"What? Did I not make it clear enough just now? Even if you want to buy it, you have to follow my request. My request is not to spend a penny, but I will plug the hole for you."

"If you agree, I will buy it. If you don't agree, you might as well ask more people. Who else will buy your Hongxing Machinery Factory? Are you really taking advantage of others?"

Zhao Shanhe sneered again and again.

Ji Mingjian was full of anxiety.

He knew that what Zhao Shanhe said was correct, this matter, that is, Zhao Shanhe, no one else would think of touching this matter.Not to mention anything else, just those holes are enough to cause headaches.

More than 2000 million holes, who is willing to plug them?

And if no one is willing to take over this, what awaits Ji Mingjian and the others is an even more tragic situation.But the question is, if you want to own Hongxing Machinery Factory without taking any money, can it be possible?

"Mr. Ji, I think you should know better than anyone else that we didn't spend a single penny, but that we spent more than 2000 million, or even 3000 million. We will spend all of this money in the future. , do you think it is possible? So you really don’t have to feel that you are at a disadvantage, you are actually out of the sea of ​​suffering.” Li Xiangyang said from the side.

Out of the sea of ​​suffering?

Ji Mingjian couldn't help showing a helpless smile at the corner of his mouth, maybe, what you said is indeed reasonable.If we continue to persevere in this matter, we will really be dragged into the abyss.

"Director Zhao, I need to discuss this with the other shareholders. After all, we bought the Red Star Machinery Factory with money." Ji Mingjian took a deep breath and said.

"what ever."

Zhao Shanhe said unhurriedly: "You can discuss it, but there is one thing I want to remind you, that is, time does not wait. The sooner you get out of here, the less you lose, and the longer you think about it." , this daily consumption is not a small number, I say that, you should understand, right?"


Ji Mingjian nodded sadly, stood up and walked out.

"I'll give you an explanation as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

Not long after Ji Mingjian walked out of the teahouse, before Zhao Shanhe and Li Xiangyang had time to leave, Zhao Shanhe's big brother suddenly rang.

As soon as Zhao Shanhe answered, Shen Ziliang was on the other end of the phone.

"You want to see me to talk about something?" Zhao Shanhe looked suspicious.

"Yes, I have something to talk to you about, let's meet up." Shen Ziliang said.

"Okay, then you can come to the teahouse opposite Hongxing Machinery, I will wait for you here."

"Okay!" Shen Ziliang said and hung up the phone.

"It's Shen Ziliang who wants to come here." Zhao Shanhe just stood up and sat down again, and at the same time pressed his hands on Li Xiangyang.

"Shen Ziliang?"

Li Xiangyang was a little surprised: "Why would he want to see you? Did he discuss it with Ji Mingjian?"

"No, the two of them probably didn't discuss it well. If they had discussed it, there would be no such thing as meeting separately. If I'm not wrong, they all met me alone."

Zhao Shanhe stroked the teacup with deep eyes.

"Now this is interesting. Ji Mingjian wants to sell the shares. Could it be that Shen Ziliang also thinks the same way? If he really decides to do this, then this price war can be ended early."

"Let's stop thinking about it, it will be clear when he comes."

Li Xiangyang laughed.

"I think it's time for us to serve a pot of Longjing again."

"Haha!" Zhao Shanhe laughed heartily.

15 minute later.

Shen Ziliang then appeared in the private room, sat in front of Zhao Shanhe, and saw that the opponent who had defeated him once ravaged him again this time, the anger in Shen Ziliang's heart was burning.But it's useless to burn it again. Thinking of the situation at this moment, he can only endure this unwillingness and show a formulaic smile.

"Director Zhao, I'm here to see you this time for peace talks."

"Peace talk?"

Zhao Shanhe leaned lazily on the back of the chair, crossed his legs, raised the corners of his lips indistinctly, and said casually, "What do you mean? What do you want to talk about? Is there any possibility of peace talks between us?"

"Yes, of course there is. Why can't we have peace talks? We can still talk about peace in ancient wars. Besides, this is not a life-and-death war. Business competition is originally about winning and losing. If you win, you will be proud, and if you lose, I will be happy." , disgraced. Director Zhao, I’m already like this, you won’t say that you won’t even give me a chance to negotiate peace?”

Shen Ziliang sat upright, without squinting.

"That depends on how you plan to negotiate peace? Tell me, what are your conditions?" Zhao Shanhe asked lightly.

"My condition is very simple. Our Lexing Group is willing to take all the shares of Hongxing Machinery Factory in exchange for the release of locked-up funds." Shen Ziliang said word by word.

"Continue talking." Zhao Shanhe remained unmoved.

"We know that Director Zhao should be interested in Hongxing Machinery Factory. In this case, we are willing to be beautiful. We spent 500 million to get 40.00% of the shares, and we don't expect Director Zhao to give us all. As long as You take out 400 million, and we will give you these shares."

"Of course, as a benefit fee of 100 million, you are going to help our Lexing Group untie that investment!"

"I know the money, Director Zhao must know the whole story, am I right?"

Shen Ziliang looked over with burning eyes, and his calm tone revealed a kind of eagerness.

"That's it?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, that's it." Shen Ziliang nodded with a blank expression, muttering in his heart.

Isn't it okay to listen to this tone?Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, don't go too far!

"If this is the case, then there is no need for us to continue the peace talks. You Lexing Group really have no sincerity at all, and I don't bother talking to you here."

Zhao Shanhe said dismissively, then turned to look at Li Xiangyang.

"Xiangyang, what I said just now, I said that you don't need to change to a new pot of tea to entertain guests, do you think I was right. Just like him, he deserves to drink your new tea?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to be like this."

Li Xiangyang sighed in disappointment and said: "I said Mr. Shen, is your Lexing Group too petty? I can understand you saying that she is petty. After all, she is from Bangziguo. But what about you? You are too We Chinese people, how can we be so unbright? You really wasted my pot of good tea."

After speaking, Li Xiangyang put the teapot in front of him.

"Why am I not open?"

Shen Ziliang was full of anger.

"One million, you just earned one million for nothing, isn't that enough? What else do you want? You don't want us to give you shares for free, do you?"

"You're right, that's enough sincerity." Li Xiangyang smiled.


Shen Ziliang narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were cold, and he said with an angry smile: "I said that you are too imaginative! Do you dare to think about such a thing? What are you? Are you talking like a lion? It doesn't cost a penny. You just want to take away 40.00% of the shares from us, are you alright?"

"You have the disease!"

Li Xiangyang looked over with cold eyes.

"Shen Ziliang, where do you have the courage to talk to us like this? You have to know, you came to us for peace talks, and we didn't come to you? You came to your door but offered such harsh terms for peace talks, can't we still Do you refuse?"

"Yes, according to your conditions, we will save 100 million yuan, but you should know that if we don't agree to your conditions, in the end we won't even need to spend a penny to win Hongxing Machinery Factory If that's the case, what qualifications do you think you have to sit here and talk with us?"

"What's even more ridiculous is that you have additional conditions. I am wondering if you want us to untie the locked funds of your Lexing Group. Does your tied funds have anything to do with us? This matter You said it was done by our factory manager, do you have evidence? Show it if you have it, if not, be careful we sue you for defamation."

Li Xiangyang's momentum was like a rainbow, his aura was fully opened, and his eyes were sharp when he looked over.

"You know, you can go to jail for defamation."


Shen Ziliang was so angry that he stared at Li Xiangyang with a pale face, and the anger in his heart kept rolling.If it wasn't for the fact that Park Domi asked him to come here for peace talks, he would have exploded long ago.

I've never seen bullies like you!

Isn't this clearly humiliating people?

"What exactly do you want?" Shen Ziliang tried his best to control his anger.


Zhao Shanhe slowly raised two fingers.

"First, I want your shares in Hongxing Machinery Factory. The purchase price is 200 million. Today is the first day. If you agree to sign a contract, it will be 200 million. If you don't agree, you will decrease by 50 every day. If there is no news within four days, I will I won't take a penny."

"Second, I don't know what you are talking about about the unbonding of funds, so I'm sorry I can't help you."

"You promised us that we could sign a contract at any time, and I won't force you if you don't agree."


So bullying!

There is only one thought in Shen Ziliang's mind now, and this thought appears over and over again in his mind, hitting his nerves violently, and he is really going to be driven crazy by this matter.

Zhao Shanhe, I am meeting such a pig teammate as Jim Mingjian. As long as my partner is better and my situation is better, do you think I will give you the opportunity to humiliate me like this?

I will trample you underfoot and rub hard.

"I'm going to make a phone call."

Shen Ziliang got up and walked out. He couldn't sit here anymore. He was really afraid that if he continued to sit, he might do something excessive. At that time, the scene would completely get out of control.

"Do you think he will agree?" Li Xiangyang asked after watching Shen Ziliang walk out.

"That depends on what Park Domi thinks."

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips slanted and said playfully: "If she wants to leave quickly, she will agree to my conditions. If she hesitates, hesitates, she will delay this matter."

"But as far as we are concerned, I think Lexing Group is not Mingjian. They are foreign capital after all. If they can solve the problem with 200 million yuan, I think it is worth it!"

"And I don't think Park Duomi would still hope that she can get out of it. With such a mental preparation, the 500 million lost 300 million, which seems to be a loss of money, but like their style If you voted, you should be able to accept it. So let’s just wait and see.”

"You're right. I guess all her thoughts now are on the tied up funds. That's why she's in a hurry."

"She should also know well that although you didn't explicitly say that this matter has something to do with you, if she said she agreed to our conditions and let us take the shares, then the funds tied up with the shares will naturally be Untied." Li Xiangyang said with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe looked at the rising tea smell and said: "After all, the 40.00% shares are also tied up in the contract. It makes no sense to say that if the shares are unbound, the rest of the funds will still be tied up."

Li Xiangyang nodded and said, "I hope Park Duomi can figure it out."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly: "She will."

The facts are indeed as analyzed by Zhao Shanhe. After Shen Ziliang told Zhao Shanhe's conditions, Pu Duomei over there almost didn't think much about it, and agreed on the spot.

"Miss Pu, did you really agree? Do you want to think about it again? It's a loss of more than 300 million yuan. Besides, we have invested a lot of equipment and technology in Hongxing Machinery. If we just agree like this, these things It will also take advantage of Zhao Shanhe for nothing, I don't think it's worth it!" Shen Ziliang shouted anxiously.

"Not worth it?"

Pu Duomei narrowed her eyes and said through gritted teeth: "I also know it's not worth it, and I also know that we will lose money this time, but you tell me what else I can do? We have already lost in business competition, if we say If we don't stop the loss decisively, we will lose even more and lose more, and I don't want to be entangled in this matter all the time."


"Nothing but."

Park Duomi interrupted Shen Ziliang's words, her tone became heavier.

"Shen Ziliang, you should be clear that investment is risky, and you must be cautious when entering the industry. This sentence should be kept in mind by every investor. It doesn't matter if we lose here, as long as we still have the cards, we have a chance to turn around."

"Don't forget, we made a lot of money in the previous few times. It doesn't make sense to say that we can only make money and not lose money, right?"

"You have to learn to be willing."

Are you willing?

Of course, Shen Ziliang knew he was willing to do so, but the problem was that he couldn't get rid of his demons.He can lose to anyone else, but not Zhao Shanhe.One failure is accident, two failures is fate.

Could it be said that his fate is to be eaten to death by Zhao Shanhe?

"Shen Ziliang, did you hear what I said?" Seeing that there was no movement on the phone for a long time, Pu Duomi asked in a cold voice a little impatiently.

"heard it."

Shen Ziliang took a few breaths, looked at the sunlight outside, and said in a deep voice: "I'll go to Zhao Shanhe now and say that I fully agree to his conditions."

"Go ahead and tell him that I will meet with him tomorrow to sign the share transfer agreement." Park Duomi said.

"Yes!" Shen Ziliang closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, suppressing the unwillingness in his heart.

After a while, he stabilized his mind and turned to the tea room.

His figure is sad and lonely.

Almost at the same time as the phone was hung up, a voice suddenly sounded on the sofa in front of Park Duomi.Hearing what he said, a ferocious anger appeared on Park Domi's fair face.

"What can I do if you say otherwise? What else can I do?"

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