Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 957 This thing seems to be getting out of control

Handong Tractor Factory.

As the guard of this state-owned enterprise, Old Chen has worked here for more than 20 years.Of course, you can't underestimate him and think that he is just a gatekeeper, so you can bully him casually.Anyone who dares to do so will end up miserable.

Because he was a technician in the tractor factory before, he trained many people, many of them are now executives in the tractor factory, and they have to call him a teacher when they see him.

It was because he had nothing to do after retirement, he was really busy, and he was reluctant to leave the factory, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to look at the gate.

Of course, Old Chen is an amiable person, no matter who he meets, he will greet him with a smile.Even seeing five or six-year-old children will smile.

Because of his special status, even if Huang Fangjun saw him, he didn't dare to push him too hard, and he had to greet him in a friendly voice.

And now he is chatting with people at the gate of the factory.

"Hey, what's going on over there? How come so many people come here all at once? Where are they from? Are they coming for our tractor factory?"

"Looking at the uniform on his body, it should belong to Hongxing Machinery Factory."

"What are people from Hongxing Machinery Factory doing here?"

Old Chen also followed their gazes, and saw a group of people approaching in a hurry, the leader was Zhen Liqun, the deputy director of the factory.He was walking in the front, with his head held high and his chest held high.

"They didn't come to make trouble, did they? Do you want to close the door quickly?"

"make trouble?"

Old Chen shook his head when he heard this, and said disapprovingly: "Who would dare to make trouble like this in broad daylight? Don't worry, it's definitely not trouble, but you have to inform the factory immediately about this matter, and you hurry to report it to the factory leader." Say it, I'm here to stop them."


After speaking, Zhen Liqun led the team to the gate of the factory.

"Stop, what are you doing here?"

Old Chen came out first, and after blocking the road, he looked over seriously.

"I'm Zhen Liqun. I want to see you Mr. Huang. I have an appointment with him." Zhen Liqun glanced at Old Chen and said lazily, not taking Old Chen seriously at all.

"You want to see our President Huang?"

Old Chen glanced behind Zhen Liqun, and asked suspiciously, "So many people?"

"Yes, they will soon become workers in the tractor factory. I told you, old man, don't ask me. Let us in quickly. I want to see Mr. Huang immediately." Zhen Liqun said impatiently.

"Wait, I have to ask."

Just when old Chen Tou was about to enter the reception room to make a phone call, there was a rush of footsteps not far away, and then he saw Huang Fangjun hurried over with a few people.

"Boss Huang, he said he wanted to see you." Old Chen pointed at Zhen Liqun and said suspiciously.

"I see, Mr. Chen, let me handle this matter."

Huang Fangjun looked over as he spoke, and after sweeping over everyone with speechless eyes, he suddenly asked Zhen Liqun, "I said, what's the matter with you? I didn't mean to ask you to bring people over, why did you bring so many people?" what?"

"Yeah, you mean to ask me to bring people over, so I'll bring them all here."

Zhen Liqun said innocently: "You said at the beginning that you could bring as much as you can, and I have brought them all. You can't deny your account and not arrange work for them."

"Me!" Huang Fangjun was dumbfounded.

He is now a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis, and he cannot tell what he is suffering.

Yes, what I said at the beginning was how many people can be brought in, but what I thought at the time was that you can only bring out a team, at most seven or eight people, a dozen or so is the best.I can still arrange this kind of people, and this team can work when they come here, so I welcome it.

But how could it be like this now?

I never dreamed that you could bring so many people out?

The current situation of my tractor factory is uncomfortable enough, where can we arrange so many people?If they were all arranged, let alone others, the spittle of the tractor factory workers would drown me.They haven't got any work to do yet, and they are all resting one by one, and now there are so many people who share their food, no wonder they are happy.

"Old Zhen, let them all go back first, come in with me, I have something to tell you." Huang Fangjun wiped the sweat from his brow, pulled Zhen Liqun aside, and said cautiously in a low voice.

"it is good!"

Zhen Liqun was taken aback, looked at Huang Fangjun, and felt a bad premonition in his heart, then turned to look at Lu Wanshou and the others, waved his hands and said, "Old Lu, you and Lao Liang will take the brothers back first, each go back to each house and wait." News. I will notify you after I have made arrangements here."

"Director, is it really okay?" Lu Wanshou asked suspiciously.

"of course."

Zhen Liqun still had no doubts until now, and said decisively: "You have all seen it, this is the tractor factory, it is a big state-owned enterprise in our Handong City, other enterprises are not good, but here is no problem. So we say , you just put your heart in your stomach, and hurry up and take the brothers home."

"it is good!"

Lu Wanshou and Liang Maohuo started to move.

More than 100 people just turned around and left in such a sparse manner. They didn't want to leave, but they knew that they couldn't do otherwise.Since Zhen Liqun had said everything to this point, he had to believe him.

What's more, if you don't believe him now, who else can you trust?

"Old Liang, do you think this is reliable?" After everyone dispersed, Lu Wanshou did not leave. He wanted to stay and wait for Zhen Liqun, so he lit a cigarette, handed one to Liang Maohuo, and asked in a low voice road.

"I feel a little hung up."

Liang Maohuo frowned, and after taking two deep puffs of the cigarette, he said annoyedly: "Let me tell you, Lao Lu, if I knew in advance that the place Director Zhen arranged for us was the tractor factory, I would never follow him." He left."

"As far as the situation of the tractor factory is concerned, how much better can it be than our machinery factory? When we were at the peak of Red Star, the tractor factory had to act according to our face."

"A factory like this wants to eat so many of our workers at once, is it possible? I really might as well be like Yang Ke and stay in Hetu for manufacturing."

Lu Wanshou also regretted: "That's right, I think so too, Yang Ke has done the right thing now."

"Hey, isn't that Yang Ke?"

In the midst of Lu Wanshou's emotion, Liang Maohuo suddenly pointed to a figure hurrying in front of him and said.

Lu Wanshou looked over, isn't it Yang Ke?Didn't he create and defend at Hetu?How come here?

"Lao Liang, Lao Lu, where's Director Zhen?"

After Yang Ke ran over, he asked out of breath.

"Go inside, what's the matter?" Lu Wanshou asked in surprise.

"I have something to look for him."

As Yang Ke said he was about to go in, Lu Wanshou grabbed his arm.

"Old Yang, don't be impulsive, you can't get in, we just wait here."

"Can't get in?"

Yang Ke glanced at the covetous old Chen, he could only helplessly stomp his feet, and said with a face full of disappointment: "What should I do now? I'm really worried to death."

"Yang Ke, what happened?" Liang Maohuo asked.

"Just now I was fired by Zhao Shanhe. Not only did he fire me, but he also laid off the entire security department. I have a group of brothers waiting to see how Director Zhen will arrange it." Yang Ke was burning with anxiety. talking.


Lu Wanshou and Liang Maohuo looked at each other, both of them were nervous.

This thing seems to be getting out of hand.

"I hope Director Zhen will have good news, otherwise he..."

Lu Wanshou didn't finish his words, but Liang Maohuo and Yang Ke had already guessed what he was going to say.

That's right, Zhen Liqun had better be able to do this, otherwise the group of workers who followed him would definitely hate him to death.At that time, they won't care whether you, Zhen Liqun, are the factory manager or not. They only know that you ruined their future.

You just wait to bear the wrath of the workers!


Tractor factory production workshop.

There are also heated discussions here. They didn't know about this at first, but you can't stand the sudden appearance of so many people, and you will know the inside story after a little more inquiry.And after knowing that Huang Fangjun wanted to recruit so many workers from Hongxing Machinery Factory, they were all angry.

"How can this be? Isn't this just to fight us for jobs?"

"We're all precarious, and we still take care of others? Can we take care of it?"

"I think we have to talk to Mr. Huang about it."

"Yes, let's go!"

Seeing that this group of people was about to go out to question, who would want to suddenly appear alone, stop everyone, shook his head at them and said, "I said to you, I was just a little anxious, that's all you can think of, isn't it? Did Mr. Huang not think of it? Would he really be so stupid to recruit so many people? Impossible!"

"And think about it, our tractor factory is different from Hongxing Machinery."

"Red Star Machinery is a private company, but we are a state-owned company. So many people want to join a state-owned company. Do you think Mr. Huang can make the decision by himself? Stop making trouble, he can't do it."

After hearing these words, the group of workers who were just about to make a fuss quieted down.

"Old Wang is right, let's wait and see."


in the office.

Looking at Huang Fangjun who was sitting in front of him and speaking with a straight face, Zhen Liqun had no intention of continuing to listen. He said anxiously: "Mr. Huang, just tell me, what are you going to do about this?"

"What do you want me to do?" Huang Fangjun glared angrily, and said angrily.

"Of course they are all arranged to enter the tractor factory. The more people there are, the better these days. With so many people joining, the scale of your tractor factory will become larger at once." Zhen Liqun said.

"The more people the better?"

Huang Fangjun sneered and shrugged silently.

"The more people you listen to, the better? Let me tell you, there's nothing wrong with it."

"You said that if you bring a dozen people over here, I will arrange them for you without anyone noticing. But if you bring more than 100 people here, even if I want to arrange them, I will Heartless!"

"Brother, you are also a person who worked in a state-owned enterprise. You Hongxing Machinery was also a state-owned enterprise before. Do you think this is possible? What did you think at the time, and you brought so many people out when you got hot? Order them, just bring the two people you are used to, I really didn't expect you, a smart person, to do such a stupid thing, I am convinced."

After hearing this, Zhen Liqun became anxious. He stood up abruptly, and said eagerly: "No, this matter cannot be done like this. Mr. Huang, we agreed at the beginning..."


Huang Fangjun raised his arm, interrupted Zhen Liqun, and said calmly, "Don't keep talking about this. I said you brought the team, but I didn't say that you brought the workshop."

"I'll let you know about this matter. I'll give you five places, which means you can only bring five people in. I can arrange for them all. As for the rest, let's leave it to fate."

"Resign to fate?"

Zhen Liqun's face was pale, his legs gave way, and he sat down on the chair with a thud.

This is a big deal.

Thinking of the anger of the more than 100 people, Zhen Liqun shuddered.When I took them away at the time, I was very cool and energetic, but now that this is happening, what do you want him to do?

go back?


Zhao Shanhe has already said that, he has no reason to slap himself.Even if this group of people were shameless and went back to admit their mistakes with their heads down, Zhao Shanhe would definitely not give them a chance in order to maintain his dignity.What's more, when they took their luggage and left, these people all signed the voluntary departure agreement.

"Old Huang, Mr. Huang, can we discuss it again? You see, I have brought out more than 100 people this time. Even if they can't all be arranged in the tractor factory, what about other places? As long as we can arrange it, we will arrange them. It's none of my business if I don't go." There was hope in Zhen Liqun's eyes.

"Somewhere else?"

Huang Fangjun suddenly realized that it turned out that Zhen Liqun was planning this wishful thinking.Also, as long as you do this, you can't use this matter to accuse Zhen Liqun of not keeping his promise. He arranged it, but you just don't want to go.

"Okay, I'll arrange this, and I'll give you a list right now."


Ten minutes later, Zhen Liqun walked out of the office with a calm expression and came outside the tractor factory.After seeing him coming out, Lu Wanshou and the others hurried forward.

"Director, how is the situation?"

"Exactly, what did Mr. Huang say?"

"Did he agree to arrange for us?"



Zhen Liqun shook his head after meeting the eyes of the three people, sighed and said, "Huang Fangjun told me that he can only agree to five people, so we can't all come to the tractor factory this time, and the rest have to go elsewhere."

"Where are they all going?" Liang Maohuo asked.

"100 people went to our city brick factory, city fertilizer factory, city agricultural machinery factory and four county tractor factories."

When Zhen Liqun said this, he saw Liang Maohuo's expressions and they were not surprised. He added, "Huang Fangjun said that everyone was just arranged, but they were all contract workers."

"Contract workers?"

The three of Liang Maohuo were taken aback.

That is to say, no matter who it is, it is impossible to hold the iron rice bowl again.That's not counting, just a few factories just now, the welfare treatment is far worse than that of Hetu Manufacturing.Under such circumstances, do you think they can be willing?

"The three of you follow me, I don't care about the rest, you go and allocate quotas for this matter, let those people go to work! That's it, I'll go first."

After Zhen Liqun finished speaking, he handed the list to Liang Maohuo, turned around and left.

After the three of Liang Maohuo looked at each other, they shook their heads and sighed for a while, but they could only do this separately.

It's just that no one thought that this matter would turn out to be a big deal.

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