Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 960 Looking for inspiration?

Cai Qian suddenly looked towards the corner ahead.

His eyes are staring straight at him, and his arms are raised and then slowly lowered. This slowing down makes you want to bend him directly.

This immediately attracted everyone's attention.

You must know that you were still giving an impassioned speech just now, and it became like this in the blink of an eye. If you said nothing happened, how could it be possible?

After being attracted by his actions, everyone couldn't help but look over curiously, wanting to see what he saw, how did it become like this?It doesn't matter if you look at it like this, everyone is angry in a blink of an eye.


The three of Lu Wanshou, who were observing the progress of the matter, suddenly found that the lively atmosphere just now had suddenly quieted down. They were also very puzzled, and while they all poked their heads out to wait and see, Liang Maohuo also saw Cai Qian's movements.

He was a little puzzled at the moment he saw it, but he immediately understood after seeing the eyes of all the workers projected from stunned to angry.Suddenly realizing it, he had an angry expression on his face, and cursed fiercely in a low voice.

"Cai Qian, you bastard, how dare you blackmail us!"

Yin us?

Lu Wanshou and Yang Ke were also a little puzzled, but when they saw the murderous eyes of all the workers, they were all sober again.That's right, Cai Qian is plotting against us.

You spoke well, you looked at us so coldly, and you still looked at us after you said something wrong, isn't it clear that you want to cause trouble?

You are bringing hatred to us.

But this kind of hatred, we still have to admit that whoever made this happen was done by us, and the three of us went door to door to inform them to go to work. In the eyes of everyone, we are Zhen Liqun's accomplices, the chief culprit who framed them culprit.

This is bad.

"Run away!"

You said that would be unlucky enough, and at this time, after Yang Ke said a word, Sa Yazi started running outside, pushing and shoving the people blocking the way, and yelling loudly.

"Get out of the way, your business has nothing to do with me, get out of here!"

"This idiot, is he afraid that we won't be targeted?"

Lu Wanshou was shocked when he saw Yang Ke's actions.


Just as Yanke was running away, the workers started to move.They vented all the anger in their hearts, and chased after him without hesitation, shouting even more.

"There is an injustice and a debtor. Let's go to Zhen Liqun for justice."

"Lu Wanshou! Yang Ke! Liang Maohuo! Don't run away, you are now very strong and have entered the tractor factory, so you don't care about our life or death. What did you say back then?"

"We must give us an explanation!"

"Say it! Say it! Say it!"

Soon, more than 100 people shouted for the explanation in unison, and chased forward.

When Lu Wanshou and Liang Maohuo saw such a scene, even if they felt wronged in their hearts, they dared not stop when they wanted to explain.They only hated their parents for losing two legs, and started running for their lives without looking back, running forward desperately.

"Old Lu, hurry up."

"Bullshit, I'm so fat, I'm not bad if I can run."

"Then you can ask for blessings."

After a while, the entrance of Hetu Manufacturing, which was still full of people just now, became empty in an instant.On the road ahead, a very ridiculous scene was being staged, more than 100 people were chasing after, and three people were running in front.

Seeing such a scene, Cai Qian jumped off the roof of the car and said to Chen Jianfei: "Old Chen, hurry up and ask your people to clean up the scene, they probably won't come back, even if someone comes back, it will be scattered Yes, you just send them away."


Chen Jianfei smiled and gave Cai Qian a thumbs up.

"Old Cai, amazing!"

"Hehe!" Cai Qian smiled casually, turned around and walked into the factory, he was going to report the things here to Zhao Shanhe.

Guo Wenxiao, who saw this scene in his eyes from beginning to end, said with emotion at this time: "See? This is Cai Qian, this is Zhao Shanhe's team, such an excellent head of the public relations department. Such a person, in the previous Red Star Is there a machinery factory? No, I dare say that the entire Red Star Machinery is not as good as Cai Qian."

"It's really powerful." Huang Chumeng nodded with his mouth wide open before he fully recovered.

She never dreamed that things could develop like this. Cai Qian just relied on his three-inch tongue to settle the matter, and there were no casualties during the period.

I guess someone should be worried now.

"Can you tell me about your relationship with this matter now?" Guo Wenxiao turned sideways and asked with a serious expression.

"Me?" Huang Chumeng smiled embarrassingly.

"Chumeng, you have to know, you'd better tell me, so that I know what's going on, and I can deal with the aftermath for you. Otherwise, you won't even know that you've been used as a spy by others, and I can't bear to watch you go astray! " Guo Wenxiao said.

"You care about me, right?" Huang Chumeng suddenly sensed something, blinked and stared at Guo Wenxiao's face with a joyful expression.

"Do you want to say it or not?" Guo Wenxiao's face darkened.

"I said, I said it's not enough."

Huang Chumeng quickly grabbed Guo Wenxiao's arm, and said in a low voice, "Actually, this matter is not as complicated as you think. It's just that some of the people who followed Zhen Liqun found me."

"I have no choice but to help them take a look. But I assure you, what they did today has nothing to do with me, and I didn't advise them at all."

"Really?" Guo Wenxiao stared intently at Huang Chumeng's eyes.


After seeing Huang Chumeng's fearful expression, Guo Wenxiao shook his head, sighed and said, "You are a good old man, why do you get involved in this kind of thing? It's not like you don't know how bad Hetu Manufacturing's current situation is. Sensitive, when the old and the new are changing, if you are not careful, you will be driven away like Zhen Liqun."

"Don't touch this kind of thing in the future!"

"Okay, I will only do what I should do." Huang Chumeng quickly agreed.

Guo Wenxiao sighed lightly: "That's it, I will talk to Director Zhao about it."


Factory director's office.

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing Cai Qian say that the final solution turned out to be to divert the disaster to the east.

"You, you are really capable of tossing around, and you can think of all these tricks. I guess those three guys hate you to death now, and they can't wait to find a chance to beat you up to vent their anger."

"Who made them just stay there, and happened to be seen by me."

Cai Qian shrugged indifferently, and said with a smile: "Actually, I wanted to talk about Zhen Liqun at the time. After all, it would be better to bring Zhen Liqun out. They all knew that this matter was caused by Zhen Liqun. After watching Once my attitude is so firm, I will definitely settle for the next best thing and find someone to vent. Zhen Liqun is the best target."

"But who would have thought that the three of Liang Maohuo were hiding there. They were clearly sent by Zhen Liqun to inquire about the news. You said they were all delivered to your door like this. How could I let them slip away for nothing?"

"What's more, it's their own fault for being chased and scolded."

"Let's leave it at that, I believe that after such a commotion, those people will know what's going on, and they won't say they'll come to trouble us again, and we don't have so much energy to spend on this matter, after all, production is important. "Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said.

"Yes! I'll take care of this."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands in satisfaction: "Go and do your work."

"it is good!"

Cai Qian turned and walked out.

Zhao Shanhe also breathed a sigh of relief, this matter can be resolved in this way, so as not to cause trouble.


City Tractor Factory.

The three Yang Ke who ran all the way from Hetu Manufacturing leaned against the wall and panted heavily.In any case, they finally escaped from the siege of the crowd.If it is said to be blocked, it would be terrifying to think about that kind of picture.

"Damn Zhao Shanhe, how dare he do this?" Yang Ke cursed angrily.

"Stop scolding Zhao Shanhe, let's think about what we should do now." Lu Wanshou gasped.

"How to do what? How can we do this? Let's all escape, and we won't have any more troubles." Yang Ke was a little stunned and looked over in confusion.

"No more trouble?"

Liang Maohuo snorted and said sarcastically, "Do you think that if they can't catch up with us today, they won't be able to catch up tomorrow? Unless we are no longer in Handong City, we will be caught up by them sooner or later. Then you won't have today." With such good luck, you will be beaten to death by them, and if you are unlucky, you will even be beaten and disabled."

"Being disabled?"

Yang Ke was scared.

"Then what do you say?"

"Go to Zhen Liqun. This matter was caused by him and must be resolved by him. And I have a hunch, you just wait. If those workers can't catch up with us, they will definitely come to the tractor factory."

"Zhen Liqun won't be able to escape at that time. After we report to him, we'd better find a reason to slip away and hide." Liang Maohuo said fiercely.

He was so angry that he didn't even call the director Zhen anymore, he just named him by name.

Yang Ke and Lu Wanshou looked at each other and nodded.

"Go, enter the factory."

The three of Lu Wanshou met Zhen Liqun very quickly, and they briefly explained what happened just now, and then said anxiously: "Director, I think that group of workers will definitely come here to look for you. There are many."

"Find me?"

After Zhen Liqun was stunned, his face darkened suddenly.

"Can they find me? I didn't offend them. Even if I took them away at the beginning, I also arranged jobs for them. They refused to go by themselves. Can you blame me? Huh, a bunch of troublemakers, Don't worry about them, go about your own business."

"Yes, we have a project, and we happened to go out for a run." Liang Maohuo said.

"Yes, that's how it should be done."

Zhen Liqun put down the pen in his hand with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Although we are newcomers to the tractor factory, we must not be underestimated by them. You must know that we are all well-known figures in the sales industry, and we must show results. Come."


The three of Liang Maohuo turned around and left.

Seeing them walking so swiftly, Zhen Liqun smiled approvingly. What he thought in his heart was, yes, yes, he should have such a sense of awareness, and he should be active in doing things like this.

But soon he was no longer happy.

Because of an accident at the tractor factory, the gate here was surrounded by more than 100 workers from the Hongxing Machinery Factory. They shouted loudly for Zhen Liqun to come out and give an explanation.

Huang Fangjun even came over directly, scolding with a gloomy face: "Zhen Liqun, what did you do? How did I tell you back then, and how did you promise me?"

"I gave you the indicators you want, but why did you let them block my gate again? Do you know that because of this, I am likely to be scolded by the superiors? Are you trying to kill me? ?”


Zhen Liqun is now also a dumb eater of Coptis chinensis, unable to tell what he is suffering.

What can he say?He has nothing to say.Who made that group of people block the door outside now, the living reality is in front of him, he can't deny it, can he?

"I don't care what you do, go out and settle this matter for me right now. If it's not settled, you don't want to come back." Huang Fangjun's eyes wanted to spurt out anger.


After seeing Zhen Liqun walking out of front of his eyes, Huang Fangjun sighed in disappointment, and said to himself: "Did I do something wrong? I really shouldn't have recruited Zhen Liqun here?"

The news reached Zhao Shanhe's ears immediately.

"You mean that group of people are now besieging the gate of the tractor factory?" Zhao Shanhe asked, putting down the pen in his hand.


Cai Shishi covered his mouth and said with a smile: "more than 100 people were standing there, and they aggressively demanded that Zhen Liqun come out and give an explanation. There is no news yet, but I will let people keep an eye on it and report it at any time."


Zhao Shanhe stood up, looked at the sky outside the window, raised the corners of his lips and said, "This should be called self-inflicted evil. It is not only Zhen Liqun who committed self-inflicted evil, but also Huang Fangjun. At that time, he was only thinking about destroying our good deeds. He tried to dig the foot of our wall, but he didn’t expect that the foot of the wall was a bit too big, so big that he couldn’t bear it on his own.”

"Yeah, they deserve it for themselves."

Cai Shishi's eyes were shining brightly.

"If we say something cruel and merciless, we should support the workers right now, and let them give Zhen Liqun a hard lesson and humiliate Huang Fangjun."

"It's not necessary."

Zhao Shanhe shook his hands, and said with a smile: "Go ahead, keep watching this matter, and just let me know if there is a result."


After Cai Shishi went out, Zhao Shanhe thought about it and called Li Qiuya.For the past few days, he has been busy with Hetu's manufacturing and integration of Red Star machinery in the city, so he seldom contacted Li Qiuya.

"Qiu Ya, what are you busy with?"

"What can I do, I'm in the workshop."

There was a rumbling sound from Li Qiuya's side. After she walked to a quiet place, she said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao and I came out. We are at the Shanqiu Food Branch Factory in Nanjue County. Teacher Xiao said that we would To develop a new product, I came here to look at the production line and find some inspiration, so I followed.”

Looking for inspiration?

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth twitched speechlessly. Does this research and development product still need to go to the workshop to find inspiration?You come to me, I have plenty of inspiration for you.But after thinking of Xiao Mingyu's serious work attitude, he smiled lightly.

"I'm fine. I just want to invite you to dinner in the city tonight. I'll treat you to something delicious."

Li Qiuya's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Zhao Shanhe replied nonchalantly, "Of course."

Li Qiuya smiled openly: "That's good, I'll go there after get off work, see you later."


After the two finished talking, they hung up the phone. Zhao Shanhe just sat down and wanted to continue working when the phone rang suddenly.

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