Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 980 The Most Stable Bond


With Chen Ju around, how could Zhen Liqun injure Zhao Shanhe? He had been ready to wait, seeing that Zhen Liqun dared to make a move, he kicked hard without saying a word.

Before Zhen Liqun's fist touched Zhao Shanhe, Chen Ju's kick came first and kicked him firmly in the stomach.

Zhen Liqun couldn't bear it, so he flew backwards on the spot, fell heavily on the ground, and moaned in pain while clutching his stomach.

Seeing this, the three of Liang Maohuo hurriedly surrounded him.

"I really don't know."

Zhao Shanhe glanced at it indifferently, and said condescendingly: "Zhen Liqun, you said that it was improper for you to let a good person go, and you insisted on becoming a dog. Now you are abandoned by others, and you are showing off your power in front of me again, playing fierce and hurting people, are you right? stupid?"

"Me!" Zhen Liqun hesitated to speak.

"And the three of you, can you have a future if you work with such a person?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head with a sneer, and started walking outside.

His purpose of coming to the procurement meeting this time has been achieved, so there is no need to stay.As for Zhen Liqun's life and death, it has nothing to do with him.

Soon there were only four people left in the empty business hall.

"President Zhen, what should we do now?" Yang Ke asked in a low voice.

"How do I know."

Zhen Liqun said angrily: "I am already like this now, don't ask me, you can go wherever you want, don't follow me anymore, I am no longer qualified to control you."

After finishing speaking, Zhen Liqun limped out.

Looking at his back, Yang Ke wanted to cry but had no tears.

Are they just abandoned?

"You said we're going to ask Mr. Guo now, can Mr. Guo help us go to Hetu Manufacturing?" Liang Maohuo asked softly after swallowing hard.

"Looking for Guo Wenxiao?"

Lu Wanshou shook his head, and said calmly: "Guo Wenxiao won't care about us, let's just ask for luck."

He sighed and left disappointed.

What happened at the purchasing meeting spread immediately, and those who heard it were very surprised. No one of them thought that what they thought was a certainty would turn into such a big turning point.

Hetu made a strong resistance to Goldman Capital.

Zhao Shanhe instantly killed Shells.

"This Sears is really too conceited, and this is purely done by him."

"Who said it wasn't? He didn't kill himself, how could Goldman Capital sign the order."

"The question now is, are the tire rollers made by Hetu really that easy to use? Don't forget, it took them only a week to complete them. If there is a problem with the quality, Zhao Shanhe will be ashamed."

"Who knows, just wait and see."

First Construction Group Chairman's Office.

After Jiang Pingchuan put all the contracts on the desk, he said gently: "Mr. Qi, all the contracts are here. You can read them later and put them in the archives room for archiving."

"Good!" Qi Dongfeng nodded.

"President Qi, although we said that we have signed a contract with Hetu Manufacturing, but are their road rollers really okay?" Jiang Pingchuan was still a little skeptical and didn't dare to make up his mind.

"no problem."

Qi Dongfeng smiled calmly, picked up a contract and looked through it and said: "The quality of the tire rollers manufactured by Hetu is first-class, even compared with Goldman Capital's. It is completely reassuring."

Thinking of the mysterious phone call Qi Dongfeng received, Jiang Pingchuan felt relieved and no longer entangled in this issue.

"Okay, then I'll arrange the reception of the equipment."


After Jiang Pingchuan walked out, Qi Dongfeng picked up the contract made by Hetu, squinted his eyes and said: "Zhao Shanhe, you offended Goldman Capital this time, they won't let it go like this, you better have a little mentality Be prepared, don't be easily crushed by them, otherwise, our cooperation will be terminated."


Shiels, who returned to the tourist scenic spot, grabbed the ashtray in front of him and smashed it to the ground. Amid the low crashing sound, he yelled ferociously.

"Zhen Liqun is really useless. He didn't even find out such crucial news. He ruined my big business."

"Calm your anger."

Sophia quickly handed over a glass of red wine, watched Shiels drink it up, and said slowly: "This is Zhen Liqun's fault. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be so passive. But since this has happened, we The order with the First Construction Group has not been signed, you said, what should we do now?"

"What do you say?"

Sears grabbed the wine bottle and poured another glass.

"I think we should retaliate."

Sophia's eyes flashed coldly, and she said in a cold voice: "Failure to acquire Hetu Manufacturing means that our first mission to the Eastern Province has failed. And losing the order from the First Construction Group means that our second The mission also failed."

"Under such circumstances, if we leave quietly, no one in Huaxia will say anything about us, but what about the Goldman Capital headquarters?"

"You also know that there are many people who are concerned about your position."

"Unless you can show enough results, they will definitely make trouble. At that time, your position will definitely be replaced by someone else, and you will also be exiled."

When Shiels heard this, his heart tightened and his expression was grim.

He knew that Sophia was right. Unless there was an explanation for this matter, he would definitely be questioned.Don't look at him as the executive president of Huaxia District, but in the eyes of those high-ranking figures in the headquarters, he is just a professional manager with a high status, and it is just a matter of saying to replace you.

"Then think of a way to get revenge!" Sears said fiercely with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I think so"

After Sophia told her plan, Sears' eyes lit up and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Sophia, you have a good plan, so do it!"


Donghua Trading.

After coming out of the purchasing meeting, Zhao Shanhe came here with Song Liu. Song Liu said that he wanted to invite Zhao Shanhe to drink tea. In fact, he had his own idea, which was the right to sell tire rollers.

You must know that tire rollers are absolutely indispensable equipment in the construction industry, but such equipment is not popular in China, and even in many foreign countries there is no such thing.

Blank means there is a market.

A market means big profits.

This kind of profit would never be ignored by someone like Song Liu with a quick mind.

So he didn't hide it, he just said it straight to the point.

"Your tire roller was really developed in a week?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, picked up the tea in hand and drank it slowly.

"Actually, I didn't intend to develop tire rollers at first, but you know the reason. Goldman Capital dared to do something to Qiuya, disgusting her, and knocking her into a coma."

"When this happens, do you think I can tolerate it? No, I gave Gao Shaoyuan and the others a death order, and Gao Shaoyuan was very upbeat, and led his R&D team to develop it day and night for a whole week. It was finally figured out."

"As for the quality, don't worry. It's made by our Hetu manufacturer."

"That is indeed what they deserve to be unlucky to meet you, a big evil star."

After Song Liu smiled, he cut to the point and said, "Let's not talk about the unlucky person Shiels, let's talk about the things between us. I want the right to sell your tire roller. What do you think?"

"no problem."

Zhao Shanhe put down his teacup and said as a matter of course: "What's the relationship between us? Since you Brother Song has said this, can I still refuse? In this way, I will deliver your order first."


Song Liu laughed.

"The sales network of Donghua Trading is mainly overseas, so I will mainly sell tire rollers overseas. But this does not mean that I have no connections in China. If you need it, I can use it for you. I guarantee you Your tire roller won’t say there’s no market.”

"it is good!"

"Then let's talk about the price."

in business.

You can’t say that the relationship between the two is good, so you can give you the product for free. This is not a way to maintain the relationship.If you want two people to truly maintain a friendly relationship, you must achieve a win-win situation, so it is essential to negotiate the price calmly.

Interest is not the only bond, but it is the most stable.

After finalizing the price with Song Liu, Zhao Shanhe had a good time in Zhongzhou under his arrangement.As for things in the factory, Li Xiangyang couldn't have any problems.

Hetu Manufacturing R&D Department of Zhenghe County.

When Zhao Shanhe came back, it was already the next day. Instead of going to the headquarters in Handong City, he came here directly and met Gao Shaoyuan and everyone in the laboratory.

Looking at the exhausted and excited faces, Zhao Shanhe said excitedly: "Comrades, do you all know the news about the purchasing meeting?"


"We won."

"What kind of Goldman Capital's steamroller, it's so hyped up, it's not because we gave it to the ground."

"It just feels like it's a little too easy to win. If you want me to say, we should compete with them with real swords and guns."

Hearing such an excited voice, Zhao Shanhe laughed out loud.

"You're right, even if we compete with them with real knives and guns, we won't lose. But don't worry, there will definitely be such opportunities in the future. I don't think everyone is like Sears. People, they, when they meet us Hetu Manufacturing again, they will definitely speak cautiously and never dare to brag casually again."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed heartily.

It doesn't make any sense to them to win by force, because they have strong self-confidence and know that even if they compete head-on, they will never lose.

"I'm here today not only to tell you the good news, but also to give rewards to everyone." Zhao Shanhe raised his voice.

"Reward? What reward?" Everyone's eyes lit up, and they looked at Zhao Shanhe expectantly.

"The big victory of the tire roller this time depends on the hard work of everyone present, so everyone has a share. From now on, everyone will receive a cash prize of 2000 yuan, plus a week of paid vacation!" Zhao said. Shanhe said loudly.

"Haha, 2000 yuan? Thank you Director Zhao!"

"Wow! There are paid holidays? Now I can travel with my family with peace of mind."

"That's right. I haven't been with my girlfriend for a long time. If I don't, I'm afraid she will kick me."

After a while, everyone dispersed.

Zhao Shanhe and Gao Shao came to his office. After sitting down, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Old Gao, you should be the first to win the big victory of the tire roller. Your reward will be given to you by Mr. Cai later." , don't think too little."

"It's too little, you know I don't care about it." Gao Shaoyuan smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"Hehe." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

Regardless of whether he cares about what should be given, he will give it, after all Gao Shaoyuan also has to support his family.Even if he is not married, he still has his own parents. You can't say that you bully honest people.

"I heard that you have a little problem during the research and development, is it?" Zhao Shanhe changed the subject.


Gao Shaoyuan had no intention of hiding anything about this matter, and said frankly: "Because the time is tight and the task is heavy, so during an experiment, the boy Zhang Du was almost not caught by the spinning gears. At the critical moment, I grabbed him, otherwise there would really be a research and development accident.”

"However, we can't blame Zhang Du for this matter. It was because he was so sleepy at the time that he was careless. Otherwise, with Zhang Du's cautious personality, such an accident would definitely not have happened."

"So if we can avoid things like this kind of hasty research and development in the future, we should try our best to avoid them. We just do research and development step by step." Zhao Shanhe said with emotion.

"Yeah, this time it's an emergency."

After Gao Shaoyuan said this, he suddenly said with a serious face: "Director, I think there is something I need to tell you, and you must also pay attention to it."

"Tell me." Zhao Shanhe looked over seriously.

"It's our tire roller. The two most important parts are the roller and the tires. We cooperate with Whale Tire in the city for this tire. We have signed a purchase contract. I believe there will be no changes."

"But this road roller is a machine from the Municipal Tractor Factory."

"I'm afraid that something will happen to Huang Fangjun. After all, the relationship between him and our Hetu is not very harmonious."

When Gao Shaoyuan talked about this, he said helplessly: "Because I was too anxious at the time, I could only use their machine for installation and debugging. But this does not mean that we must use their machine. If we can find a suitable Substitutes can be replaced at any time. I'm just afraid that Huang Fangjun will make a fool of himself."

It turned out to be the case.

After Zhao Shanhe finished listening, a dignified expression emerged between his brows.Gao Shaoyuan wasn't trying to scare people. With Huang Fangjun's piss-like behavior, he really might not know what he would do.

But the problem is that this is actually because I am too anxious, so I can only use the kind of machine from the tractor factory.

In this case

"Then have you found a substitute?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"found it."

Gao Shaoyuan nodded, and said calmly: "Actually, we were already doing this when we were researching and developing, and road rollers are not so rare. For now, we have found three machinery factories and tractor factories. Their machines can be replaced at any time."

"So you mean, let me talk to these three factories one by one, and then choose one to cooperate with?"

Zhao Shanhe suddenly realized.

But who would have thought that Gao Shaoyuan's next words made him stunned.

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