, Qi Sheng hesitated.

"But what if we lose?"

"What will happen if you lose?" Yang Shoucheng asked.

"If Goldman Capital loses, the tractor factory will be completely in danger of bankruptcy and liquidation, and at that time, we really can't ask Zhao Shanhe to do anything to save it, because he has already done it, yes They don't want it themselves."

"There are no people who repay grievances with kindness, but I don't think Zhao Shanhe is not that kind of person."

"I even think that Zhao Shanhe will do this, maybe he is sure that Huang Fangjun will refuse, and he is deliberately blocking everyone's mouth in advance, so that people will not kidnap him morally in the future."

"You mean that Zhao Shanhe will win? Could it be that he still has some hole cards that he hasn't shown yet?" Yang Shoucheng was extremely surprised.

"Although I don't know where his self-confidence comes from, what if this thing is done by him?" Qi Sheng said slowly.

"you're right."

Yang Shoucheng nodded after pondering for a moment, picked up the document on the table and handed it over.

"I have a document here. You can study it. If it's okay, wait until half a month later to discuss it."


Qi Sheng just glanced at it before trembling slightly.

Who made the title of this document so shocking: "On the Necessity of Restructuring the Handong Tractor Factory! "


Zhongzhou Goldman Capital Office.

"So do you know the importance of this mission?"

Sears slowly raised his red wine glass and glanced over indifferently.


It was Zhen Liqun who answered.

He was called back again!

There is no way, there are many people who let Shiels use it in this eastern province, but there are not many people who can really pick it up and use it smoothly.So he could only get Zhen Liqun back and entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

Of course Zhen Liqun had no objection, and ran back in a hurry.

"I'm going to Qingshan City now, and I guarantee that this will be done." Zhen Liqun stood up straight and said respectfully.

Sears waved his hand calmly: "Go."

After Zhen Liqun left, Shiels asked Sophia to call in from the bell tower.

In front of Yu Zhonglou, Shiels didn't hide his intentions, and said frankly: "Yu Zhonglou, Mr. Yu, I know your thoughts and your purpose. Let me tell you this, as long as you can Do something for me, and I will consider what you want."

"What's the matter? Tell me." Yu Zhonglou's eyes lit up.

Sears said unhurriedly: "Are you familiar with the tractor factory in Xianhua City?"

Yu Zhonglou replied without thinking, "Familiar."

Sears smiled slightly and said meaningfully: "If you are familiar with it, then you should know about Zhao Shanhe and Handong Tractor Factory, right?"

Yu Zhonglou suddenly realized, and immediately said: "Mr. Shells, I understand what you mean. You mean that you want me to work in our Xianhua Tractor Factory, so that they, like Huang Fangjun, will sign a contract with you. Sign an exclusive supply contract, right?"

"Yes, what I want is that Zhao Shanhe doesn't have a road roller, so you can do it. If it can be done, everything is easy to talk about, but, if it can't be done..." Sears restrained his smile and looked at the There was a cold light in Xiang Yu's eyes.

"I can definitely do it!"

Without even thinking about it, Yu Zhonglou said decisively: "I know Mr. Yu from the tractor factory. We have been friends for many years. I can definitely do this. You can rest assured and leave it to me!"

Shells raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "Then I'll wait for your good news."

"Yes, I'm going right now!"

Yu Zhonglou turned around and was about to go out, but was stopped by Sophia.

"Mr. Yu, please come with me, and I will tell you about the conditions offered by Goldman Capital."

"it is good!"

After 10 minutes, Sophia came back again.

"Is everything done?" Sears asked.

"Yes, it's all done. Now Zhen Liqun is going to Qingshan City, and Yu Zhonglou is going to Xianhua City. The only thing left is Zhongzhou City. And here we don't have to worry the least, and we can win it with confidence.

In this way, Zhao Shanhe would never get a road roller machine in Eastern Province.When the time comes, he will break his promise to Qi Dongfeng. "Sophia laughed.

"That's right."

Shells looked up to the sky and laughed and handed out a glass of red wine.

"Compensation for liquidated damages! Reputation ruined! This is the price I made Zhao Shanhe pay! At that time, I will buy his Hetu Manufacturing at the lowest price!"

"Now I'm afraid that Zhao Shanhe has other tricks. Do you think he will make a fuss from outside the province?" Sophia frowned slightly.

"Outside the province?"

Shelles smiled disapprovingly.

"You think too much, how can he have such abilities? Not to mention outside the province, even in the province, Zhao Shanhe is not something he can handle. Besides, even if you take a step back, it will take a lot of money for him to find a relationship outside the province. Time? It can’t be said that if you go, those tractor factories will agree to cooperate with you. It will take at least six or seven days to go back and forth like this.”

"Six or seven days is good. In my opinion, it will take ten and a half months to get this done."

"If that's the case, do you think Zhao Shanhe can deliver the goods on time?"

"Understood." Sophia suddenly realized.

Sears smiled confidently: "Then let's talk to the director of the tractor factory in Zhongzhou to discuss cooperation."

"it is good!"


Zhongzhou First Construction Group.

Qi Dongfeng came to work step by step, and just after making a cup of tea, Jiang Pingchuan came in from outside.

"Pingchuan, why did you come to my place so early in the morning?"

"President Qi, something happened." Jiang Pingchuan said with some concern.

"What happened?"

"I have received definite news that the cooperation between Zhao Shanhe and Handong Tractor Factory has come to an end. Huang Fangjun chose to cooperate with Goldman Capital and will sell all the machines produced to Sears."

"That's not counting. There are a total of three tractor factories in our province that can produce the machines that Zhao Shanhe needs. Zhao Shanhe also sent people to talk to the three of them, but Goldman Capital also thought of this and sent people. We talked about it in the past."

"If nothing else happens, Zhao Shanhe will still fail this time."

Jiang Pingchuan said with a serious expression: "If this is the case, the contract that Zhao Shanhe promised us before will probably be voided."

"You can cancel it if you say it is invalid, but the problem is that if it is invalidated, it will affect our road construction progress."

"We must not delay."

"That is to say, Sears is besieging and suppressing Zhao Shanhe?" Qi Dongfeng asked.

"Yes, I also know that there is a contract between us and Zhao Shanhe, but the problem is that he can't get it out at that time. Even if we get liquidated damages, we can't get the tire roller." Jiang Pingchuan said.

"Then what do you want to do?" Qi Dongfeng asked in a deep voice after thinking for a while.

"I think if we contact Goldman Capital, even if Zhao Shanhe defaults at that time, at least we can have an alternative plan." Jiang Pingchuan said seriously.

"In this case……"

After pondering for a while, Qi Dongfeng said: "Then do as you said, and get in touch with Shelles."



Manufactured by Hetu in Handong City.

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Xiangyang standing in front of him, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Is the situation not optimistic?"


Li Xiangyang's face was full of depression, and he said anxiously: "Who would have thought that none of those people wanted to cooperate with us, and they all signed contracts with Goldman Capital."

"The time is getting tighter and tighter. If we can't take this matter anymore, we have a problem here. After all, five hundred tire rollers are not as simple as talking about."

"It seems that the price offered by Goldman Capital is too high, so high that those people chose to cooperate with him without hesitation." Zhao Shanhe tapped his fingers on the table.

"Yes, the order price of [-] yuan per unit has far exceeded the market price. This shows that Goldman Capital hates us very much and insists on killing us." Li Xiangyang said.

"Have all three signed contracts?"


Li Xiangyang shook his head and said: "Both Zhongzhou City and Xianhua City have signed contracts, but Qingshan City has not yet. Gu Qianzhou, the director of the Qingshan City Tractor Factory, is hesitating, and Yang E is also talking to him."

"However, I don't think we have an advantage purely on price. And we can't keep procrastinating like this. It will only be detrimental to us."

"Then I'll go to Qingshan City and meet Gu Qianzhou." Zhao Shanhe said.

Li Xiangyang immediately said: "I will go with you."

"it is good!"


Qingshan City Tractor Factory.

Zhen Liqun was talking to Gu Qianzhou.

As the director of the tractor factory, Gu Qianzhou is a middle-aged man about 50 years old, in the prime of his life.

He was also the one who pulled the tractor factory out of the impoverished situation before. Although the tractor factory is not as good as it is now, compared with before, at least every worker can support their families.

Therefore, in the tractor factory, Gu Qianzhou's prestige is very high.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it with one word and one word.So Zhen Liqun also knew that as long as he could do the work of Tong Gu Qianzhou, then this matter would go smoothly.

But Gu Qianzhou didn't nod, it wouldn't be easy for him to find anyone to do this.

"Director Gu, I think the conditions I've offered are already sincere enough. The order price of [-] units, you go out and ask, who can give such a high price?"

"Besides, you should know, right? Handong City, Xianhua City and Zhongzhou City, the tractor factories in the three prefecture-level cities have all agreed to cooperate with Goldman Capital, why are you hesitating? You will never say let go You don’t want to earn a lot of money, do you?”

Zhen Liqun said calmly, he believed that Gu Qianzhou would make a wise choice.

"Zhen Liqun, as far as I know, you worked in Hongxing Machinery Factory before. Why are you willing to help Goldman Capital like this?"

"Don't you know that Goldman Capital is a foreign company. They did this to suppress Hetu Manufacturing? And Hetu Manufacturing is our own company after all. Don't you think it's wrong to do so? "

Gu Qianzhou stroked the teacup in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Director Gu, Huaxia welcomes foreign investment, and the country welcomes it that way. Isn't it unnecessary for us to think about it this way? I think it's better for us to be more pragmatic."

Zhen Liqun deliberately left this topic aside.

"What exactly do you think? Are you really unwilling to cooperate with us and insist on signing a contract with Hetu Manufacturing? If you really think so, then I can only say that I am very sorry."

"If you reject us, it means that what you reject is money."

"No one in this world has trouble with money, right? What's more, the money we give is legitimate, and you earn it as a matter of course. It's not a secret thing. Why are you still so hesitant?"

When Zhen Liqun said this, he noticed that Gu Qianzhou's mood had loosened a little, the corners of his mouth slanted, and then he slowly said a word.The moment Gu Qianzhou heard this, his expression changed drastically.

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