"It's not like your style. You've always been strong. It's aggrieved to compromise like this."

Jin Dazhong's expression was a bit puzzled.

"I don't want to compromise, and I don't want to be wronged, but is there anything I can do? You tell me, who is it because of who I am today? Isn't it all because of you? If it weren't for you, I would have become like this Passive? Jin Dal-jung, you really did a good job." Park Duomi looked over with a kind of undisguised anger.


Jin Dazhong choked on the words that came to his lips.

say what?

Are you saying that what others say is wrong?The whole thing is clearly your fault, you didn't do it well, so you have nothing to argue about.Even in the end, Park Duomi had to compromise in order to get the release of the investment, otherwise this matter can only be discussed in two months.

"This is my fault, I apologize to you, I..." Jin Dazhong was dejected.


Pu Duomei shook her head, waved her hand, and said impatiently: "I don't want to hold anyone accountable for this matter. Anyway, I have figured it out so far. As long as I can get my money back, I will leave Dong Province immediately."

"In a place as big as China, there are plenty of places for me to invest. There are monsters like Zhao Shanhe here, but are there any other places? As long as there are no people like him, I will definitely be able to make money."

Jin Dazhong asked worriedly, "Then what does your family say?"

"I'll settle it, don't worry about it."

Park Duomi said distractedly: "I'm going to Handong City tonight, Jin Dazhong, I hope I can hear good news from your side after returning to China, don't do this kind of thing like this time again Stupid thing."


Seeing Park Domi's disappointed expression, Jin Daljung could only lower his head angrily.

"Zhao Shanhe, it's all because of you. If it weren't for you, why would Duomei think of me like this? I must have become a hideous person in her heart now. I will remember this account. Let's We'll see."


When Shen Ziliang returned to the tea room again, his expression was not as excited as before. He looked at Zhao Shanhe and said plainly: "Director Zhao, our Miss Pu has agreed, and we will do as you said. I will come over and sign a share transfer agreement with you, and I hope you can keep your word."

"Then Mr. Shen, I would like to trouble you to tell Ms. Park Duomei a word. I have always been a person who does not offend me. .” Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"I will tell the truth." Shen Ziliang said lightly.

"That's it." After saying that, Zhao Shanhe took Li Xiangyang and left.

When he was the only one left here, Shen Ziliang slapped the table violently, his eyes were dark.

"Mr. Shen."

At this moment, Fu Juan walked in. She looked at Shen Ziliang with a fierce expression, controlled the fear in her heart, and said cautiously, "Where are we going now?"

"Fu Juan, are you willing to come with me?" Shen Ziliang looked over and asked.

"Mr. Shen, are you willing to take me away?" Fu Juan was surprised.

Thinking of the last time when Shen Ziliang left as soon as he said he would leave, leaving her alone and helpless, Fu Juan felt psychologically shadowed.

"Of course, pack up and go with me!"



That's how things went.

The next day, Pu Duomei came to Hetu Manufacturing and signed a share transfer agreement with Zhao Shanhe. After 200 million yuan was credited into the designated account, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Miss Pu, I hope we can cooperate happily in the future."

"Director Zhao, I don't want to cooperate with you anymore, people like you are terrible."

Park Duomi shook her head and said bitterly: "I want to know, since we signed the contract, what about my money? Can I return it today?"

"Miss Pu, I don't understand what you are talking about." Zhao Shanhe's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, pretending to be surprised.

Then when Park Duomi was about to get angry, he said unhurriedly: "But I think, since we have signed the agreement here, your affairs should be able to handle well, don't you think so?"

"hope so."

Pu Duomi took a deep look at Zhao Shanhe, and didn't say anything else. She wanted to leave now, and she couldn't help but want to curse if she stayed for a while.

She was really mad at Zhao Shanhe.

"Director Zhao, take your leave."

"No delivery."

After Park Duomi and his group left, Li Xiangyang and the others immediately cheered.

They all knew that Pu Duomei was the strongest hole card of Red Star Machinery, and now that this hole card patted his ass and left, what else could he jump around with only Ji Mingjian left?Even if he wants to make trouble, how much trouble can he make.

"Director, let me say that we should continue to intensify the encirclement and suppression of Hongxing Machinery now. Non-ferrous metal solder, mining pumps, concrete mixers, three-pronged targeting, Hongxing Machinery will definitely not be able to handle it. We have to deal with it today." Crash." Cai Qian said with sharp eyes.


Guo Kaiduan nodded, and echoed, "Doesn't Jimingjian want to continue playing with us? Then let's have fun with him."

"Don't worry, if Ji Mingjian is a smart person, he will know what to do." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Then let's keep going our separate ways?"

"Yes, you continue to do what you should do."



Hongxing Machinery Factory.

"What? What did you say? Say it again?"

Ji Mingjian widened his eyes, stared at Fangyuan standing in front of him in disbelief, and asked, "Fangyuan, where did you hear the news? Are you sure?"

"Mr. Ji, I didn't hear it from hearsay. Everyone knows about it now. If you don't believe it, you can call and ask Mr. Shen right now to see if Lexing Group has sold the shares to Zhao Mountains and rivers." Fang Yuan said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Ji Mingjian called Shen Ziliang on the spot, and when he heard that Shen Ziliang said that this was true, and that all the equipment of the Red Star Machinery Factory had been given to Zhao Shanhe for free, he was stunned on the spot.

"How can you do this? You are clearly killing us by doing this. Don't you think about us? We are so passive now."


Shen Ziliang smiled mockingly.

"That's your business, Ji Mingjian. I've told you everything I need to say. You made things like this yourself. If there is a chance to defeat Zhao Shanhe, do you think I want to miss it? Isn't that right? Is there no chance? In this case, I can only stop the loss in time, and I am not afraid to tell you that our Lexing Group has lost money."

"Let's leave it at that."

"Hopefully we will be indefinitely in the future."

After Shen Ziliang finished speaking, he hung up the phone, leaving behind Ji Mingjian with a pale face, holding the receiver with a dull expression, and he didn't wake up from the shock until Fangyuan called him.

When he just woke up, he slumped on the chair.

Soon, Ji Mingjian stood up again and said anxiously: "Let's go, let's go to Zhao Shanhe now."

"What?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise.

Ji Mingjian stared: "Sign the contract!"

Fang Yuan suddenly felt as if she was mourning her concubine.

Have you really come this far?If the contract is said to be signed, Hongxing Machinery Factory really has nothing to do with them anymore, and Zhao Shanhe has the final say on the next thing.

Fangyuan grabbed Ji Mingjian: "Mr. Ji, think about it carefully. If we sign a contract, we will be completely finished. Otherwise, you should think about it again. Anyway, Zhao Shanhe is also our shareholder now. Seeing us go bankrupt here?"

Ji Mingjian frowned: "Is this what you are planning? If you think so, you are very wrong. Even if Zhao Shanhe is our shareholder, so what?"

"It's fine if he doesn't use this to make a fuss. If we really talk about making a fuss, we will die faster. So when it comes to this matter, just do what he said. If you don't give money, don't give money. It's better than Let's throw all our money in to be reliable."

Ji Mingjian's face was full of decadence.

"It's you Fangyuan. You don't have to perish with the machinery factory. I will recommend you to Zhao Shanhe. I believe that with your ability, you will stand out soon. It will be better for you to follow him than to follow me." future."

"President Ji, me?" Fang Yuanyuan's face was dull.

"This matter is settled like this, let's go!" Ji Mingjian said and walked out.


Everything was just as Zhao Shanhe expected. With the arrival of Ji Mingjian and the in-depth negotiations between the two, the share transfer agreement was finally signed.Of course, Zhao Shanhe didn't say that he was so unfeeling that he didn't give Ji Mingjian any benefit at all, but gave some sweet dates to Ji Mingjian and those shareholders symbolically.

Zhao Shanhe doesn't care about these sweet dates.

What he wants now is to win the Red Star Machinery Factory in the shortest possible time. As for the rest of the things, they can be discussed and resolved.

"Director Zhao, I hope you will treat Hongxing Machinery kindly." Ji Mingjian looked eagerly.

"I will."

In the sunshine outside the window, Zhao Shanhe smiled and said gently: "President Ji, don't worry, although Hongxing Machinery will change its name, I will carry forward the spirit of the old Hongxing Machinery Factory on the basis of Hongxing Machinery. I will let you see the rebirth of Red Star Machinery, and I will make all your workers rich."

"Thank you."

Ji Mingjian shook Zhao Shanhe's right hand gratefully, then turned and walked out of the meeting room.

His back is bleak.

"It's done! It's finally done!"

And when Ji Mingjian's back completely disappeared from his eyes, Zhao Shanhe looked at the two share transfer agreements on the table, secretly clenched his fists, and looked excited.

Hongxing Machinery Factory is one of his goals.

This goal has been in place since the moment he established Hetu Manufacturing, because Zhao Shanhe knew well that the water in Zhenghe County is still a bit shallow, and if he wants to grow and develop, Handong City is the best choose.

The Red Star Machinery Factory was the number one target.

Now that his wish has come true, how can he be unhappy?

"Factory manager, you are so kind. In the end, you gave Ji Mingjian and the others a few shareholders' money. If you ask me, even if you don't give them the money, they have to sell it. If you don't sell it, it will be even more unlucky in the future. They will be chased by others." debt."

"It's good now. Not only will we take care of everything, but we will also give them money." Yang E pouted.


Zhao Shanhe glanced at it speechlessly.

"I also thought about not giving money, but if he said no money, Ji Mingjian would definitely delay. It doesn't matter if he broke the jar anyway. But he consumes energy, and we can't spend it with them all the time. It's considered a waste of money. Avoid disaster."

"The factory manager is right. This negotiation is about you coming and going, and you retreating and advancing. It makes no sense to say that you can only advance and never retreat. If that is the case, it will only happen in novels. Things are not so simple in the mall." Li Xiangyang laughed.

"In any case, we finally took down the Red Star Machinery, and the next thing is how to deal with the aftermath. After all, the current Red Star Machinery is indeed a mess. If it is not handled well, it will become ours. A burden." Yang E said with a shallow smile.

"Yes, what Yang E said is quite right, we have to think about how to deal with the aftermath now."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience.

"Now that Red Star Machinery is ours, the name must be changed and become Hetu Manufacturing. As for this, it will be transformed into a laboratory and an exhibition hall as I said before."

"We have a few things to do next. First, audit the books of Hongxing Machinery for me. I need to know exactly what the current situation of Hongxing Machinery is, such as how much money is in the book, how much foreign debts and products are handed over , How much money has not been recovered. This matter will be handed over to Cui Huan, and you will take someone there later."

Zhao Shanhe looked over.

"Yes." Cui Huan accepted the order in a deep voice.

"The second is to appease the workers' emotions. This incident will definitely have a great impact on the workers. After all, they have always been old people from Red Star Machinery, and they must have feelings for the factory. Now we will occupy it immediately and change it. Being made by Hetu, it is understandable that their emotions are unacceptable.”

Zhao Shanhe turned to look at Guo Kaiduan.

"Old Guo, leave this matter to your Propaganda Section. I believe you can handle it well."


Guo began to accept orders respectfully.

"The third is the storage of Red Star Machinery's equipment. You must know that this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible. After all, there must be panic over there at the moment. If some greedy people find an opportunity to mess up the equipment Going out will be a big loss for us, we must keep an eye on this matter."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Kong Jie.

"Kong Jie, you are in charge of production, so you do it."

"Yes!" Kong Jie replied respectfully.

"The fourth is public opinion. In any case, now that Hongxing Machinery has been acquired by us, there will definitely be different opinions in the society. What we have to do is to make public opinion lean towards us as much as possible. Taking advantage of public opinion, Cai Qian, you are in charge of public relations, so you should keep an eye on this matter." Zhao Shanhe said.


Cai Qian is full of confidence.

"Fifth, since we are going to relocate the factory, it is impossible to say that this will be done in a short while, and in the process of relocation, there will be various troublesome things, and these things must be handled as perfect as possible."

"Especially, we at Hetu have made the old workers feel bad. We have to ask them if they are willing to go to the city. If not, let them stay in the county and make arrangements on the spot."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Xiangyang.

"Xiangyang, you should keep an eye on this matter yourself. After all, this matter is of great importance and needs to be adjusted in all aspects."

"Yes!" Li Xiangyang replied.



Zhao Shanhe said ten things back and forth like this, and when he finished speaking, he just took a breath, but Cai Shishi raised his hand.

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