Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 981 This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

"Director, you're wrong. I'm not asking you to choose one to cooperate with. I'm asking you to cooperate with all three."

Gao Shaoyuan had a smile on his brows and eyes, and his tone was gentle, but the words he said showed a kind of domineering.

"All three cooperate?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

"Yes, all three companies cooperate. There are three reasons for this. First, our orders will increase. If there is only one company, it will inevitably be neglected; second, to create a sense of crisis for them. Let them know that we don't care if we leave any of them, there are other partners."

"Third, of course, I am worried about Huang Fangjun. We have no choice but to use their machines. We have not even discussed cooperation with him in this matter, but we must guard against him."

Gao Shaoyuan said pointedly: "Eggs cannot be put in one basket, isn't that what you said?"


Zhao Shanhe laughed out loud. He didn't expect that Gao Shaoyuan, who was engaged in scientific research, would start to study these things.Very good, this at least shows that some people who want to play tricks here in Gao Shaoyuan have no chance.

"That is to say, we have never had any contact with Huang Fangjun, but just used a machine from the tractor factory?" Zhao Shanhe asked thoughtfully.

Gao Shaoyuan nodded: "That's right."

"In this case, then continue to contact Huang Fangjun about this matter, and I will be in charge of it. If he is smart, it doesn't matter if he gives the tractor factory a chance. If he is stupid, there are the other three companies anyway, and I will also I will talk to them, so I won't be afraid that Huang Fangjun will do something stupid." Zhao Shanhe said.

"So much the better."

After the two chatted for a few more words, Zhao Shanhe got up and left.

After stretching, Gao Shaoyuan yawned and said, "Finally I can sleep well, this time I must sleep until I wake up naturally, and sleep until the sky is dark."


City Tractor Factory.

Huang Fangjun is in a good mood now, because he has received news that the road rollers made by Hetu are the machines from their tractor factory.If this is the case, then it must continue to be used in the future.Huang Fangjun felt elated at the thought of a large number of orders being placed while lying down.

"Zhao Shanhe, I'd like to see how you beg me this time."

The corners of Huang Fangjun's lips slanted.

"Dong dong."

At this moment, the secretary knocked on the door and came in, saying that someone was coming to see him. He thought to himself that Zhao Shanhe couldn't help talking about it, he came so soon?

Unexpectedly, after he triumphantly asked who it was, he stood up in surprise when he heard that the other party turned out to be a member of Goldman Capital.

"Goldman Capital?"

How did they come here?

You must know that what happened in Zhongzhou City has already reached Huang Fangjun's ears, and he also knows that Zhao Shanhe was able to win the order from the First Construction Group because he snatched food from Goldman Capital.

But why did the other party come here?

"Hurry up please!"

Soon Sophia walked in.

The first time Huang Fangjun saw it, an uncontrollable greed flashed in his eyes.As a lecherous old man, he didn't have much resistance to a top-notch beauty like Sophia, let alone a foreign horse.

"Hello, Mr. Huang, I'm Sophia from Goldman Capital."

Sophia keenly caught the greed in Huang Fangjun's eyes, and while she was contemptuous in her heart, she kept calm and took the initiative to introduce herself.

"Hi Miss Sophia."

Huang Fangjun stretched out his right hand to shake hands, but Sophia directly ignored him. He immediately withdrew his right hand embarrassingly, and when he looked over again, his eyes became a little proud.

You foreign devil don't understand the reason why you don't hit a smiling person with your hand?

I'm already like this, but you don't even look at me, do you really think I have no temper?Don't forget, you are the one who came to me, not I begging you to come to me!

"I don't know what Miss Sophia is doing here?"

"Mr. Huang, I'm here to discuss a business with you." Sophia said lightly.

"Talking about business?"

Huang Fangjun raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know what business you want to talk about?"

Sophia said in a deep voice: "Ming people don't speak dark words. I know that the road rollers made by Hetu use the machines from your tractor factory, so this is what I want to say."

"I want you to only do this business with us, and not to provide any more machines to Hetu Manufacturing. As long as you can do it, the price is easy to talk about, Mr. Huang, I don't know what you want?"

Huang Fangjun was calm on the surface when he heard this, but he was already ecstatic in his heart.

And this good thing?

I originally thought that Zhao Shanhe would definitely come to me to discuss business, but I didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe hadn't come yet, and Sophia came instead.But for this matter, I really have to choose carefully, and I can't say that I am too excited to mess it up.

"Miss Sophia, I think you are also clear. After all, Hetu Manufacturing is an enterprise of our Handong City. Now that he has won the order from the First Construction Group, I have no reason to dismantle it."

"If I agree to your conditions, then how can I hang out in Handong City in the future? So, you have to allow me to think about this matter carefully." Huang Fangjun deliberately put on a embarrassed look.

"The selling price of your machines is [-] a piece. In this case, I will give you [-], what do you think?" Sophia said without further ado.

"Six thousand five?" Huang Fangjun suppressed the excitement in his heart, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Mr. Huang, we came here with sincerity, so I also hope you can show your sincerity."

Sophia slowly raised a finger.

"Seven thousand!"

"As long as Mr. Huang is willing, we can sign the contract now. The price of [-] units is very difficult for your tractor factory. Don't think that I haven't investigated your situation. You really need large quantities of tractors. Order, our contract is very much needed."

"So, please think carefully."

Seven thousand!

A voice suddenly came out from the bottom of Huang Fangjun's heart, and he shouted desperately, promise her, promise her quickly!Seven thousand!One must know that the tractor factory can sustain itself with one unit of [-], and the tractor factory can already make a profit at [-].If it is really seven thousand, then the glorious days of the tractor factory will come again.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you miss it, it will be difficult to get it.

calm!Must keep calm!

Since Sophia was able to raise the price to [-], it means this. If I hesitate, maybe I can continue to increase the price.So I can't say that I agree rashly, after all, what this makes me do is a monopoly business.

Thinking of this, Huang Fangjun stared into Sophia's eyes, sighed, and said calmly: "Miss Sophia, you are right, you came here with sincerity, so I will show my sincerity too."

"Seven thousand and five ones. As long as you are willing, we can sign the contract now. I guarantee that after signing the contract, we will never provide another machine like this to Hetu Manufacturing. What do you think?"

Seven thousand five one?

Sophia raised her eyelids slightly, and she looked over with a kind of coldness in her eyes: "Mr. Huang, you have a lot of appetite."

"Hey, Miss Sophia, I am also very embarrassed. After all, I did this at the risk of offending Zhao Shanhe. You have to think about me, don't you think so?" Huang Fangjun said embarrassingly .

"Okay, seven thousand five is seven thousand five!"

Sophia stared deeply, and said with sharp eyes: "But Mr. Huang, as we said just now, you can't provide any of this kind of machine to Hetu Manufacturing. It must be written into the contract as a clause."

"make a deal!"

A quarter of an hour later, Sophia left with the contract.

Huang Fangjun sat down on the sofa, raised the contract in his hand excitedly, and said excitedly: "Did you see it? Have you all seen it? Our factory is saved this time!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect our factory to turn around and be saved."

"I have to thank Zhao Shanhe for saying this."

"Yes, if it weren't for Zhao Shanhe, we wouldn't be able to win such a contract. But it also shows that Zhao Shanhe really caused a big disaster this time, and he would be targeted by Goldman Capital. I admit that Hetu made He has some skills, Zhao Shanhe is also quite capable, but he is far from being able to compare with Goldman's capital."

As Huang Fangjun's words fell to the ground, several leaders of the tractor factory present began to chatter.They also knew the reason for this, and knew that they were taking advantage of it.Otherwise, if it wasn't for Zhao Shanhe, where would such a good thing happen to them?

"Old Jiao, why don't you speak? Do you have an opinion on this matter?"

Huang Fangjun looked towards the corner.

On the chair there, sat a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses, holding a teacup in his hand, his eyes were a bit deep, and he didn't intend to speak at all.

His name is Jiao Weimin, and he is the deputy director of the tractor factory, in charge of production.

"Boss Huang, is it really okay for us to do this?"

After being called by name, Jiao Weimin put down his teacup hesitantly, with a worried expression on his face.

"Old Jiao, what do you mean? Do you have an opinion on this matter?" Huang Fangjun looked over with displeasure.

This is a major event that I successfully negotiated. You, Jiao Weimin, can't tear things down at this time.I know that you sometimes have opinions on me, but I hope that you can maintain your own attitude in front of the big picture of right and wrong.

"Mr. Huang, I didn't say I have any objections. I just think that we should consider this matter more comprehensively. After all, this matter was clearly made for Hetu. And we can benefit because of Hetu. Our machines were used in the manufacturing. So I think Hetu Manufacturing will definitely send someone to talk to us about this matter."

"We are emotional and reasonable. Shouldn't we all meet with him and listen to what he means before we talk?"

Jiao Weimin put his hands on the table and said without squinting: "The most important thing is that Hetu Manufacturing is a company in Handong City, and Goldman Capital is a foreign capital. If we blatantly help foreign capital to suppress local companies, will it be okay? Will it be misunderstood by the outside world?"

"After all, many people agree with what Zhao Shanhe said at the purchasing meeting."

"You think too much."

Huang Fangjun raised his hands impatiently after hearing the truth.

"You know the situation of our tractor factory better than anyone else, right? We are already in trouble. If we don't seek a breakthrough, we will close down sooner or later. Do you want our tractor factory to become like Hongxing Machinery Factory? "

"So Goldman Capital is looking for us to cooperate, and the terms offered are so favorable. Why should I refuse? It's a total of [-] units!"

"Old Jiao, don't tell me that you don't know how big the profit is. With this money, we can pay all the wages owed to the workers, and we can do things that we didn't do before. Now you Do you still have an opinion on this matter?"


Jiao Weimin still wanted to defend himself, but he swallowed the words that came to his lips when he met the conflicting eyes of the others, lowered his eyebrows and said, "I have no objection!"

"That's right, it doesn't matter whether Zhao Shanhe comes or not, we can't just ignore the interests in front of us and let go of the meat that comes to our mouths, don't you think so?" Huang Fangjun saw Jiao Weimin's arrogance After being suppressed, he said proudly.


At this moment, secretary Du Fuhang knocked on the door and came in, and said respectfully: "Mr. Huang, Zhao Shanhe from Hetu is here. He is outside and wants to see you. Look?"

Zhao Shanhe is here?

After hearing this, Huang Fangjun stood up immediately, and said with playful eyes: "Let me just say, Zhao Shanhe can't hold back, he wants to produce road rollers, without our machines, how can he produce them? Haha! Zhao Shanhe Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, I didn't expect you to be arrogant and domineering, and you will have today."

"Go and meet him."

Huang Fangjun, who walked out as soon as he spoke, stopped after taking two steps, shook his head and said calmly: "Go and tell Zhao Shanhe that I'm in a meeting, and I'll go see him after I finish the meeting."

"Yes!" Du Fuhang turned and walked out.

"Mr. Huang, isn't it inappropriate to do this? After all, Zhao Shanhe is the factory director of Hetu Manufacturing. He came to us to discuss cooperation. If you do this, he will definitely have an opinion." Jiao Weimin hesitated. Said.

"have opinions?"

Huang Fangjun sat on the chair indifferently, and said slowly: "So what if you have an opinion? Don't forget, he came to me, not me to him."

"Besides, I'm not wrong. I'm really in a meeting. Could it be that I'm going to leave everyone here to meet him? Never mind, let's continue the meeting and talk about the cooperation with Goldman Capital."


Jiao Weimin smiled contemptuously in his heart, what kind of meeting are you having?Isn't the meeting already over?By doing this, you clearly want to give Zhao Shanhe some flair.

Huang Fangjun, do you know why I always look down on you?It is because you are narrow-minded.You don't talk about style in your work, but if you can have a broad mind, why did our tractor factory fall to this point?

"Mr. Huang, why don't I go greet Director Zhao?" Jiao Weimin said with some disinterest.

"Are you going to greet Zhao Shanhe?" Huang Fangjun narrowed his eyes.

Jiao Weimin stood calmly.

"Okay, since you want to greet him, then go. But Lao Jiao, remember your identity. There are some things you can say, but some things you can't even mention. I say that, do you understand? ?” Huang Fangjun said pointedly.


Jiao Weimin turned around and walked out of the office.

After leaving a group of people looking at each other, just about to speak, Huang Fangjun waved his hands: "It's okay, let's continue the meeting."


At this time, Huang Fangjun never dreamed that what kind of disaster his no matter would bring.

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