Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 961 I Still Don't Believe You Can Break the Sky

"Brother Zhao, are you busy?"

After the call was connected, Yang Jiuding's hearty laughter came from the other side.

Yang Jiuding?

Zhao Shanhe was a little stunned, he should have gone to visit Yang Jiuding a long time ago, after all, he was going to be in Handong City in the future.And Yang Jiuding, as the leading big boss in Handong City, has a good relationship with him, so it makes no sense not to say hello in advance.

So now he immediately smiled and said: "Not busy, even if you are busy, I will be there whenever you call."

"Ha ha!"

Yang Jiuding laughed heartily.

"You've already said that, so don't say anything else. I'll save a game tonight and come out for a drink or two."

"Tonight?" Zhao Shanhe hesitated.

"What? Do you have an appointment?" Yang Jiuding asked.

"Hey, I asked Qiuya to have dinner tonight. Brother, you know that I haven't been home for a long time, and I've been busy in the city. I always feel sorry for her, so I wanted to have dinner with her. "

Zhao Shanhe told the truth.

Yang Jiuding said seriously: "Brother, you are doing the right thing. You should take care of your family's emotions. If this is the case, why don't we come out now and have a cup of tea together, and I will talk to you about something."

"No problem." Zhao Shanhe readily agreed.

"Then meet at Qingquan Tea House on Shunde Road in half an hour."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly.Yang Jiuding's words are very clear, he has something to talk to himself, the question is, what does he have to talk to himself?I have no business relationship with him.

"Let's meet again."

Thinking about this, Zhao Shanhe got up and walked out.

Cai Shishi was asked to stay and watch over the tractor factory.

After half an hour.

The tea room of Qingquan Tea House.

Zhao Shanhe saw Yang Jiuding who came late, because he was a little late, so he quickly bowed and apologized after he came in, Zhao Shanhe smiled and said it was okay.After the two sat down politely like this, Yang Jiuding said with a smile: "Have you smoothed out all the affairs of the machinery factory in the past two days?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded and said with a smile: "Finally, we are on the right track and officially put into production. Brother Yang, I will take root in Handong City in the future, please take care of me."

"You still need my help? Stop making trouble, and you don't go out to inquire about it. Now who doesn't know your reputation as Zhao Shanhe! You are a rising star in the business circle of Handong City. Those who do business want to I want to know you and have a relationship with you." Yang Jiuding stroked the teacup and said with a big smile.

"Brother, you are joking with me again. No matter how good I am, I am a newcomer, and I am not familiar with the place of life. After all, I need your help and guidance." Zhao Shanhe said sincerely.


Yang Jiuding shook his head with a smile, and didn't dwell on this topic any longer.

After the two casually chatted like this for a few words, Zhao Shanhe saw that Yang Jiuding hadn't said anything serious, so he took the initiative to say: "Brother, don't you have something to do with me? Tell me if you have something to do. As long as I can do it I will definitely help you to do it, but if you say you can't do it, I hope you will forgive me a lot."

"If that's the case, then I'll say it."

Yang Jiuding's expression was a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, he slapped his thigh and sighed, and said angrily: "Actually, I was entrusted with this matter, and I didn't give him a guarantee whether it could be done."

"Let me tell you this. Before today, I thought this matter was quite simple, but now I know I was wrong. I guess you would not agree to this matter. I shouldn't have taken this matter in the first place."

"What's so hard to say?" Zhao Shanhe looked over curiously as he sipped his tea.

"Someone entrusted me to ask you for a favor, and wanted the two people who followed Zhen Liqun to return to your Hetu Manufacturing."

"You said I didn't know your rules. Now that I know, am I still ashamed to talk to you again? Hey, forget it, I don't care, and you don't care about it." Yang Jiuding simply said After saying that, he kept shaking his head and waving his hands.

It turned out to be the case.

Let me just say, if it's other things, Yang Jiuding wouldn't be so coy, not as straightforward as usual, it's because of this.Don't say, I really can't help you with this matter.

Zhao Shanhe looked over calmly, and said calmly: "Brother, I don't care about other things, and I will definitely help you. But I am really embarrassed about this matter. As for the reason, you don't care. clearly."

"Those who follow Zhen Liqun are equivalent to betraying me. It's not that I didn't give them a chance, it's because they don't want it. Can I treat such people lightly?"

"Besides, when you came here just now, you should have passed by the tractor factory, right? Have you seen the situation there? To be honest, those workers were surrounded in front of my factory before. You said that you are right for such a person , if I say that the Internet is lenient, how can the following orders be banned? No one will take my words seriously anymore. So please understand, brother."


Yang Jiuding quickly said: "I just said that I saw what happened there before I came here. Really, it was because of seeing that I realized how strong your determination is, so I have never been embarrassed to talk about it. carry."

"If you don't ask, I won't tell. But it's okay, I will watch and arrange those two people to join Jiuding Chemical. Don't think too much about it."

Zhao Shanhe picked up the teacup and said, "Then thank you bro."

"Thank you, thank you. This is what I should do, and I must have been impulsive. I should have found out the situation before contacting you. That way I wouldn't make a joke." Yang Jiuding smiled self-deprecatingly , also raised the teacup, touched Zhao Shanhe's cup in the air, and then took a big gulp.


Zhao Shanhe put down the teacup, and said with watery eyes: "Brother Yang, if you say that, you will be out of touch. We are not just acquainted. Since we all call brothers, we are our family members. When have you met your family?" People still laugh at their own family?"

"Yes, yes, what I said was wrong, I will punish myself with a cup." Yang Jiuding was stunned, raised his head and laughed twice, and raised his teacup again.

Zhao Shanhe pointed to the teacup in Yang Jiuding's hand solemnly: "That's tea."

"Then replace wine with tea."

"Ha ha!"

The two looked at each other, everything was in the tea.

"Actually, Zhen Liqun and I still know each other, and we know that this guy has some skills, but I didn't expect him to be so one-sided and extreme in his actions. You said that if someone like him stays, can you not give him a stage to show off? Is it? He ruined his future with his own hands." Yang Jiuding shook his head and said disdainfully.

"Brother Yang, I actually wanted to ask you a long time ago, does this Huang Fangjun want Zhen Liqun that much? The relationship between the two is so good, so good that Zhen Liqun chooses to leave without hesitation?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously. Look over here.

"Good shit!"

Yang Jiuding sneered again and again, and said with a sneering expression: "Do you think Huang Fangjun is a good bird? He is just a villain who sees profit and forgets righteousness. He can't wait to want Zhen Liqun so much. It's just because of the sales network in his hand. I want Zhen Liqun to help sell tractors and other products."

"But he didn't even think about it. What Zhen Liqun used to do was mechanical products. How could he have anything to do with the tractor factory?"

"He's just going to the doctor in a hurry."

"That's it!"

Zhao Shanhe suddenly realized.

"Then let them toss."

"Just wait and see. Even if the matter of the tractor factory can be resolved today, Huang Fangjun will have a problem with Zhen Liqun. He just wants to squeeze Zhen Liqun's value, but he doesn't want to take on his troubles." Yang Jiuding seemed I have seen through it a long time ago, and said firmly.

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly: "That has nothing to do with me, it's their business."

"Yes, let's drink tea."

"it is good!"


The gate of the tractor factory.

Things here have become more and more troublesome. Zhen Liqun thought that he would be able to settle down this group of workers in minutes, but who would have thought otherwise.Before he could say a word, he was hit by a brick thrown by an angry worker.

Fortunately, he ran away when he saw the situation was not good, and the gate of the tractor factory was quickly closed, otherwise he would have been beaten to death.

Even so, the group of workers stood relentlessly at the door, and no one wanted to leave.They shouted loudly, asking Huang Fangjun to hand over Zhen Liqun and the others.

Otherwise, this matter is not over.

Huang Fangjun was dumbfounded. He fidgeted and looked at Zhen Liqun, who was covering his head, and shouted bitterly: "Look at the shit you did, what should we do now?"

"I do not know either."

Zhen Liqun held his bleeding head and said anxiously, "Hurry up and take me to the infirmary."

"Go to the infirmary!"

Huang Fangjun stared angrily, glanced at the bleeding head, rolled his eyes and said, "Hurry up and pretend to be dizzy, I'll send you to the hospital, first avoid the limelight."

Pretending to be dizzy?

Zhen Liqun understood what Huang Fangjun meant in an instant, and immediately lay down on the ground without saying a word.Huang Fangjun glanced at it speechlessly, and then quickly shouted: "Zhen Liqun was knocked unconscious, and rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. There is a lot of blood, and quickly took my car to the hospital."

After a while of busy work, Zhen Liqun went out in a car.

The people at the door still wanted to stop, but Huang Fangjun stood up and shouted with a livid face: "What are you trying to do? Do you want to stop? Do you really want to be a murderer?"


All the workers froze for a moment, and they retreated subconsciously.They just wanted to ask Zhen Liqun for an explanation, but no one wanted to kill someone.If Zhen Liqun died, they would be in big trouble.

Under such circumstances, Zhen Liqun was finally sent out.

"Hmph, this time it's considered cheap for him, but this matter can't be settled, we'll come back later."

"That's right, Mr. Huang, if you don't want us to come all day, let Zhen Liqun stand up and take responsibility."

"Let's go home first, come back tomorrow!"

Come again tomorrow?

Looking at the scattered crowd, Huang Fangjun was not happy at all.Don't come here again, if you come again, what should I do here, I will go crazy!

Damn Zhen Liqun, do I still have to wipe your ass?

"Mr. Huang!"

At this time, the old Chen Tou, who was guarding the door, came over suddenly, stood in front of Huang Fangjun and said with a serious expression.

"Elder Chen."

Huang Fangjun quickly responded.

"Mr. Huang, I know that you are the director of our factory, and your angle of thinking must be different from ours, but I think there are still some problems with your decision this time." Old Chen said.

"I have two words I want to tell you, are you willing to listen?"

"Speak, I'll listen." Huang Fangjun said with a smile.

Dare I say no?

I am the director of the tractor factory, but your apprentices are the heads of every department, and the two deputy directors also respect you very much. If I don’t listen to you, they will all be against me if they choose to pick someone up. Come on, can I do that?

Don't you just listen to two sentences?You say so.

I still don't believe you can break the sky.

"Zhen Liqun is a scourge, and you shouldn't recruit him. If it's possible, I suggest you send him away quickly, and don't drag our tractor factory into trouble while the matter is still under control." Old Chen The head said sternly.

"Old Chen, I will consider what you said." Huang Fangjun was noncommittal.

"All right, I'm only saying this for the benefit of our tractor factory, and I hope you can really think about our factory." Old Chen saw through Huang Fangjun's thoughts at a glance, and said in a cold voice.

"it is good!"

Huang Fangjun turned around and left.

Looking at his back, Old Chen shook his head and said to himself: "Huang Fangjun, you are not good at it. When you gain power, you are unscrupulous. When you lose, you start to lose your sense of proportion. Sooner or later, the tractor factory will be in your hands." It's over. No, I can't just watch this happen, I have to figure out something quickly."


Handong City said it was not small or big, and what happened today quickly spread throughout the city.

In fact, when this incident happened at the very beginning, it was already well known to everyone.

After all, Red Star Machinery was once a well-known state-owned enterprise in Handong City. Although it declined later, a skinny camel is always bigger than a horse.

Zhao Shanhe kicked out more than 100 people so forcefully, how could it not be discussed?

Of course, discussion is discussion. At that time, the mainstream public opinion was still on Zhao Shanhe's side. After all, what Zhen Liqun did was a bit excessive.You said it’s fine if you leave, and you left with more than 100 people. Can you really think about the livelihood of these people?If they stayed, at least Hetu Manufacturing would allow them to support their families.

Fortunately, the discussion at that time has become a reality, and the public opinion has become more lively.

"Did you see it? I said that Zhen Liqun is unreliable, and it really is. Those who follow him are now in bad luck."

"This group of people regretted it. Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world. They have all been tricked by Zhen Liqun."

"I think Zhao Shanhe did the right thing. If I were me, I would do the same. You left like that without looking back, and now you want to turn around and continue to follow him. Good or bad things are up to you Did it? Who do you think you are?"


There is no one who does not hate Zhen Liqun.

Also, if you don't have that ability, don't make yourself too bold.

Now more than 100 people follow you, but you are the only one who brought your confidants into the tractor factory, and the rest are dumped. How can they do it?Who else can I turn to if I don’t want to talk to you?

As for finding Zhao Shanhe, you people, can you find him?

People told me what they said at the very beginning, but it was you who didn't listen.Now relying on the number of people and power to force others to submit, it is a pity that you met a more powerful Zhao Shanhe.

For a while, this matter caused a lot of noise.

The streets and alleys are talking about it.

In this atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya into a western restaurant, and the two of them prepared to have a romantic evening, eat some steak, drink some red wine, and enjoy the evening breeze.


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