But Zhao Shanhe didn't expect that a good dinner would be ruined.

And the troublemaker was actually related to Xia Wu.

Let's start from the beginning.

The two sitting by the window were talking sweet words tenderly, who would have thought that a burst of domineering voice would reach their ears.

At first, Zhao Shanhe didn't think so, even though this is a western restaurant, the focus on dining is the atmosphere, the quieter the better.But you can't hold back. Some people's quality is not high, and it's okay if they insist on shouting at you.

But after listening to it, Zhao Shanhe frowned.

Li Qiuya also put down the knife and fork in her hand, and raised her head to look at Zhao Shanhe solemnly: "Shanhe!"

"Listen and talk." Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly at Li Qiuya, signaling her not to speak, and the two continued to listen quietly.

The booth next door.

"Let me tell you, I just fell in love with that sweet honey milk tea shop. I don't believe it. If she won't let me open a branch, I will have to fight with her."

A painted woman, covered in jewels, eating a steak casually, talking haughtily.

"Miss Xiaozhi, isn't your business doing very well? Why do you insist on being a milk tea shop when you are so good? Let me tell you, don't worry about it, it's very good now."

"That's right, you're not short of money."

"It's not right for you to say that. Who would think money is too hot these days? Miss Xiaozhi, I support you. If you want to start a milk tea shop, can I follow you?"

The other three women sitting at the dining table were talking in a hurry, and they looked over with a kind of surprise in their eyes.

"Of course Xiaoxiao is right, you two just don't know how to be flexible. I'm in business, but who would have trouble with money?"

"Besides, I think this milk tea shop is good, it has a bright future, and it looks clean, and it's also very dignified. It's not like me now, where I can only stay in the wholesale shop all day long. It's so boring. "

The woman called Miss Xiaozhi was full of grievances, and spoke bitterly.

"If that's the case, we will support you, but I heard that Xia Wu is difficult to deal with. Miss Xiaozhi, if you want to open a branch, will she agree?"

"I disagree."

Miss Xiao Zhi shook her head, took a sip of tea and said, "I talked to her about it, and she said that she doesn't want to open a branch for the time being, but it's not something she can do if she doesn't want to. Hmph, in this Handong City, as long as it’s something I want to do, there’s nothing I can’t do. She’s a girl like Xia Wu, just wait for me to deal with her.”

"Yes, our young lady has a lot of skills."

"If she's smart, she'd better agree to Miss Xiaozhi. If she doesn't agree, we'll do it alone. Isn't she called Tianmi? Let's change her name to Xiangxiang. She can be slippery. At that time, with our connections, Miss Zhi, Why don't you destroy her milk tea shop?"

"Miss Zhizhi, then we wish you the best of luck."

"Come on, have a drink."

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe has basically figured out the ins and outs of the matter.In the final analysis, it was nothing more than someone was jealous and wanted a piece of the pie.

But this was rejected by Xia Wu.

She's not stupid, Tianmi has just gained a firm foothold, and has just gained some social popularity, so how could she just ask someone to open a branch just now.

Besides, if you really want to open a branch, it's fine. It's not that this matter can't be discussed.But the problem is that this young lady clearly wants to push Tianmi back. Under such circumstances, how could she say yes?

"Let Xiao Wu know about this." Li Qiuya said with a straight face.

"In fact, such things are normal. After all, in the future development process, it is inevitable to be remembered like this. Unless you become bigger and stronger, you can only be slaughtered."

Zhao Shanhe sliced ​​the steak slowly, gave the cut beef to Li Qiuya, and said dotingly: "It's okay, this is a trivial matter, eat first, and fill your stomach first."

"Still eating, I'm so fat."

Li Qiuya looked at the steak in front of her and said coquettishly.

"How can you be called fat? You are just right. Be good, eat it! Eat more beef, it will be good for your health." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile, wiping the soup from the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, is this a show of affection in Chiguoguo?"

At this moment, the young lady in the booth next door suddenly stood up, and said to Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya with a nose and an eye, and the corners of her eyebrows were deliberately raised.

"none of your business?"

Zhao Shanhe's face darkened slightly, he didn't speak, but Li Qiuya quit on the spot, she thought you were not pleasing to the eye, but now you still dare to stand up and take the initiative to provoke.

"I said this is a public place, don't you think it's indecent for you to flirt with each other here? If I were you, I would have been so ashamed that I would have crawled into the cracks in the ground long ago." Sister Xiao Zhi curled her lips and said in a strange way.

"Then go ahead, no one is stopping you." Li Qiuya said lightly.


Miss Xiaozhi didn't expect to be counterattacked like this. She was so proud that she wanted to piss her off on the spot, but she was held back by the three women around her. It was hard to persuade her.


Only then did Miss Xiaozhi leave angrily.

Seeing her disappearing back, someone suddenly kindly reminded: "You guys, don't be familiar with her, she is Huang Ezhi who runs a wholesale store on this street, she is an arrogant and domineering woman, and everyone finds it unpleasant. "

"Thank you." Li Qiuya thanked her.

"Open a wholesale store? Huang Ezhi?"

Zhao Shanhe secretly wrote down the name.

"Have you finished eating? Let's go after we finish eating."

"it is good!"

The two got up and left the western restaurant.

In the evening, Li Qiuya naturally didn't go home, but stayed in Handong City.Because Hetu will be developed in Handong City after it is made, it is said that Zhao Shanhe also bought real estate here.

It is still a courtyard house.

He has a deep Chinese architectural complex in his heart, so he has a soft spot for the architectural style of courtyard houses.It just so happened that there were several sets on sale in Handong City, so he bought one without hesitation.

Although the price of a courtyard like this is not low in this era, if it is placed in later generations, it can be sold for sky-high prices.

Some even you may not be able to buy with money.

Get it if you can.

This is also an investment.

"I don't like the decoration style here. Some are too luxurious and advanced. I still think our house is good. How about I redecorate this place another day? Also change it to the style of our county?"

Li Qiuya frowned as she looked at the European and American styles that filled the room.

"You're right, I don't like this kind of European and American style, but the house type and location of this set are very good, so I asked Cai Shishi to take it down. As for the style and so on, you can look at it again. Just decorate it. Like the patio outside, you can consider planting flowers, don’t you like ginkgo trees? You can also plant one.”

Zhao Shanhe smiled and handed over a glass of water.

Li Qiuya's eyes brightened: "Really?"

"Of course! This is our home, you have the final say."


Looking at Zhao Shanhe's slightly tired face, Li Qiuya took his hand with some distress, and said softly: "Let's go, go to the bedroom, I'll give you a massage."

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth: "Do you still know how to massage?"

Li Qiuya raised her chin and said proudly, "I just learned it."

"Then I'll give it a try."


Bright spring night.

After waking up the next day, Li Qiuya got up lazily and wanted to prepare breakfast, but found that two servings of golden millet porridge, a dish of shredded mustard greens, a dish of pickled radishes, and a few Soup dumplings with a meaty aroma.

Zhao Shanhe came in just after washing his hands, and the warm sunlight shrouded his body.

A white shirt seemed to be plated with a layer of gold in the sun.

This scene made Li Qiuya mesmerized, she walked forward with a smile, hugged Zhao Shanhe from behind, leaned her head on his shoulder, and whispered: "Shanhe, I love you."

"I love you!"

Hearing such words suddenly, Zhao Shanhe's body trembled slightly, and a gentle smile like sunshine appeared on his face.With these three words, no matter how hard and tiring he is, it is worth it.

"I love you too!"

Zhao Shanhe patted Li Qiuya's arm, and said softly, "Wash your face and brush your teeth, come over to eat, I bought your favorite Xiaolongbao, you can try it."

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya smiled coquettishly and went to wash up.

Her heart is full of sweetness now, and she feels that she is the happiest woman in the world.

In fact, sometimes she always feels that such a picture is a little unreal, so illusory that she is afraid that it is fake, and it will be shattered when she touches it.

No way, who made Zhao Shanhe be like that in the past, thinking of their former home, thinking of their dark life, Li Qiuya even thought of committing suicide at that time.

Thinking about it now, I was really stupid.

Fortunately, I didn't choose to commit suicide, otherwise how could I have a good life now?

"Is it tasty?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Qiuya who sat down after washing, took a small steamed bun, watched her put it in her mouth and asked after eating.

"good to eat!"

Li Qiuya ate heartily with a sweet smile.

"Eat more if it tastes good. This bun shop is 50 meters across from our house. If you want to eat, you can buy it anytime in the future." Zhao Shanhe talked about the situation near his home.

What is the location of the vegetable market, which restaurant in the vegetable market has the freshest vegetables, whose roast chicken is authentic, which fruit has not been treated with pesticides, and even the specialty dishes of several nearby restaurants, he can say Clearly.

"How do you know so much?" Li Qiuya asked curiously.

"Our family is here, of course I need to understand the surrounding situation. Besides, it's not a big deal, it can be figured out in half a day. Let's eat, hurry up and let's go find Xia Wu."

Zhao Shanhe looked up at the clock on the wall.

"But she probably hasn't woken up yet."

"Impossible, she won't sleep in late, and even if she doesn't open now, she still has to prepare materials. By the way, what do you think Tianmi should do next? You can't just keep guarding this store, right? After all, this The milk tea shop is different from other shops, after all, it is a bit small." Li Qiuya asked, wiping the oil stains from the corner of her mouth.

"Of course I won't stick to it."

Zhao Shanhe put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and said with a smile: "The milk tea shop is not like other shops. This one has strong flexibility and mobility, and it must give full play to these characteristics. The first one is to build a reputation." , is to let Xia Wu know how to operate. The next thing is to open a large area of ​​the store."

"If we want to continue to open several stores in Handong City, we must open at least five more stores."

"And this is just the beginning, and then it will be opened in Zhongzhou City, and other prefecture-level cities must follow suit. We must launch the brand of Sweet Honey Milk Tea Shop in the shortest possible time, so that people have a preconceived idea When mentioning a milk tea shop, Tianmi is the first thing that comes to mind. If you want to drink milk tea, go to Tianmi.”

"How much will it cost?" Li Qiuya asked.

"You're on to something."

Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya's little hand and said gently: "I remember I told you before that sweet honey can't be run with conventional ideas, and you have to find a new way to do it. Have you heard of franchised chain stores?"

"Join a chain store?"

Li Qiuya's eyes lit up.

"You've said this before, right? I seem to have an impression, but I don't quite remember it. Can you tell me more about it?"

"Okay, I'll explain it to you in detail. After I tell you, remember to tell Xia Wu about it, so that she can operate in this way. This is good. The brand can be launched within a short period of time, secondly, it can save time and effort, thirdly, it can maximize the network of contacts, and fourthly, of course, it can make money.”

Zhao Shanhe talked to Li Qiuya with his fingers, and then started talking about joining the chain store.

"As long as they want to join our sweetheart, we will provide them with decoration support. We will provide the raw materials they need, and we will absolutely guarantee the most favorable price and the lowest cost..."

"But they need to pay a fee, which includes a lot, such as the right to use our brand, the deposit for joining, the design of the store, the promotion fee of the brand, the equipment fee..."

"Of course, this does not mean that as long as an individual comes and wants to join, we will give him this opportunity. We must also conduct qualification examinations for franchisees. At the very least, they must abide by the various operating and management regulations of our sweet milk tea shop, I must also have a strong sense of professionalism, success awareness and brand awareness, and investors must have sufficient financial strength and risk awareness..."


Zhao Shanhe kept talking, Li Qiuya listened quietly, and his brain was spinning and digesting at high speed.

She knew that what Zhao Shanhe said was dry stuff, and she had to keep it in mind.So she didn't dare to relax any more, but as she listened, her eyes were full of admiration, and the eyes she looked at Zhao Shanhe grew more and more admiring.

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, Li Qiuya breathed a sigh of relief, and said with emotion: "Shanhe, how did you say your head grew? How can you know so many things?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled mischievously, he would not tell Li Qiuya that these seem to be very advanced in this era, but they are basically a template for industry norms in later generations. I dare not say that everyone knows it, but it is not too much mystery.

However, seeing Li Qiuya's adoring eyes, Zhao Shanhe was very proud.

It should be every man's dream to be worshiped by the woman he likes.

"Let's go, let's go find Xiao Wu."

"it is good!"

The two simply packed up and went out the door.

It's just that the two of them never expected that at the same time they were going out, someone had already arrived at the sweet milk tea shop.

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