"What I want to say is that Zhen Liqun still has some energy in the machinery factory. He can do bad things when he can do bad things. So if you let him do it like this, he will definitely take away a group of people. There is no benefit to the development after the manufacturing. After all, the quality of the workers in the Hongxing Machinery Factory is still good, and I suggest you stay if you can.”

Guo Wenxiao said with a serious expression.

"Stay if you can?"

Zhao Shanhe said playfully: "If you want to stay like Lao Guo, I will keep you. But if you are fooled by Zhen Liqun with a few words, do you think it is necessary for me to keep you?"

"This!" Guo Wenxiao was taken aback for a moment, and was immediately at a loss for words.

"Twisted melons are not sweet. I think Lao Guo should understand this simple truth. Besides, as I said just now, if anyone of them wants to leave, they will all follow the rules. You know my rules are What?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"What is it?" Guo Wenxiao asked.

"My rule is that differences of opinion do not conspire with each other. If anyone of them leaves today, as long as it is the factory opened by me, Zhao Shanhe, I will never use them again in the future."

Zhao Shanhe said pointedly: "Yes, I admit that the quality of workers in Hongxing Machinery Factory is good, but who said that the quality of our Hetu manufacturing is poor? Workers, I am worried that there is no way to arrange them. It's my chance. So, you know what I mean."

Understood, for the sake of this, how could Guo Wenxiao not understand?

Zhao Shanhe's meaning is very simple. The number of workers left by Hongxing Machinery is a bit too much. He is still worried that there is no way to lay off employees, so Zhen Liqun fiddles with such a thing. Isn't this a sleepy pillow, and it just provides an opportunity for Zhao Shanhe?

At this time, a group of people are leaving.

In addition, a group of people will be wiped out later in the assessment.

In this way, the number of workers will be greatly reduced, and it will not be said to form a burden that will affect the normal operation of Hetu Manufacturing.Thinking of this, Guo Wenxiao secretly sighed in his heart.

Zhen Liqun, you are a bastard!

If you want to leave, that is your own business, but you want to pull those workers away. Do you know that as long as they dare to step out of this gate today, they will never come in again.

You are confused!

"Then shall we go and have a look now?" Guo Wenxiao asked.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe stood up, smiled calmly and said, "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Saying that, Zhao Shanhe walked outside.

Li Xiangyang followed closely behind.

Guo Wenxiao and the others were one and a half behind.

Huang Chumeng said in a low voice: "Do you think Zhen Liqun is crazy? He knows that things can't be done, and he insists on going head-to-head. He thinks he is the king of heaven? He dares to give Zhao Shanhe his power on the first day. I am convinced." He's really stupid enough."


Guo Wenxiao shook his head, and said thoughtfully: "Perhaps Zhen Liqun wanted such an effect, maybe he wanted to use this to leave, but anyway, his leaving is his business, I don't want him to drag too much Many people."

Huang Chumeng nodded: "Yes, let's watch."



In front of the cafeteria of Red Star Machinery.

During the meeting in the meeting room, a bunch of people gathered in front of the cafeteria.They were all arranged by Liang Maohuo before. The meaning is very simple, that is, they want them to help fight the fire at any time, force Zhao Shanhe to submit, and ask Zhao Shanhe to promise them good benefits and raise their wages.

So it's crowded here.

Even the people from the first workshop were there. There was no way. After Zheng Jingwei was told to leave, they were all disturbed. After hearing that the people from the other four workshops had come here, they followed suit. Join in the fun and inquire about the news by the way.

"What kind of meeting do you think will be held in this conference room?"

"What else? The workers of Hetu Manufacturing will stay in our machinery factory at any time these two days. What tricks do you think they can come up with during the meeting? It must give priority to the people of Hetu Manufacturing."

"That's impossible! This is our home. It doesn't make sense to say that the people who made Hetu will come whenever they say it."

"Don't worry, Director Zhen is here to fight for the benefits of us guys."

"Let's just listen to Director Zhen."

"Hey, isn't that Director Zhen and the others?"

In the midst of this kind of discussion, someone suddenly pointed to the front and shouted in surprise. Everyone looked in the direction of the man's finger and found that it was Zhen Liqun who led a group of people over.It's just that their faces are very gloomy. Could it be that the meeting in the conference room was not successful?

Thinking of this, a group of people rushed forward, shouting and asking questions.

"Quiet, be quiet."

Zhen Liqun jumped onto a pickup truck next to him, raised his hands and pressed down, shouting loudly.

All the noise gradually died away, and everyone looked over anxiously, waiting for his answer.

"Comrades, I think you all should know what I did just now? That's right, I went to Zhao Shanhe for your welfare."

"At the meeting just now, I tried my best. I said that the old man of the machinery factory like us should have a higher position. Only in this way can we better display our value."

"You say, is what I said wrong?"

Zhen Liqun scanned the audience and shouted loudly.

"No!" All the workers shouted in unison.

"Right, I don't think it's wrong. We are all from Hongxing Machinery Factory and are very familiar with the equipment here. You guys, everyone's professional quality is also impeccable. It is no exaggeration to say that you just have to go Going out, everyone is the one that many factories want to grab. But he, Zhao Shanhe, didn't talk to me at all."

"Not only did he reject my suggestion, he even said something sarcastic. He said that if I wanted to, I could take you away at any time."

"Comrades, fellow workers, let's not say anything. If you say you believe in me, follow me. I promise to give you a bright future and make more money than here!"

Zhen Liqun waved his hand and pointed to the side.

"Those who want to follow me can now stand by Liang Maohuo's side."

All the workers couldn't help but hesitate when they heard this.

They thought that what Zhen Liqun said was right, but they thought that if they left like this, it would mean that they would not be able to create jobs in Hetu, and they would lose a job, so no one acted impulsively.

Of course there are impulsive ones too.

"Director Zhen is right. Instead of being cowardly here, it's better to leave now. I still don't believe it. If we leave him, Zhao Shanhe, can we starve to death?"

A worker walked towards Liang Maohuo while speaking.

"Chen Liang, you're right. Just follow us, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the food and drink spicy food in the future. If you want to stay here, let me tell you, you'll starve to death in a few days." Liang Maohuo laughed loudly smile.

"I'll follow Director Zhen too."

Whoever is the first to stand up will have followers.

Soon one or two workers came to Liang Maohuo's side. These people can't be said to be dawdling, but most of them are.

They are also usually close to Liang Maohuo, Lu Wanshou, and the others, and they all know that if these two go with Zhen Liqun and they stay, they have no hope.

Then just follow along!

Looking at the people who came up one by one, the smile on the corner of Zhen Liqun's mouth became brighter and brighter.He also saw that Zhao Shanhe and the others had come over, raised their heads and raised their chins deliberately in a demonstration.

"Zhao Shanhe, did you see that? It's only been a while, and I've already had dozens of people leave with me. Do you know how many people are in a workshop? Believe it or not, I'll take away all the people from the five workshops."

"what ever!"

After Zhao Shanhe came over, he ignored Zhen Liqun's words, glanced at the audience calmly, and said calmly amidst the trembling dodge eyes of all the workers: "Comrades workers, I am Zhao Shanhe, the factory director of our Hetu Manufacturing. "

"I'm here to announce a notice to you, and I hope you all pay attention to it. This notice is no matter what decision you make today, whether to go or stay, I hope you will pay attention to it seriously, think twice before acting, lest you regret it later."

"If you stay, I welcome you with my hands up. If you leave, I won't say you're a stumbling block, I'll send you off. But..."

When Zhao Shanhe said this, the conversation suddenly changed, and the eyes he looked at everyone became extremely cold.

"There is one thing we have to say up front, that is, if you want to leave, then go as fast as you can, and never think about coming back, because I, Zhao Shanhe, have no other skills, but I do have the backbone I should have. , so, do you understand?"

After these words fell to the ground, everyone was in an uproar again.

What?Is there such a thing?What they actually thought in their hearts was that if they left with Zhen Liqun, they would come back if they didn't get along well.

But now, Zhao Shanhe's words blocked their way back.

Go is go.

Don't ever think about coming back, I won't accept you when you come back, and you will never be hired.

This made things difficult.

"Are you saying go?"

"If you leave, the future is uncertain, but if you stay, at least you can have a job in Hetu Manufacturing. You know how good the benefits of Hetu Manufacturing are. I don't care about others, I won't followed."

"Well, what you said makes sense, and I'm not leaving either."


Whispering discussions sounded everywhere.

Even the dozens of people standing beside Liang Maohuo turned pale and started discussing in low voices.They agreed to Zhen Liqun impulsively, but that was before Zhao Shanhe said this, and they had to weigh it carefully.

After all, loyalty is nothing to eat.

Seeing that the good situation was about to be disturbed by Zhao Shanhe, Zhen Liqun quit. He stood on the roof of the car, looked down from a high position, and shouted aggressively: "Zhao Shanhe, don't scare me here. Let me tell you, we As long as I left today, I didn't think about coming back, even if I came back, I would buy your Hetu Manufacturing!"

"Just wait for me, I will regain everything here sooner or later!"

"Really? Then I'll wait and see."

Zhao Shanhe dodged back, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "Zhen Liqun, go ahead, I want to see how many people will follow you today, don't let me down!"


Zhen Liqun's eyes were fierce like snakes.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

After finishing speaking, Zhen Liqun looked at Liang Maohuo and the others, and shouted angrily: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and tell the rest to follow me. There can be no one left, all of them have to go."


Liang Maohuo and the others started to act.

Seeing them inciting the workers present like this, Guo Wenxiao was anxious.He really wanted to stand up and tell these workers, don't be fooled, don't follow Zhen Liqun, that will only ruin your future and make you go on the road of no return.

But seeing Zhao Shanhe standing beside him, looking over with playful eyes, he hesitated again.

He knew that Zhao Shanhe wanted to take this opportunity to clear out a group of people who were not firm in their stand. If he said that he stood up, it would definitely destroy Zhao Shanhe's plan.

Just when he was hesitating, who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe smiled at him indifferently: "Old Guo, do you want to keep them?"

"Director Zhao, I, yes!"

Guo Wenxiao wanted to explain, but he swallowed the words, and after hesitating for a while, his eyes became firm, expressing his attitude very simply.

"Then go."

Zhao Shanhe shrugged indifferently, and said calmly: "I will give you a chance, even Comrade Huang Chumeng, you can go and keep your people. But remember, it is only today. After you miss today, you There will be no more opportunities like this.”

"What's more, if your people still decide to leave after being persuaded by you, then they will regret it and want to come back, you should also know how to do it."

"You can start now."

After Guo Wenxiao and Huang Chumeng looked at each other, they said in unison: "Okay!"

In an instant, the entrance of the cafeteria fell into a chaotic state. Everyone was persuading the workers.

"Director, is it lively enough?" Li Xiangyang raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this scene.

"Be lively!"

Zhao Shanhe said unmoved: "While everyone is here, solve the problem at once in a lively manner, and kill all threats in their infancy. This is good for us, at least it can Packed lightly and neatly."

"Yes!" Li Xiangyang agreed deeply.

"Zheng Jingwei."

Zhao Shanhe looked to his side.


Zheng Jingwei stood up.

"Remember, you are the director of the personnel department. You have to register all the people who leave today, and never hire them, understand?" Zhao Shanhe said slowly.


While Zheng Jingwei took the order respectfully, he had already started to record with a pen and paper in his hand.

After half an hour.

This noisy and chaotic situation had finally come to an end, and a triumphant smile appeared on Zhen Liqun's face.Because in such a short time, dozens of people followed, and they all decided to leave Hetu Manufacturing.

If you calculate the total number, there must be more than 100 people.

This number is almost equivalent to the total number of workers in the two small workshops.

Guo Wenxiao's expression was a bit gloomy, he didn't expect that some people would take his words as a deaf ear to his persuasive persuasion just now, and they were determined to follow Zhen Liqun.

Looking at the more than 100 people, Guo Wenxiao's expression changed indefinitely, and suddenly he strode towards Zhen Liqun with big strides, and then punched fiercely while everyone was watching.

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