"Director Gu, I heard that the factory hospital of your tractor factory seems to be in some trouble recently and needs a sum of money. Is this true?" Zhen Liqun asked slowly.

It was these words that made Gu Qianzhou's expression slightly stunned, and then changed drastically.

He didn't expect that Zhen Liqun's work was so thorough that he even found out about this matter.Yes, this is also something that has bothered him recently.The troubles encountered by the factory and the hospital urgently need a sum of money to solve it.

But the problem is that there is no money in the factory.

If this order is won, of course this matter can be easily solved.

But Gu Qianzhou really didn't want to agree like this. It doesn't mean that he doesn't want to make money, but what he wants to make is honest money. This kind of money obviously knows that Goldman Capital is made by suppressing Hetu, and he insists on making trouble. He can't make it through This is in my heart.

"Let me think about this matter again." Gu Qianzhou said slowly after a moment of silence.

"Yes, but I hope Director Gu can make a decision as soon as possible. Let me give you a day to think about it. I will come again at this time tomorrow. I hope Director Gu can give me a satisfactory answer then .”

After finishing speaking, Zhen Liqun turned and left.

Only Gu Qianzhou was left in the office, and he lowered his head with a conflicted expression.

"Dong dong."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and the secretary came in. He said that Zhao Shanhe was here and wanted to see Gu Qianzhou.But after hearing that Zhao Shanhe came over in person, Gu Qianzhou froze for a moment.

"Zhao Shanhe came in person?"


After hesitating for a while, Gu Qianzhou said, "Let him in."


Zhao Shanhe walked in quickly.

Gu Qianzhou greeted him with a smile.

"Director Zhao, I've wanted to see you for a long time, but I never had the chance. I didn't expect you to come to me today. Come on, sit down and talk." Gu Qianzhou greeted warmly.

Although he was shocked by Zhao Shanhe's youth, he should have the respect he deserves.After all, Zhao Shanhe was able to get to where he is today, thanks to the hard work of real swords and guns.

This country was brought down by others, what reason do you have to disrespect it?

"Really? I thought so too. In fact, the last time I came to Qingshan City to attend the celebration of the technical school, I wanted to meet Director Gu. I didn't expect it to be delayed until now." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"What do you mean?" Gu Qianzhou frowned when he heard this, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

"My teacher is Liu Benhui, and he admires Director Gu very much." Zhao Shanhe explained with a smile.

"So it's Old Liu!" Gu Qianzhou suddenly realized.

He and Liu Benhui have been friends for many years. It is normal for Liu Benhui to recommend himself to Zhao Shanhe.And the reason why he has hesitated until now and did not sign a contract with Goldman Capital is actually because of Liu Benhui's affairs.He knew that Liu Benhui was now the factory director of Yougu Dojo, and Zhao Shanhe was responsible for this matter.

Gu Qianzhou admired Zhao Shanhe who could trust his teacher so much.

But don't say whether this matter has something to do with Liu Benhui, whether Liu Benhui helped to speak, really not.In fact, what Gu Qianzhou thought in his heart was that if Liu Benhui passed the word, this matter would be easier to handle.

But Liu Benhui didn't, so he had to think about it carefully.

"The teacher said that among the entrepreneurs in Qingshan City, Director Gu is the one he admires the most. He also told me what the tractor factory was like at the beginning, but it was brought back to life in your hands. It can be done.” Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Old Liu is putting money on my face. I'm actually not as good as he thinks. But since you've already mentioned this, let's get straight to the point."

"I know the purpose of your coming, and now I will give you time to convince me. As long as the reasons you give satisfy me, I will cooperate with you and provide you with road roller machines." Gu Qianzhou said frankly.

"Director Gu is straightforward enough. If that's the case, then I'll just say it straight."

Zhao Shanhe said without squinting: "Before I came here, I had already negotiated with Handong Tractor Factory, Zhongzhou Tractor Factory, and Xianhua Tractor Factory. They have all signed contracts with Goldman Capital, and I also believe that Goldman Capital must have talked to you about this matter. If you are still willing to see me, it means that you have not signed a contract."

"Then I have a chance."

"Let's put it this way, I have many reasons for this and that, but from the moment I saw you, I knew that those reasons were not important anymore. I don't know if I can convince you, because the reasons I gave are only One, that is, please give national enterprises a breathing space."

"Give national enterprises a chance to breathe?" Gu Qianzhou raised his brows slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes, it is to give national enterprises a breathing space."

Zhao Shanhe said seriously: "My Hetu Manufacturing is a national enterprise, and I can assure you that it will always be a national enterprise, whether it is now or in the future."

"I also know that it is impulsive to confront Goldman Capital, and it is not a wise move. But I did it anyway, because I know that if I don't do this, the road of national enterprises will be completely blocked. "

"I believe you have heard about what kind of foreign company Goldman Capital is. Their purpose is not to help our country develop the economy at all, but to seek personal gain. You can see such a company in Are we acting recklessly on China's territory?"

Zhao Shanhe paused, looked at Gu Qianzhou who was silent and thoughtful, and continued.

"I can't."

"So what I'm doing now is to snipe Goldman Capital and let them know that China is not a place where they can come and wreak havoc if they want."

"It doesn't matter if they obey the law, but if they continue to go down this path, I will stand up and fight against them. I should not be the first company to do this, and I believe I will not be the last. For enterprises that do this, more Chinese national enterprises will stand up and do this in the future."

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were firm.

"China is weak, but it must not be bullied!"

"What a China is weak, but it must not be bullied!"

Gu Qianzhou's eyes burst into brilliance, and he looked at Zhao Shanhe with admiration and satisfaction.Because what Zhao Shanhe said touched his heart, and this is what people of his generation pay the most attention to.

Money can be earned less, but national integrity must not be lost.

"Director Zhao, you are right. I accept the reason you said. In this way, we can sign the contract now!" Gu Qianzhou said with a big wave of his hand.

"Sign the contract now?"

Now it was Zhao Shanhe's turn to be surprised, he looked over in surprise.

"Director Gu, you must know that I can't give the price that Goldman Capital offered. Their price is a bit inflated. You know why they did that."

"Of course I know."

Gu Qianzhou laughed.

"Can I not see the purpose of Goldman Capital? They just want to suppress your Hetu Manufacturing, and want to deprive you of all the opportunities to manufacture tire rollers."

"Hmph, they have a good idea. With me here, I will never give them this chance. Director Zhao, don't worry, I will produce machines for you at full capacity."

"As for the price, just follow the normal market price. One machine is six thousand, is there a problem?"

"no problem!"

Zhao Shanhe was overjoyed, and said loudly: "Director Gu, I need [-] machines like this here, but I also know that time is limited and the task is tight. I'm afraid there is no way for you to produce them all in less than ten days." .”

"How about this, you can produce as much as you can, and I want all of them. As for the rest, I'll think of other ways."

"What you said is true."

Gu Qianzhou also knew that even if he didn't do anything but just produce this kind of machine, the output would be [-] units a day, and [-] units in ten days would be the limit, and it would be impossible to have more than one more.

But what Zhao Shanhe needs is [-] units!

There is no way to fix it now.

"Director Zhao, I can guarantee [-] units, but what about the remaining [-] units? Do you have a solution?" Gu Qianzhou asked worriedly.


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Director Gu, let me find a solution. As long as you can guarantee the delivery of [-] units on time, you will be fine."

"OK then!"

Although Gu Qianzhou said that he was still a little worried, but since the matter had come to this point, he didn't say much. The two signed the contract very quickly, and Zhao Shanhe didn't stay long, and left Qingshan City on the same day.

The news reached Zhen Liqun immediately.

When he heard the news, he was a little dazed on the spot, and stared at Liang Maohuo in disbelief: "Old Liang, is what you said true? Gu Qianzhou signed a contract with Zhao Shanhe?"

"Yes, it's signed!" Liang Maohuo said helplessly in a tone of anger, too.

Originally thought that Zhen Liqun was re-appointed by Sears, it was spring.Who would have thought that this matter would be messed up again, and he would not be able to take down Gu Qianzhou.

Tell me, they are all helping others, even Yu Zhonglou can succeed, why did you fail?When you go to Shells like this, why should you let them reuse you?

Liang Maohuo became angry when he thought that his future might turn yellow again.

"How can he sign?"

"Can't sign a contract!"

"Gu Qianzhou, are you fooling me?"

Zhen Liqun was like a headless chicken, and immediately started to walk back and forth quickly in the room.

He cherishes this opportunity more than anyone else, and he knows that if things go wrong again, Sears will definitely not use him again.But who would have thought that things were already like this, and he told Gu Qianzhou all the preferential conditions, and even reminded him of the plight of the factory and hospital, but why did Gu Qianzhou choose Hetu Manufacturing in the end?

Is he crazy?

"Is it because Zhao Shanhe gave you a high price?" Zhen Liqun stopped and asked.


Liang Maohuo couldn't figure it out either. He hurriedly said, "According to the information we got, Zhao Shanhe ordered it at a price of [-] units, which is [-] less than the price we offered."

"In this case, why did Gu Qianzhou agree to such a condition?" Zhen Liqun asked angrily.

"I don't know either." Liang Maohuo was at a loss.

"Go!" Zhen Liqun said and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Liang Maohuo asked in astonishment.

"Go to the tractor factory! I want to ask about this in person. I want to know what this Gu Qianzhou thinks."

Zhen Liqun walked out with a livid face.

Liang Maohuo hurriedly followed behind.

And at this time, the tractor factory also caused a sensation.

"Have you heard? Our factory has signed a contract with Hetu Manufacturing, and the price given is [-] for a road roller."

"What? One for six thousand? How can this be signed? Didn't Goldman Capital give one for seven thousand and five? How much is it for a business trip?"

"Who knows what Director Gu is thinking, anyway, this matter is settled."

"I still can't figure it out."


It is not only the workers who can't figure it out, but also the factory leaders are also puzzled.

They didn't know why Gu Qianzhou did this. Isn't this just pushing the money out?Could it be because of some personal relationship with Zhao Shanhe?Or is there some shady affair between the two of them?

Some people even wondered if Zhao Shanhe gave Gu Qianzhou a kickback.Otherwise, explain the things that can make more money, why do you have to choose not to make money.

This means that Gu Qianzhou's prestige in the tractor factory is very high. Even if they had doubts in their hearts, no one dared to speak out in person. Otherwise, if someone else was the factory manager, the factory would have been fried.

But even so, someone still found Gu Qianzhou and expressed their doubts.

in the conference room.

The top executives of several tractor factories were talking and expressing their opinions.But Gu Qianzhou sat firmly in the middle seat, smoking a cigarette unhurriedly, and listening quietly.

"Director, the outside world has spread the word that they can't figure out what you're doing."

"I don't want the [-], but I have to choose the [-], factory manager, do you have any other ideas?"

"If you ask me, it should be Zhao Shanhe who threatened and lured our factory manager."

Several people chattered in a hurry, but a middle-aged man in his thirties remained silent, sitting silently, writing something randomly in his notebook.

He is the deputy factory director of the tractor factory, and he is also the person who has been following Gu Qianzhou, and his name is Ling Tianxuan.

After several people finished speaking, Gu Qianzhou looked over: "Tianxuan, do you have anything to say?"


After being asked the question, Ling Tianxuan did not hesitate at all, and said with a slight smile, "I have no opinion. I believe in the decision made by the factory manager, and I support it unconditionally."

Several high-level officials were dumbfounded for a moment.

The eyes they looked at Ling Tianxuan revealed a strong speechlessness.

I said Ling Tianxuan, what do you mean by saying that?Could it be that we do not support the decision of the factory director?

We also unconditionally support and support, okay?We just can't figure out this matter, that's all, and we don't have any opinions on other things.

As for Ling Tianxuan's answer, Gu Qianzhou smiled lightly as if he had expected it long ago.

"Tell me what you think, and guess why I did this? It can be regarded as an explanation for everyone, so as to save them from thinking wildly and not working well."

"You have to know that if they don't work hard, they can't produce a road roller of sufficient quality. I have no way to ask Zhao Shanhe for business. At that time, let alone six thousand, I don't even want to get a penny."


Facing Gu Qianzhou's request, Ling Tianxuan smiled and put down the pen in his hand. After looking at the other people, he slowly raised the corners of his lips, and the first sentence he spoke caught everyone in awe.

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