"Director Zhao, what do you mean?" Jiang Pingchuan's face darkened slightly.

Although he said he thought Zhao Shanhe was good, he would not be polite if he said that Zhao Shanhe was here to make trouble.No matter who it is, on the site of the First Construction Group, they must abide by the rules here.

"Mr. Jiang, don't get me wrong. I have no other intentions. I just want to ask Sears, does what he said just now count?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a flat tone with a slight smile.

"What do you mean?" Sears raised his eyelids slightly.

"Just now, in front of everyone, you said that if a second manufacturer of tire rollers stood up, you would withdraw voluntarily and no longer sign a contract with the First Construction Group. Do you still agree?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

Sears was stunned for a moment, staring at Zhao Shanhe suspiciously, and various possibilities flashed through his mind.

Jiang Pingchuan couldn't help being stunned.

Even Qi Dongfeng raised his eyebrows subconsciously when he heard this.

What does Zhao Shanhe mean by this?Could it be that he is the second manufacturer?That's not right, in the letter of intent for equipment given by Hetu Manufacturing, there was no tire roller.

Or is Zhao Shanhe playing tricks?

The corners of Qi Dongfeng's mouth slanted up, his eyes were serious.

"Zhao Shanhe, you better not come here to cause trouble."

Everyone present was also surprised. None of them expected that such an accident would happen when the contract was about to be signed.What Zhao Shanhe wanted to say was, does he have a tire roller?

"Zhao Shanhe, don't mess around." Zhen Liqun stood up abruptly, pointed at Zhao Shanhe angrily, and sternly reprimanded him.


Zhao Shanhe squinted dismissively and snorted coldly.

"Zhen Liqun, you are not qualified to talk to me yet!"

"You!" Zhen Liqun's face turned red immediately, and he didn't let go of the arm he raised just now, nor did he let it go.

"Shiels, why are you still hesitating? Don't you dare to admit what you said yourself? Don't you claim that Goldman Capital is the most reputable company? Now you want to renege on your promise? Want to smash it with your own hands? Do you want to drop this sign?"

Zhao Shanhe is aggressive.


Sears gritted his teeth and said with a sullen expression: "Of course I won't break my promise and get fat. I will keep my word. Zhao Shanhe, as long as you can take out the tire roller now, I will leave immediately and I will never be with you Mix here."

"Really? Then you can leave now!" Zhao Shanhe said with a chuckle, full of confidence.

"Do you really have a tire roller?" Shells was secretly startled, and asked with cold eyes.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, looked at Jiang Pingchuan and said lightly: "Mr. Jiang, you have heard that I can take out the tire roller now. Goldman Capital is going to leave, so would you like the First Construction Group?" Are you willing to sign a contract with Hetu Manufacturing on the road roller?"


Jiang Pingchuan hesitated for a moment.

He didn't expect such an accident to happen. If he said that he insisted on keeping Shells, it would appear that he was too immoral.But can this thing still be done?Isn't this too hasty?

You Zhao Shanhe said there is one?Even if you have it, we don't know the quality of the tire roller you took out, whether it can stand the test or not.

He subconsciously looked at Qi Dongfeng.

Zhao Shanhe also looked over.

He knew, don't look at Qi Dongfeng sitting down from the very beginning, just watching with cold eyes as if nothing happened, but here, he is the one who can really make the decision.Except for him, even Jiang Pingchuan dared not change partners casually.

Qi Dongfeng stood up slowly, stared at Sears, and asked calmly: "Mr. Sears, if Director Zhao can really bring out the tire roller, do you mean that you will give up the cooperation with us? "


Sears' face was a little embarrassed, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "President Qi, you have seen this too, there is actually something hidden, I said that just now"

"Just tell me, will you or won't you?" Qi Dongfeng waved his hand and interrupted him directly.

Sears' face was ugly for a while, and after struggling for a while, he finally squeezed out a word reluctantly: "Yes!"

It would be embarrassing for Shiels to deny him in front of so many people what he said, and it is impossible to say and do that.It's a small thing to be ashamed, but it's a big thing to lose the credibility of Goldman Capital.

Even if he is the executive president of Huaxia District, he dare not do this.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to say."

Qi Dongfeng turned to look at Zhao Shanhe, and said calmly: "Director Zhao, I really didn't expect that you would take out the tire roller at this time, you can bear it."

"But this is a matter between you and Sears, and I won't get involved. Let me ask you now, is there any problem with the quality of your tire roller? Can it be compared with Goldman Capital's?"


"There's no way theirs can compare to ours."

Just when Zhao Shanhe was about to open his mouth to speak, Sears suddenly interrupted him, and said emotionally: "As far as the level of Hetu Manufacturing is concerned, how can we compare with us?"

"And as far as I know, before Hetu was made, there was no road roller at all, but now it is said that there is, whether it is really there or not, even if there is, it is just a temporary piece."

"Mr. Qi, you don't believe that such a roller can be used, do you?"

"I don't want to believe it."

Qi Dongfeng shook his head. Seeing him like this, Sears glanced arrogantly at Zhao Shanhe, but before his arrogant expression disappeared, what Qi Dongfeng said immediately made his expression change suddenly.

"But what can I do?"

"I want to sign a contract with you Goldman Capital. The contract is ready. Who would have thought that you would insist on creating such a drama. Mr. Shells, I am really disappointed in you."


Sears' face flushed like a pig's liver.

The current him doesn't have the arrogant and conceited appearance at the beginning, he regrets so much that his intestines are green, and he really wants to give himself two slaps.Stimulated by such emotions, he looked at Zhao Shanhe more and more coldly.

Zhao Shanhe, you dare to bully me!

Yes, Shiels never thought that it was his fault, that it was caused by his own arrogance.Now he will be full of anger and vent it all on Zhao Shanhe.

Without Zhao Shanhe, he would have signed a contract with Jiang Pingchuan long ago, how could he be in such an embarrassing situation?

"President Qi, this matter is actually very simple. If you don't believe what I say, there is someone who you should believe."

As he said that, Zhao Shanhe made a call in front of Qi Dongfeng, and when he was connected there, he handed over the elder brother.Qi Dongfeng took it over in surprise, and the moment he heard the other party's first sentence, his expression couldn't help but startled, then he immediately stood up straight and respectfully said: "Yes, you always say it."

"Okay, I see, that's it."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Dongfeng looked at Zhao Shanhe without the slightest hesitation or doubt, but decisively said to Jiang Pingchuan: "Let's sign a contract with Hetu Manufacturing for tire rollers!"


Jiang Pingchuan is such a smart person. Although he didn't hear the conversation between Qi Dongfeng and that person, he can guess that the person must be speaking for Zhao Shanhe. That is to say, the quality of the tire rollers made by Hetu is no problem. .

That's easy to say.

"Director Zhao, let's sign the contract." Jiang Pingchuan felt relieved, and a brisk smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"it is good!"

The two walked to the table next to them and signed the contract neatly.

Shiels could only watch this scene happen in front of his eyes, but he was powerless.Under the grief and indignation, he returned to his seat and sat down in some embarrassment.

"Mr. Shells, shall we leave it like this?" Zhen Liqun sat down and asked in a low voice.

"if not?"

Sears took two deep breaths, temporarily controlled the anger just now, looked at Zhen Liqun with cold eyes, and said with disgust: "Zhen Liqun, are you and Zhao Shanhe in the same group?"

"A gang? Mr. Shells, what do you mean?" Zhen Liqun was at a loss.

"You must be from Zhao Shanhe. You were ordered by him when you came here, right? You are the commercial spy that Zhao Shanhe arranged for me, right?"

"Commercial espionage?" Zhen Liqun's expression changed drastically. He couldn't take the blame for this. If he did, it would be the end of his life.He met Shiels' eyes, and suddenly guessed what the gringo was going to do.

Schells wanted to bring disaster to the east, and wanted to make himself the scapegoat.

"Let me just say it. If you have nothing to do with Zhao Shanhe, how could you say that he doesn't have tire rollers at all? You told me this news, and you still said it so resolutely."

"Now it seems that you said that on purpose. You want to give me an illusion and deceive me. You just want to set me up like this today, right?"

Sears roared angrily: "No, it's not like that, I"

"To shut up!"

Sears stood up in a huff, shouting angrily with grief and anger on his face.

"Why do you have the face to stand here and explain to me? You still pretend to be innocent and hypocritically comfort me. Don't you know what happened? Zhen Liqun, my mistake is that I shouldn't believe your words Bullshit!"

"Me!" Zhen Liqun was so anxious that he almost cried.


Sears waved his arm and said irritably: "I don't want to listen to you now, you listen to me, this matter is that I, Sears, was blind and fell into your conspiracy. From now on, There is no relationship between you and me anymore, you are no longer my Goldman Capital employee!"

"It's not like that." Zhen Liqun waved his hands quickly, his whole face flushed red.

It turned out to be the case.

At this time, all the people standing around showed a look of sudden realization. It doesn't matter whether Schells is telling the truth or a lie.Anyway, Shiels was unlucky, and Zhen Liqun, as a punching bag, would naturally be severely ravaged.

"Let me just say, with the wisdom and wisdom of Mr. Sears, how could he make such a low-level mistake. It turned out that he was responsible for it. Zhen Liqun, you can't frame Mr. Sears like this again in the future."

Yu Zhonglou walked over in a hurry, and said righteously.

"Yu Zhonglou, shut up, it's none of your business here." Zhen Liqun growled angrily.

"Hehe, are you trying to hit someone with your hands? Well, I'll stand here, and you can try to move my finger." Yu Zhonglou refused to accept this, and squinted over arrogantly.


Shiels couldn't help but nodded secretly when he saw the appearance of Yu Bell Tower.

After realizing Shiels' affirmation, Yu Zhonglou became even more excited, pointed at Zhen Liqun's nose and started shouting loudly.It looked like he was the one who was unlucky.

He and Zhen Liqun had a sworn feud.

For a while, there was a commotion here.

At this time, Zhao Shanhe also signed the contract with Jiang Pingchuan, and the two shook hands briefly. Zhao Shanhe smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, please take care of me from now on."

"Should be!"

Jiang Pingchuan smiled lightly.

"President Qi, what do you think we should do over there?"

Qi Dongfeng glanced at the noisy Sears, shook his head indifferently, and said calmly: "Our procurement meeting is over, tell them that anyone who wants to come to the dinner tonight can come, and those who don't want to come are free. I will leave it to you to deal with here, and I will go back."

"Good!" Jiang Pingchuan nodded.

As soon as Qi Dongfeng left, a group of people followed suit.

The bustling business hall just now became quiet in an instant.Even on the noisy Shiels side, few people stayed to watch.

"Zhao Shanhe!"

Sears took advantage of this time to come over, stood in front of Zhao Shanhe, his eyes shot out two cold lights like poisonous snakes, and said indifferently: "This matter is not over, I will write down this account, we will We'll see."

"Okay, just wait and see, but Shiels, I would like to advise you, this is Huaxia, so be careful when you stumble while walking." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Hmph!" Sears snorted coldly, turned around and left with his people.

Yu Zhonglou followed closely behind.

Soon there was only Zhen Liqun left here, who was in mourning.

Of course, there were Lu Wanshou, Liang Maohuo and Yang Ke who followed Zhen Liqun to leave.They were as sick as if they had eaten Coptis chinensis, and the three of them never expected that things would develop like this.

The benefactor who had just turned to them abandoned them in the blink of an eye.

Could it be that they shouldn't have followed Zhen Liqun obsessively back then?Otherwise, how could such unlucky things happen one after another.

As far as the current Zhen Liqun is concerned, let alone taking care of them, he can hardly protect himself.

"Zhao Shanhe, stop for me!"

Zhen Liqun, with a dull expression, saw that Zhao Shanhe was about to leave in front of him. After a shock, he suddenly woke up and blocked the road with a stride. He pointed at Zhao Shanhe with trembling hands, his lips trembling desperately.

"Zhao Shanhe, where are you going?"

"What do you want to do?"

Guo Wenxiao stood up on the spot, stood in front of Zhao Shanhe, and shouted angrily at Zhen Liqun: "Zhen Liqun, are you crazy? If you dare to block the way of our factory manager, get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way? Guo Wenxiao, I won't give up today, I want to settle the score with Zhao Shanhe!"

Zhen Liqun's eyes were bloodshot, like a gambler who has lost his mind, staring fiercely at Zhao Shanhe.

"Settling accounts? What kind of accounts are you settling? We didn't ask you to settle accounts to give you face. You are still here shouting "Stop the thief, get out of here." Guo Wenxiao shouted impatiently.

"I'll fuck you."

Zhen Liqun was furious for a moment, raised his fist and swung it at Zhao Shanhe.

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