Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 947 What is your psychological price?

"Do you think Ji Mingjian will betray?"


After hearing this word, Shen Ziliang's eyelids trembled slightly. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head, and said after consideration: "It doesn't matter whether you betray or not? Now, even if he wants to betray, what capital does he have?"

"Besides, Red Star Machinery is already a mess, that is, we will only invest if we want to make a fuss, otherwise it will be a hot potato."

"Hot potato?"

Pu Duomi picked up the red wine glass in front of her eyes, a kind of exhaustion appeared on her fair and delicate face.

"I was too hasty about this matter. If I had listened to you and played it safe, maybe it would be a different situation now. It's a pity, it's useless to say anything now, and my money is still set up by others. Even if you want to make a difference, you will be powerless.”

"Miss Pu, what do you mean by setting up a trap? Who did it?" Shen Ziliang asked with puzzled eyes.

"Who else could it be!"

Pu Duomei gritted her teeth and said: "I dare say, this incident must have something to do with Zhao Shanhe. If it wasn't for him, how could I say that I was framed? Zhao Shanhe, although he didn't show up, I know that Song Liu and his relatives The relationship is great and they've been great partners."

"Song Liu! Zhao Shanhe!"

Only then did Shen Ziliang know how Park Duomi's money was locked up. It turned out that it was related to these two people.If that's the case, things get complicated.

"Can the money be taken out?" Shen Ziliang frowned.

"Yes, but it will take two months. By then, the day lily will be cold." Park Duomi said harshly.

"Then what should we do?" Shen Ziliang didn't know what to do.

"Shen Ziliang, if you know Zhao Shanhe, I will leave this matter to you. In this way, you can go to Zhao Shanhe and tell me that I have accepted this matter. As long as you free up the money, I can leave Dongfang immediately. Province. I can even sell the shares of Hongxing Machinery Factory to him." Park Domi said suddenly.

Shen Ziliang was taken aback on the spot, and asked in disbelief: "Miss Pu, are you going to compromise?"

"Yeah, I want to compromise. I found that my plan here in Eastern Province is about to fail. I can't wait for two months. With this kind of time, I can do it in other places." There is a big movement. Since this is the case, I will stop the loss in time, and I will immediately withdraw from this vortex."

Park Duomi said categorically: "It's not just me, you also come with me, let's go to other places to continue investing, and stop fighting with Zhao Shanhe here."

"I thought that at least I would be able to fight him and lose both sides. I didn't expect that I was defeated in the end. I found that it was a huge mistake for us to choose Red Star Machinery."

Just leave?

Shen Ziliang is not reconciled, there is hatred between him and Zhao Shanhe, it would be the happiest if he could use Park Duomi's power to avenge his shame.But now that things have become like this, what do you ask him to do?Intuition told him that Park Domi's suggestion was wise and a choice that a qualified businessman should have.

But he was just unhappy.

"I'll go talk to Zhao Shanhe about this." Shen Ziliang nodded after calming down.


Park Domi didn't think much about it, but handed the matter over to Shen Ziliang.She believed that if Shen Ziliang was smart enough, he would know what to do.

If he insisted on going to the end with one muscle, then he had nothing to say, he had no choice but to give up on him.

Let's not talk about this side, let's talk about Ji Mingjian. Just after leaving from Pu Duomei's place, he called Zhao Shanhe from outside.

"Zhao Shanhe, it's me, Ji Mingjian." Ji Mingjian said in a deep voice.

"President Ji, why did you suddenly remember to call me today? What's your business?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"Do you want to buy Hongxing Machinery Factory?" Ji Mingjian didn't hesitate, and went straight to the point.

"Acquisition of Hongxing Machinery Factory?"

After Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback, he said thoughtfully, "What do you mean?"

"Literally, I think that working with Lexing Group is my biggest failure, so I want to cooperate with you. I think it might be a good choice to hand over Hongxing Machinery Factory to you. Let me ask you a question So, if I sell the shares, do you want it?" Ji Mingjian said while suppressing the reluctance in his heart.

"If you sell shares sincerely, I think we can find a place to chat."

"I'm going back to Handong City now. In two hours, let's meet at the teahouse opposite Hongxing Machinery Factory. How about it?"

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe called Li Xiangyang in, and after telling him what Ji Mingjian meant, Li Xiangyang asked suspiciously on the spot: "Ji Mingjian wants to sell shares? Is there any conspiracy in this matter?"

"Probably not, I think Ji Mingjian is a little disheartened." Zhao Shanhe said.

"If that's the case, this thing can be done!"

Li Xiangyang's eyes were bright and he said: "This direct acquisition of shares will save our energy to the greatest extent. If I guessed correctly, now 60.00% of Hongxing Machinery's shares are controlled by the factory. As long as the factory is willing Let’s take over, and we will be able to firmly suppress the Lexing Group.”

"Lexing Group can't make a fortune, and their shares are still locked up."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, not taking this seriously at all.

"I want to know what is the current nature of Hongxing Machinery? If I want to buy shares, how should I buy them? Should I sign a contract with Mingjian? Or with the city? This machinery factory should still be a state-owned enterprise, right?"

"It's not a state-owned enterprise anymore!"

Li Xiangyang shook his head and said firmly: "Hongxing Machinery Factory has long been no longer a state-owned enterprise. From the moment they were acquired by Lexing Group, they have become a joint venture. The remaining shares are owned by Ji Mingjian and several other people. Owned, as for the workers, they are all contract workers hired by them.”

"This may be the best advantage of acquiring Hongxing Machinery Factory."

"I see."

Zhao Shanhe turned the pencil with his fingers and said calmly: "You are right. In this case, at least we have absolute management rights over the workers, and we are not afraid of them standing up to make trouble. Ji Mingjian did a beautiful thing. But if you want me to say, what he did this time is really outrageous and excessive."

"The Hongxing Machinery Factory is a state-owned enterprise after all, and it has been tampered with like this."

"Those workers have real talents in state-owned enterprises. They have been handed over to state-owned enterprises all their lives, but who would have thought that they would end up like this in the end? It's quite sad to think about it."

"It's a pity, but I'm afraid this kind of thing will be common in the future."

Li Xiangyang thought of the status quo of those state-owned enterprises, so he sighed helplessly and said: "That is to say, we have adapted to the market economy and are doing well. If you go and look at those state-owned enterprises, every single one has problems. And the problems are not small. , and as long as there is a problem, it will only be the most grassroots workers who will be unlucky in the end.”

"They're going to be laid off, they're going to lose their jobs, they're going to be displaced."

"If anyone is lucky enough to find a job, it's good enough to support their family. But if they can't find a job, they can only be poor."

"This is the general trend."

Zhao Shanhe didn't feel much sadness about this matter. After all, he was aware of the wave of layoffs, and he also knew that with the economic development of society, layoffs would be a problem that he would have to face sooner or later.That being the case, the solution to the problem is that blaming others will not help.

"Don't talk about that, just talk about the negotiation with Ji Mingjian. How much do you think he will offer?"

"Park Domi won 500% of the shares with 40.00 million yuan at that time. Of course, Hongxing Machinery at that time was not what it is now. Now Hongxing Machinery is losing money in business. The 2000 million hole in non-ferrous metal solder alone is Enough to give you a headache."

"So if Ji Mingjian talks about it, I mean that he won't give a penny, and take over by plugging holes." Li Xiangyang said.

Zhao Shanhe immediately made a decision: "Then do it this way, you pack up, and we will go there together in a while."


When Li Xiangyang was about to go out, Zhao Shanhe suddenly smiled and said: "Xiangyang, if this matter can be negotiated, our first goal of this year will be achieved."

"Yeah, entering a prefecture-level city and becoming a city-level enterprise, tsk tsk, if I put it in the past, I wouldn't even have thought about it." Li Xiangyang showed a feeling of emotion.

"Try to win!" Zhao Shanhe raised his arms.

"Okay, try to win it!"

Li Xiangyang also raised his arms at the same time, and the two held hands, looking uplifted.


two hours later.

The elegant room of Ruya Tea House opposite Hongxing Machinery Factory.

Zhao Shanhe and Ji Mingjian sat together, looking at Ji Mingjian with a somewhat decadent expression, Zhao Shanhe stroked the teacup in front of him, and said calmly, "Mr. Ji, we haven't seen each other for a while, right?"

"Is there? Why do I feel like we are meeting each other every day? The first thing I see when I wake up every day is to think about you, Zhao Shanhe, have you messed with my Red Star Machinery Factory to death, and have you set a trap for me? Let me drill in."

Ji Mingjian held a cigarette between his fingers, and smoked heavily, letting the pungent tobacco smell hit his body.

He has to rely on this strength to stay awake.

"Mr. Ji, if you say this, then we can't talk anymore. Do you think I'm willing to do this? Don't you know better than anyone else what this so-called price war is all about?"

"If you Red Star Machinery hadn't insisted on making troubles with me, Hetu, do you think I would deal with you? I am a person who pays attention to harmony and prosperity, not mutual losses."

Zhao Shanhe looked at the rising smoke with a peaceful expression.


Ji Mingjian, who wanted to continue complaining, opened his mouth when Zhao Shanhe raised his hand and interrupted him on the spot.

"President Ji, I'm not here to listen to your complaints, let's talk about business."

"it is good!"

After Ji Mingjian took a deep look at Zhao Shanhe, he suppressed all the grief and indignation in his heart, and said calmly: "Director Zhao, let's talk about the business, I want to transfer all 60.00% of the shares of Red Star Machinery to you. Make an offer."

"A price?" Zhao Shanhe smiled and didn't speak any more, but caressed the teacup lightly.

Li Xiangyang said: "Mr. Ji, what is your psychological price?"

"Me?" Ji Mingjian pointed to his nose and asked in amazement.

"Yes, it's yours. You can just say it. If we can hear the price you mentioned, we won't bargain with you." Li Xiangyang didn't look sideways.

"my words……"

Ji Mingjian lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "Park Domi's Lexing Group spent 500 million to acquire 40.00% of the shares. In this way, I am not greedy, 700 million, as long as you take out 700 million, the rest The 60.00% of the shares you bought will be yours."

"How is it? The price I gave is fair, right?" Ji Mingjian said seriously.


Li Xiangyang shook his head, and said calmly: "The price you gave is a bit high, sorry for our unacceptable."

"Is this still high? You know, in the heyday, let alone 700 million, even if you give me 1000 million, I won't sell it." Ji Mingjian's tone was a little hasty.


Zhao Shanhe looked over, his eyes were a little cold.

"Ji Mingjian, in the past, I thought you were a good person, because in your management, Hongxing Machinery Factory has always been at least a state-owned enterprise, and every worker can hold a solid job."

"But what did you do later? You actually took advantage of your relationship, with Lexing Group's status as a foreign investor, through various channels to turn Hongxing Machinery Factory into a private joint venture."

"Dare you say that there is no loss of state-owned assets? Do you dare to say that you are worthy of every worker? Do you dare to say that you have no selfish distractions?"

"Me!" Ji Mingjian's expression changed drastically.

"You dare not!"

Zhao Shanhe watched with cold eyes, his words were like knives.

"Since you don't dare, since you have done such a nasty thing, don't flaunt your innocence to me, and don't kidnap me with righteousness and morality. I don't like you, and I don't bother to play with you like this Don’t you think the price of 700 million is not high? Okay, I’ll tell you my bottom line now.”

"My bottom line is that I won't give you any money! But I will take over all of your Hongxing Machinery Factory, including your workers and your holes. You should know better than anyone else how big your holes are now, I If you just plug the hole, you have to pay a lot of money."

"So after you know my bottom line, will you continue to talk with me?"

"What? It doesn't cost a penny?"

When Ji Mingjian heard this, he was stunned on the spot, and then stood up with a flushed face, looked at Zhao Shanhe, and shouted in disbelief: "Zhao Shanhe, are you okay? Are you going to be a white wolf with empty hands? Let me tell you , Don't even think about it, if you don't spend a penny, I will never sell it to you, you should die as soon as possible!"

Zhao Shanhe just stared at Ji Mingjian like this, and when he looked a little hairy, he said slowly: "Ji Mingjian, you have really changed, you have become a little hard for me to see through."

"You said that if you were the old you, when you heard what I said, shouldn't you be thinking of the workers?"

"But what are you talking about now?"


Being ridiculed by Zhao Shanhe for a while, Ji Mingjian's face turned red and then pale, flickering indefinitely, his heart was full of restlessness and contradictions.

He also wanted to do what Zhao Shanhe said, but thinking of the money he invested and the few shareholders behind him, he forced himself to wake up.

Everything depends on money.

"Zhao Shanhe, you don't have to tell me these things here, just give me a hearty word, do you want to buy it or not?"

Ji Mingjian looked over hurriedly.

He was furious.

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