Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 946 I really regret it!

"What's the matter?" Zhong Shanlu looked over subconsciously.

"Just now, Hetu Manufacturing released a statement, saying that it will implement a three-guarantee after-sales service policy for all mining pumps."


Zhong Shanlu's expression froze for a moment.

"Mr. Zhong, we are very puzzled. The mining pumps made by Hetu in our mine were used well before. Why did we suddenly replace them with Red Star machinery? Could it be that we can't continue to use Hetu to make them?"

"Hetu also has after-sales service, what a good policy."

"The quality of the company is already good enough, and now it provides three-guarantee service. It seems a little unreasonable not to choose Hetu manufacturing?"


Hearing such words, a gleam flashed in Zhong Shanlu's eyes.

"I'll talk to Mr. Zheng about this matter. You continue to work. Listen, register all the broken mining pumps for me. Register now and give me a copy. I'll take it away right away."


And when he was looking for Zheng Shouzheng on Zhongshan Road, the rest of the mining groups began to contact Zhao Shanhe one after another.Although some of them said they had contact with Hongxing Machinery, they did not break contact with Zhao Shanhe.

Now that there is such a policy, how can we hold back?

"Director Zhao, can we continue to cooperate?"

"Is the after-sales three-guarantee service real? If it's true, let's sign a contract."

"Haha, I never thought about cooperating with Hongxing Machinery. What I thought about was your Hetu Manufacturing."


During such calls, Zhao Shanhe was finalizing orders one by one.When each order is finalized, there will be a deposit into the account to ensure that this is foolproof.

For a while, all the mining groups that cooperated with Hongxing Machinery abandoned them.

And at this moment, a gossip spread out from nowhere, saying that the mining pumps of Hongxing Machinery are all OEM products, and the quality is problematic.One of the most important valves, the material used did not meet the standard at all.

When this news broke out, it caused a thousand waves with one stone, which undoubtedly made the situation worse for Red Star Machinery.

One by one, the calls for returning the goods went directly to Ji Mingjian.

Ji Mingjian only felt physically and mentally exhausted.

If it was only non-ferrous metal solder before, he could still grit his teeth and barely hold on, but no one thought that this matter was not over, and now there is another wave of returns of mining pumps.What can he do with this?He is really helpless.

If these return orders accumulate, it will directly collapse him and his machinery factory.

"Mr. Shen, where are you?"

Ji Mingjian called Shen Ziliang in one phone call.

"I just arrived at Jiandu Mining, and I haven't entered yet. What's the matter?" Shen Ziliang asked.

"Of course there is something. Do you know Zhao Shanhe's after-sales three-guarantee policy? Because of this policy, the orders from Hetu Manufacturing are skyrocketing, but the return calls from our side are one after another. That is to say, if there is no capital injection, Our side is definitely out of luck." Ji Mingjian said with a mournful face.

"How serious is it?" Shen Ziquan's voice was serious.

"It's very serious. So far, [-]% of the manufacturers we signed before have called and said they want to cancel the cooperation, and the remaining merchants who are interested in cooperation have not moved. If we talk about Jiandu Mining If the order is also cancelled, I dare say our mining pumps are completely finished."

Ji Mingjian was worried.

"I see, I'm going to see Zheng Shouzheng right away." Shen Ziliang gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and said calmly.

"It's not just Zheng Shouzheng, it's just his words that won't change the overall situation. You have to find a way to get the rest of us to continue to cooperate with us." Ji Mingjian almost shouted.

Shen Ziliang also unconsciously raised his voice: "Can I not know? But what should I do? Things have developed like this, can I do it with just a few words?"

"Forget it, I'll go see Zheng Shouzheng first!" Said Shen Ziliang and hung up the phone.

He adjusted his mood and walked into Jiandu Mining, and when he saw Zheng Shouzheng, he unexpectedly found that Zhongshan Road was also there.

To be honest, he really didn't have the slightest liking for Zhong Shanlu.

The reason is simple, Zhongshan Road has always been suspicious of their mining pumps and concrete mixers.

No one would like such a person.

As long as you don't trouble me, I can ignore it.

But Shen Ziliang was wrong this time, because in the next conversation with Zheng Shouzheng, he was surprised to find that this boss who had always been good to him and was always sure of Hongxing Machinery's cheap mining pumps suddenly changed tone down.

"Mr. Zheng, what do you mean?" Shen Ziliang showed an unbelievable expression.

"My meaning is very simple, that is, from now on, the mining pump orders of Jiandu Mining and your Hongxing Machinery will be terminated." Zheng Shouzheng said lightly, tapping on Erlang's leg.

"The reason?" Shen Ziliang asked anxiously.

"The reason is very simple. First, the quality of your mining pumps is still problematic, and there is no way to compare with those made by Hetu; the second is that Hetu Manufacturing has announced a three-guarantee after-sales service policy, which relieves us from worries. .”

"Do you have one in Hongxing Machinery Factory? If you, Mr. Shen, say that you will also give me three guarantees after sales, I can continue to cooperate with you."

Zheng Shouzheng smiled slightly.

"But do you dare?"


Shen Ziliang really wanted to shout out like this, but he could only swallow the words back, he really didn't dare to do this, and this kind of promise couldn't be made casually.

"Boss Zheng, is there no room for redemption?" Shen Ziliang asked with a mournful face.


Zheng Shouzheng shook his head, looked at the wall clock on the wall and said: "I still have a meeting to be held, Mr. Shen, do you think this is the way we are? We will keep in touch if there is anything to do in the future."

"it is good!"

Shen Ziliang left Jiandu Mining in such a distraught manner.

As soon as he walked out of the office, Zheng Shouzheng said to Zhongshan Road: "Old Zhong, you are responsible for this matter, and hurry up to discuss the contract with Hetu Manufacturing for mining pumps. Also, I heard that they have also come up with a Concrete delivery pumps, let’s place an order together this time as well, as an apology for our abandonment of the contract.”

"Mr. Zheng, do you think Zhao Shanhe will agree?" Zhong Shanlu asked hesitantly.

"Ha ha!"

When Zheng Shouzheng heard this, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry about this, Zhao Shanhe will definitely agree. He is a businessman with a big heart, and he will never say that we are holding on to this matter. Besides, we are sending money, so he can refuse outside the door?"

"Yes, I understand."

Zhong Shanlu suddenly realized.

Doing business is all about coming and going.

It cannot be said that because Jiandu Mining once gave up, you will no longer do our business.

After all, we, Jiandu Mining, are a large group in Handong City. If you want to continue to camp here in the future, it is impossible to avoid us.


When Zhong Shanlu went to talk to Li Xiangyang about this matter, Li Xiangyang didn't say anything else, and signed the two procurement contracts on the spot.After the contract was exchanged, Zhao Shanhe walked in slowly from outside the door.

"Director Zhao."

"Mr. Zhong is good."

After the two briefly shook hands, Zhong Shanlu said with emotion: "Director Zhao, your Hetu manufacturing business is open enough. Once the three-guarantee after-sales policy comes out, I guarantee that your order quantity will increase rapidly."

"This is what we should do, and we also hope to deepen cooperation with Jiandu Mining." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"It will definitely." Zhong Shanlu nodded.

"Mr. Zhong, regarding this cooperation, I would like to ask you to bring a word to Mr. Zheng."

"You say."

"It is that Hetu Manufacturing hopes to establish a strategic partnership with Jiandu Mining, rather than a temporary partnership. As long as we can conclude a strategic cooperation, the heavy construction machinery that Hetu Manufacturing will develop next will be given priority. Supply to you Jiandu Mining to ensure your position in the mining industry."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

Zhong Shanlu immediately understood: "I will take Director Zhao's words to Mr. Zheng. I think this is what Mr. Zheng wants to do."

"Then I hope we can reach an in-depth cooperation."

"it is good!"

After Zhao Shanhe and Zhong Shanlu shook hands, Zhong Shanlu left Hetu Manufacturing with the contract.

"How is the situation now?" Zhao Shanhe sat down on the chair and asked.

"The situation is very good!"

Li Xiangyang picked up a thick stack of contracts from the table, and said with a smile: "Director, these are the contracts we signed. I believe more people will seek us to cooperate in the future."

"very good."

After touching the contract with his fingers, Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"Now is just the beginning. After the good news comes from Yang E, it will really be the climax of the war. I think Ji Mingjian will cry at that time. No, he doesn't even have a place to cry."

"Ha ha!"


A commercial building built by Zhongzhou Jinhai Real Estate.

Civil engineering projects are in full swing here. Listening to the reports of his subordinates, Jian Beiyang's face became more and more gloomy. He pointed to a building not far away, and said in a cold voice: "That means you have no way to Is it right to complete the construction of this commercial building within the stipulated construction period?"

"Is such that."

Wang Shengduo, the person in charge at the scene, nodded, and then quickly explained: "Mr. Jian, we are already working overtime, and you are clear about the quality of our workers. But the problem is, it is really a matter of feeding materials. We workers don’t have much to do. If you don’t have the right materials, they won’t be able to work even if they want to.”

"In other words, if I can guarantee that the concrete is in place for you, then there will be no problem on your side?" Jian Beiyang said.


Wang Shengduo patted his chest and said loudly: "As long as this can be done, I guarantee that the construction period will be absolutely fine."

"In this case……"

Jian Beiyang turned his head and said to Yang E, who was always by his side, "Section Chief Yang, the concrete pump made by Hetu has already shipped samples, right?"

"Yes." Yang E smiled.

"Then let's start, take it out and use it. As long as the quality of your delivery pump is good and you can ensure the speed and time of feeding, I will sign an order with you immediately." Jian Beiyang said loudly.

"it is good!"

Yang E raised her hand, and someone immediately transported the concrete pump to the construction site. After a while of busy work, the pump started to run.

Seeing that the concrete that could not be transported with much effort before was transported to all the designated locations with a smile like an obedient child, all the people present were stunned.

"Mr. Jian, we must take down this concrete delivery pump. It is simply a sharp weapon for construction." Wang Shengduo shouted excitedly, his eyes full of excitement.

Jian Beiyang also smiled all over his face, and waved his hand: "Section Chief Yang, that's the deal, let's sign the bill."

"it is good!"

A contract is thus signed.

And this is just the beginning.

As Jian Beiyang began to create publicity for Hetu, other construction companies also began to focus on this sharp weapon.They are even more excited when they know that the transfer pump and mixer can be purchased in one package.

Orders began to fly to Hetu for manufacturing.

In just three days, Zhao Shanhe's three-pronged strategy completed the complete suppression of Hongxing Machinery Factory.Ji Mingjian, who thought he could rise with the trend before, is now disheartened and has no temper at all.

He followed Shen Ziliang to meet Park Duomi.

In front of this patron, Ji Mingjian was dejected, and said with a self-deprecating tone: "Miss Pu, I believe you know all about the Hongxing Machinery Factory. Tell me, what should we do now?"

"What should I do? Ji Mingjian, is this how you became the director of the factory? I remember that you were very high-spirited before, why are you so depressed when you encounter a small setback?"

Park Domi looked over sullenly.


Hearing this, Ji Mingjian felt even more aggrieved, and shook his head with a wry smile.Yes, how high-spirited I was before, but now?I never dreamed that I would be reduced to where I am today.

Is this really caused by my incompetence?No, it's you, it's you capitalists from foreign companies who didn't count their words and destroyed the Red Star Machinery.

I knew I couldn't trust you.

If I had known that cooperating with you would be seeking skin from a tiger, I would really rather cooperate with Zhao Shanhe and hand over the huge machinery factory to him.If that's the case, the current Red Star Machinery will definitely be booming, why is it so unbearable?

I myself became a joke, and now I really regret it!

"Miss Park, I think you should still remember what we said at the beginning? We made it very clear at the beginning that I have no management rights, and the management rights are in your hands. I am only your executor. Now things It became like this, but you blamed all the responsibility on me, don't you think it's absurd?"

Ji Mingjian's eyes were cold.

"If my words work, it can make things like this?"

"Are you blaming me?" Park Domi's tone suddenly turned cold.

"Yes, I'm blaming you. You didn't count on what you said, and you didn't implement the allocated funds. Didn't you still say that you would take 600 million in exchange for 40.00% of the shares? Where's the money? I didn't see a cent. "

Ji Mingjian already had strong remorse in his heart, and he was not polite when he said it.

"I still say that, as long as you take out the money now, there is room for redemption, but can you take it out?"

"Me!" Park Duomi choked on the spot.

"It seems that you can't get it out. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being cruel." Ji Mingjian turned around and walked out after speaking.

Looking at his back, Park Duomi's eyes shot cold light, she turned to look at Shen Ziliang, and spoke slowly.

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