
Guo Wenxiao hit Zhen Liqun on the bridge of the nose with one punch, and knocked him to the ground on the spot. Two nosebleeds spurted out, and Zhen Liqun shouted in pain, "Guo Wenxiao, are you crazy?"

"Am I crazy? Which one of us is crazy? Zhen Liqun, do you know how much harm you will do to these workers?"

"Do you dare to say that if you take them away, you can give them a chance to support their families? Can they make more money than those made in Hetu?" Guo Wenxiao stared fiercely like a wild beast.

"I dare!" Zhen Liqun straightened his waist and shouted loudly.

"Shit, how dare you use a hammer!"

Guo Wenxiao spat, and shouted angrily: "A person like you, what can you do with them? How dare you say you dare? Zhen Liqun, for your own self-interest, you really want to take their Is the future ruined?"

"Guo Wenxiao, don't pour dirty water on me here. If you want to praise Zhao Shanhe's stinky feet, that's your business. Don't think that all of us have no bottom line like you. We are all people with backbone. We It will never be slaughtered by anyone.”

Zhen Liqun wiped off the blood from his nose, and said viciously: "Listen to me, I don't know as much about this punch as you do, but I will keep this account in mind, and we will meet later."


After speaking, Zhen Liqun waved his hand at the crowd behind him, and strode out.

Lu Wanshou and Liang Maohuo followed from left to right.

After more than 100 workers looked at each other in blank dismay, they all followed them and left.Now that you have made a choice, you can't just keep your word.If you tell them not to leave now, no one can pull this face off.

This group of people left the cafeteria and walked out of the gate of Hongxing Machinery Factory.

Watching them disappear before his eyes, Zhao Shanhe glanced at Guo Wenxiao meaningfully, then said calmly to the remaining workers: "Comrades, you can still stand here, which shows that you are willing to work with Hetu Manufacturing in your heart. The development is moving forward, and since this is the case, I welcome you to join us here."

"I still say that, as long as you pass the assessment, you will all be reused."

"Director Zheng."

"I'm here!" Zheng Jingwei stood up.

"You are the director of the personnel department, so you have the final say on the assessment. You can do it now. I will give you three days to sort out the remaining 500 workers as soon as possible."

"Whoever stays and whoever is fired must be clearly registered."

"Can it be done?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over.


Zheng Jingwei raised his head and chest, and said in a sonorous voice: "Director Zhao, thank you very much for your trust, you just wait, I promise to screen out truly capable workers, and let those who come in for a vegetarian meal and pretend to be fakes leave. "

Zhao Shanhe cast a satisfied look at him: "Good job, just go ahead and do it. If you encounter any difficulties, please tell me in time, and I will support you."


After saying this, Zhao Shanhe turned and left.

The crowd was in an uproar.

They were really worried at this moment. They originally thought that Zhao Shanhe would definitely be hit by Zhen Liqun's drama just now, and they would not talk about doing things with great fanfare.But now it seems that I was wrong. Zhao Shanhe not only did not have any fear, but pushed the personnel assessment even more forcefully.

Now they are all on pins and needles.

Especially those who entered the factory through connections, they didn't go with Zhen Liqun just now, they just wanted to stay and fish in troubled waters, and be a monk for a day to beat the clock for a day, anyway, they have money.If it was really done like this, can they still do this?

"You said Zhao Shanhe would really drive us away?"

"I said it's already this time, where did you get the sense of superiority? Didn't you see that more than 100 people were kicked out just now? And they were never hired. Do you think you are better than them?"

"Brother, let me remind you that our factory manager Zhao didn't come here alone. He brought the whole Hetu to make it. He has a lot of workers, so he doesn't care about us at all. Believe it or not, we are all gone, He Figure Manufacturing will not fail, and I dare say, it is Zhao Shanhe's appetite to leave."


Hearing the noise, Zheng Jingwei waved his hand: "The ones in the first workshop will follow me, and the on-site assessment will be conducted now, and the ones in the second workshop will go back and get ready. I will go there to start the assessment at any time. The rest of the workshops will also go back. wait."

A vigorous personnel assessment began.


The gate of Red Star Machinery.

When the former guards saw Zhen Liqun and the others coming out in such a ostentatious manner, they all hurried forward and talked with a smile.The leader among them was Yang Ke, the director of the security department, who was also promoted by Zhen Liqun.

But Yang Ke didn't think about following Zhen Liqun.

"Yang Ke, are you really sure you want to stay? Let me tell you, there is no future if you stay. You should follow me." Zhen Liqun patted Yang Ke's shoulder and said earnestly.

"Director Zhen, let me forget it. I'll stay here to help you keep an eye on this place. You also know that if we all leave, there will be no trouble here, and no one will tell you otherwise?" Yang Ke whispered road.


Zhen Liqun thought about it, and it was the same thing.Although he also knew that Yang Ke didn't want to follow him and found this reason, but this reason was very good and legitimate, and he accepted it.

"Then you just stay here, keep an eye on Zhao Shanhe's every move, and report to me at any time if there is any situation."


"Let's go."

Zhen Liqun left without looking back. He didn't even think about looking at the machinery factory behind him.Because in his heart, he never thought that he would leave like this, and he would come back.

More than 100 people just left with various emotions.

They all knew that from the moment they walked out, unless Zhen Liqun could re-enter the place, as long as it was still made by Hetu, they would never have the chance to come back.

Never hiring is not just talk.

"Director Yang, are we really alright?"

"That's right, the notice we received just now said that we should all go to a meeting, but we sent Factory Manager Zhen here. If the factory finds out about this, I'm afraid they will hold us accountable."

"Ask the crime? I said how can you accomplish great things if you are so cowardly? Follow us, Director Yang, who would dare to question you?"


Listening to the chatter of several guards around him, Yang Ke said indifferently: "Don't worry, as long as I'm still in this position, no one can touch you."

"Really? What if you're not in this position?"

Just as Yang Ke's voice fell to the ground, a joking voice suddenly sounded not far away. Yang Ke hurriedly followed the sound and found that it was a middle-aged man standing in front of him with a dozen or so security guards in uniform.

The leading man was looking at it playfully.

"Chen Jianfei, is that you?" Yang Ke was a little surprised.

"Yes, that's right, it's me."

Chen Jianfei clasped his hands behind his back, glanced slowly, and said lazily, "Yang Ke, what were you doing just now? Are you lining up to send Zhen Liqun away?"

"I..." Yang Ke was speechless.

"Can't you tell? I think you're just queuing up to send off. I didn't expect that you and Zhen Liqun are so close that you can even do this kind of thing." Chen Jianfei said lightly.

"Chen Jianfei, you don't have to mock me here. I'm not afraid to tell you that I was promoted by Director Zhen. Now that he is leaving, I can't say that I can't even send him off, can I? I think it's Director Zhao. Knowing this, it is impossible to blame me." Yang Kese defended sternly.

"Don't worry, no one will blame you for your relationship with Zhen Liqun."

Chen Jianfei smiled casually.

Then, under Yang Ke's haughty eyes, he suddenly changed the subject.

"But Yang Ke, since you are the director of the factory's security department, I believe you should know the rules. No matter who enters or leaves the factory, especially if someone leaves with bags like just now, shouldn't you check it out? ?”


Yang Ke was stunned.

"I can explain it. They are workers of Red Star Machinery. I believe they will not do that kind of thing that takes public property. I can guarantee this, I..."

"Can you guarantee it? How can you guarantee it? What guarantee do you have? How dare you say that they did not take public property? I heard from my people that they saw with their own eyes some of the people who left just now. People just took things from the public house." Chen Jianfei interrupted Yang Ke's words unceremoniously, and his tone suddenly increased.

"Me!" Yang Ke suddenly stuttered.

"You have nothing to say, right? You know, since there are rules and regulations in the factory, everyone must abide by them. It doesn't mean that if you think they are fine, they are fine. In view of your dangerous thinking, now I declare A notice."

Chen Jianfei said calmly: "From now on, Yang Ke, you have been dismissed from all positions. You will not hold any position in Hetu Manufacturing. I will take over the security department of Hongxing Machinery Factory. All of you go to the factory to accept Those who pass the assessment can choose to stay, and those who are eliminated must leave unconditionally before sunset today."


Yang Ke was stunned for a moment, he stared at Chen Jianfei in disbelief, and asked in a voice: "Chen Jianfei, is what you said true?"

"What do you think?" Chen Jianfei said lightly.

"I don't accept it!" Yang Ke yelled loudly.

Chen Jianfei raised his eyebrows disdainfully, and sneered: "Not convinced? If you are not convinced, you can file a complaint at any time, and Hetu Manufacturing welcomes you to file a lawsuit, but what I want to tell you is that you'd better catch up with Zhen Liqun now. , maybe you can get an official position with him."

"You are too deceitful! I won't serve you anymore! Brothers, let's go!"

Looking at Chen Jianfei's indifferent expression, Yang Ke knew that the matter was settled.No matter how noisy I am, it's useless, and even if I go to sue, no one will receive the paper.

That being the case, the most important thing is to hurry after Zhen Liqun.

Thinking of this, he turned around and ran forward.

After the rest of the security guards looked at me and I looked at you, they all ran forward with Yang Ke.They were all recruited by Yang Ke in the first place, and they were all related to him. There is no reason why they should not support him at this moment.

"Director Chen, are you going to cut off the entire security department like this?"


Chen Jianfei squinted his eyes, looked at the running back of Yang Ke and the others, and said nonchalantly: "The security office of Hongxing Machinery is already rotten. We will take over the security of the factory, and quickly send someone on duty, and the rest will patrol the factory."


The group of people in the security department of Hetu Manufacturing immediately became motivated.

They also don't want to work with the people from the security department of Hongxing Machinery Factory, which is the best way to do it now.


Outside the Red Star Machinery Factory.

Zhen Liqun looked at the hundred or so people standing in front of him, and said loudly: "Everyone, since you have come out with me, you are all brothers of my Zhen Liqun. I am here to assure you that we are leaving Hongxing Machinery today. But how we left today, we will go back tomorrow, and then we must make Zhao Shanhe look good!"

"Good job!"

"We trust Director Zhen."

"Director Zhen, where do you think we are going now? Have you arranged a place for us?"


Upon hearing the question, Zhen Liqun said proudly: "Of course I have arranged a place for you, otherwise, how could I dare to take you away. You all heard clearly, we will all go to the tractor factory now."

"A tractor factory?"

Not only were all the workers stunned, even Lu Wanshou and Liang Maohuo were stunned.

The two of them hadn't received any news before, so they didn't know where Zhen Liqun wanted to take them.Just looking at Zhen Liqun's coquettish appearance, he thought that the place to go must be not easy, at least it was a unit that was much better than Hongxing Machinery.

But they never expected that it was the City Tractor Factory!

How could it be here?If we know it's here, we have to think about whether we want to follow you!Who doesn't know that although the tractor factory has not reached the point of bankruptcy, it is just like that now, half dead.You said that if so many of us go to the tractor factory, even if we want to, we have to be willing?

Can the tractor factory be willing?

I couldn't open the pot at first, but now there are so many mouths popping up all at once, I can't overwhelm them!

"Director Zhen, are you serious? Are you talking about our city tractor factory? The tractor factory where Huang Fangjun is the factory director?"

"Yes, that's right there." Zhen Liqun nodded as a matter of course.

"How could it be there? We all know that the tractor factory is not working either."

"Director Zhen, can we go to another place?"

"The tractor factory is far away from Hetu Manufacturing. If I had known where I was going, I wouldn't have come out to join in the fun. You say if I go back now, will Zhao Shanhe still want me?"


Hearing such questioning voices and seeing dejected faces, Zhen Liqun quickly said loudly: "Don't think wildly, this matter is not as serious as you think. The City Tractor Factory has just received a sum of investment recently, so it will be a big deal. Stretch your fists. Otherwise, why would I take you there?"

"Just put your heart in your stomach."

"Otherwise, let's go there now. I guarantee that all of you can join the job today and start working tomorrow, so that you can still get paid this month."

"Let's go then."

Now that it's over, what can they do?They could only listen to what Zhen Liqun said.

It's just that even Zhen Liqun didn't expect what kind of situation he was about to encounter.

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