Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 982 Leave Chapter Here Today

in the conference room.

When Jiao Weimin came over, what he saw was Zhao Shanhe who was calm and relaxed. The domineering and angry scene he had imagined did not appear.

Zhao Shanhe sat on the Diaoyutai like this, drinking boiled water in his spare time.

That's right, plain water.

Knowing that Zhao Shanhe and Huang Fangjun had conflicts, Du Fuhang didn't even serve a cup of tea when entertaining them.After seeing this scene, Jiao Weimin felt helpless in his heart.

Don't look at him as the deputy factory director, but if it's really about confronting Du Fuhang, there's really no need to say it, and he may not be able to take advantage of it, whoever let him represent Huang Fangjun.

"Hello, Director Zhao." Jiao Weimin breathed a sigh of relief, controlled the emotions in his heart, walked into the room, and stretched out his right hand with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Jiao."

Zhao Shanhe shook hands politely. He still knew the leadership of the tractor factory. He had met Jiao Weimin twice before.

After the two briefly exchanged pleasantries, Zhao Shanhe asked straight to the point: "Mr. Jiao, I came to your factory this time for an order for road rollers, so can I meet Mr. Huang?"


Jiao Weimin hesitated, and said with a embarrassed expression: "Director Zhao, to be honest, the timing of your visit is a bit unfortunate. Mr. Huang is having a meeting over there, and it probably won't finish in a while."

"is it?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't feel angry after being neglected at all, but raised the corners of his lips, and said calmly: "Since Mr. Huang is so busy, it's the same for me and Mr. Jiao. Mr. Jiao, do you think we can continue to cooperate?"

"This..." Jiao Weimin hesitated again.

"Mr. Jiao, this should not involve any confidentiality agreement, right? If we can cooperate, we will continue to cooperate. If not, you can just say it." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Director Zhao, then I'll just say it straight."

Gritting his teeth, Jiao Weimin stared into Zhao Shanhe's eyes and said calmly: "You are late, our tractor factory will not cooperate with your Hetu Manufacturing, you better not waste your time here."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What I mean is very simple. It means that you are late. Before you came, our President Huang had already signed a contract with Goldman Capital. The contract we signed was a steamroller."

"I'm sorry I can't say the details of the contract, but what I can say is that with this contract, you don't want to cooperate with us. We won't sell even one of our road rollers to you." Jiao Weimin Shen Said loudly.

"Goldman Capital?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled thoughtfully, and said slowly: "That means Huang Fangjun has made up his mind to wear a pair of pants with Goldman Capital? Doesn't he know what the consequences will be?"

"That's out of my control."

Jiao Weimin shook his head helplessly and sighed softly.

"I'm just the deputy director."

"Mr. Jiao, as far as I know, you don't seem to be very happy in the tractor factory. Although you are said to be in charge of production, you are often dismissed by Huang Fangjun. So, have you ever thought about leaving the tractor factory? As long as you are here Nod, I will hire you immediately, and the treatment will be favorable." Zhao Shanhe said suddenly with a smile.

Jiao Weimin froze for a moment: "Are you poaching?"

"Not to mention poaching, I just feel worthless for Mr. Jiao, and I want to give Mr. Jiao a stage where he can truly show his ambitions. Of course, you don't have to answer me now, you can think about it slowly, when will you figure it out?" contact me anytime."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, stood up and walked out.

"Director Zhao, are you leaving?" Jiao Weimin asked quickly.

"If you don't leave, why don't you stay here?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled casually.

"I came here to give Huang Fangjun face, and I also gave you a chance for the tractor factory, but now it seems that Huang Fangjun is not going to take this face, nor is he going to seize this opportunity."

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to say. From now on, your tractor factory will continue to take your Yangguan Avenue, and we will continue to take our single-plank bridge."

"I'll see you off." Jiao Weimin hurried to catch up.

Just as the two of them walked out of the conference room, Huang Fangjun led someone slowly over from the corner.Seeing Zhao Shanhe's actions, how could he not understand that Zhao Shanhe was angry.

"Director Zhao, what are you doing? I really didn't mean to snub you on purpose. I'm really in a meeting. Lao Jiao should have explained it to you, right? Come on, let's go into the meeting room and continue talking." Huang Fangjun greeted .

"Boss Huang, get rid of it!"

Zhao Shanhe glanced over indifferently, his tone was cold.

"I came this time because I wanted to talk to Mr. Huang about the road roller, but now it seems that I am thinking too much. Since your tractor factory has found a partner, let's forget about it."


Huang Fangjun took a deep look at Jiao Weimin, and said with a smile: "I thought it was something, so I came here because of the road roller. Director Zhao, I'm really sorry, if you came here for this matter, Then please go back, we will not cooperate with your Hetu Manufacturing, please ask Gao Ming."

"Mr. Huang, do you really trust Goldman Capital so much?" Zhao Shanhe asked playfully.

"I don't believe in Goldman Capital, I just don't believe in Hetu Manufacturing. To put it more clearly, I don't believe in you Zhao Shanhe!"

"Zhao Shanhe, if you can develop Hetu Manufacturing into what it is today, you are already lucky. You don't want to say that you still want to continue to develop it? Let me tell you, stop this idea as soon as possible!"

Huang Fangjun actually humiliated Zhao Shanhe at this time.

Jiao Weimin shook his head in disappointment, Huang Fangjun, Huang Fangjun, it's a bit out of style for you to do this, what about your pattern?Is it that narrow?You said you, how can you do this?

Even if you have conflicts, you can't say that you behave so nakedly and straightforwardly, right?

"Huang Fangjun, before I came here, many people persuaded me that there is no need to come here in person. They say that you are narrow-minded, and that you will get revenge. If you say that I have had conflicts with you before, you will definitely not look at me directly."

"But I came anyway."

"Do you know why I came here?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to be irritated at all, but looked over calmly, shook his head after sighing twice and said in disappointment: "I'm here for the workers of the tractor factory, I know the tractor factory is in trouble now, the workers There is no way to pay their salaries on time.”

"In order to let them get the money to support their families in time, that's why I came here."

"If it was really for you, Huang Fangjun, do you think I would come here in person like this? It's a pity, I didn't expect you to disregard the future and fate of so many workers for your own selfishness."


When Huang Fangjun heard this, he angrily interrupted Zhao Shanhe's reprimand.

"Zhao Shanhe, you're just messing around, what? Could it be that if our tractor factory doesn't cooperate with your Hetu manufacturing, it means ruining our own future? Let me tell you, you think too much, the price Goldman Capital gave us is the highest Yes, 500 yuan for a road roller, can you afford such a price?"

"Huang Fangjun, Goldman Capital is not credible."

Zhao Shanhe stared at him with icy eyes.

"Goldman Capital is wolf ambition. Do you think they will give you such a high price with good intentions? Do you think your machine is worth the price? Why can't you think about it? Let me tell you, There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, you better think twice."

"I have already signed the contract on this matter, it is too late for you to say anything."

Huang Fangjun smiled mockingly.

"You should quickly find a way to find the road roller machine. As far as I know, the contract you signed with the First Construction Group said that [-] tire road rollers will be produced within half a month. In the current situation, Let alone five hundred, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to get five, haha!”

"Huang Fangjun, I am very disappointed in you."

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Huang Fangjun coldly, then glanced at the others, and said in a low tone: "You are all the leaders of the tractor factory, you are all cadres appointed by the state, what you should do is to serve the people, I am sorry The trust of the superiors is worthy of the entrustment of the country, rather than obeying Huang Fangjun's orders."

"I'm putting my words here today, and I ask everyone here to be a witness. First, Goldman Capital is not trustworthy. Their wolf ambitions will trap you sooner or later."

"Secondly, for his own selfishness, Huang Fangjun even disregarded the future of all the workers in the tractor factory, and did this kind of thing of seeking skin from a tiger in order to retaliate against me, Zhao Shanhe. His behavior is wrong and he is committing a crime. You are gambling with the future and fate of your tractor factory!"

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe's tone slowed down after taking a deep breath.

"Third, I came to your tractor factory today with sincerity, and I am full of sincerity, but please remember that my sincerity is not a reason for you to wantonly provoke."

"In your eyes, do I come here to ask you for something? If you think so, you are completely wrong. I have plenty of people to cooperate with. The reason why I choose you is that everyone is an enterprise in Handong City. At least We should watch and help each other."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe sighed with regret and shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I mistrusted you after all!"

After saying this, Zhao Shanhe started and walked out.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's back disappearing from his eyes, Huang Fangjun glared fiercely, then swept across the people around him, and said proudly: "Don't be fooled by Zhao Shanhe's demonic words, let's do what I say. , Immediately seize the production machine. Goldman Capital has spoken, and we need as much as we produce, and this is all money.”


Everyone stood up and responded, but Jiao Weimin's eyes flashed with deep worry.

After walking out of the administrative building of the tractor factory, Cai Shishi said angrily: "Director, look at Huang Fangjun's character, he clearly wants to confront us. If you want me to say, even if it is a matter without Goldman's capital , we can't cooperate with him, this kind of person is not upright, maybe one day he will cheat us suddenly."

"Let's make this extra trip."

"Yeah, I knew it was unnecessary to come before I came here, but we have to come this time."

Zhao Shanhe looked sideways.

"Do you know why?"

"do not know."

Cai Shishi shook his head, blinked his big eyes, and said puzzledly: "If you don't come, you won't come. Is there any reason to come?"


Zhao Shanhe looked sideways at Yang E, smiled and said, "Yang E, come and tell her."


Zhao Shanhe left the two of them behind and strode forward.

Yang E said to Cai Shishi: "Teacher, you have been staying abroad before, maybe the foreign side did things as you said, but here is domestic. Many things are not about what you want how it can be done.”

"For example, what happened with the tire roller this time. Don't say that we are using machines from the tractor factory, even if we are not, we have to come here. Here we are, Huang Fangjun treated us like this, then what shall we do in the future? No one can find fault, and no one can use this matter to make a fuss about us."

"But do you believe it? If we don't come, even if Huang Fangjun did something wrong, we will be targeted by some people. The purpose of this is to silence some people!"

Cai Shishi suddenly realized: "I understand."

"It's good if you understand. Otherwise, why do you think our factory manager has to come here? It's just to show some people. After all, the tractor factory is also an old state-owned enterprise, and the relationship in Handong City is intricate." Yang E said.

"I understand. It seems that I have to learn a lot from the factory manager and Section Chief Yang." Cai Shishi laughed.

"Let's study together."

Yang E walked forward as she spoke.

Cai Shishi also followed.

"Factory Manager, what should we do now? Do you want to expose what happened today?" Yang E asked.

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands casually: "It doesn't matter if you poke or not, just tell the truth."


Zhao Shanhe looked sideways at Cai Shishi: "Arrangement, let's go to Xianhua City in the afternoon, Qingshan City tomorrow, and Zhongzhou City the day after tomorrow, and try to reach a cooperation agreement with these three machinery factories within three days."

"Yes, I will arrange it."

Just when Zhao Shanhe's arrangements were full, word spread that he was rejected by Huang Fangjun.Actually, even if Zhao Shanhe didn't say anything about it, Huang Fangjun would definitely say it.After all, they were able to cooperate with Goldman Capital, which in itself is an achievement worth publicizing. How could he miss it?

While publicizing political achievements, you can also go down the river to create disgusting things. Isn't it a good thing to kill two birds with one stone?

Of course, the version spoken by Huang Fangjun is processed.

"Did you know that Zhao Shanhe, made by Hetu, wants to get 4000 yuan to leave our machine?"

"Four thousand? Come on, it's not enough to cost."

"Who said it wasn't? That's why Mr. Huang resolutely rejected him and chose to cooperate with Goldman Capital, and they gave him 500 yuan for one set!"

"500 yuan a piece? My dear, we've made a lot of money now. If this continues, the glory of our tractor factory will be just around the corner."

"Then what do you think? For that kind of machine, we will work hard to produce hundreds of them in a week!"

"Then what are you waiting for, do it!"

However, amidst this criticism, a completely different version spread at the same time.

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