Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 945 Absolutely Unreasonable!

"Yes, this is the golden opportunity I said. We want to defeat the Red Star Machinery, and defeating them by strength is a way, but if it can disintegrate their fighting spirit, is it also a way? And this way will be faster and more efficient."

"Think about it, as long as Hongxing Machinery is going to cooperate with manufacturers, which one does not need concrete pumps? If we say we take them down, will Hongxing Machinery be pissed off? Will it disintegrate their fighting spirit at once? Lose?"

"And this is just the beginning. When you are negotiating, you can talk freely and say that our concrete pump is not separate. If they want, we can also sell integrated concrete mixing and conveying machines."

Gao Shaoyuan had bright eyes and a sonorous tone.

"With such products, do you think those manufacturers will continue to cooperate with Hongxing Machinery?"

"What? Gao Gong, have you developed a mixer?" Yang E asked in surprise.

"The mixer has always been in the scope of our research and development. Although it has not been tinkered with yet, the technology is mature. As long as you give us a week, I promise to come up with a prototype. And it is assembled from our delivery pump and mixer All-in-one machine." Gao Shaoyuan scanned the audience with a confident expression.

"that would be great!"

Yang E waved her arms excitedly.

"In this way, Hongxing Machinery will definitely be angry. Thinking about how much effort they have put in to make wedding dresses for us, it is no wonder that Ji Mingjian and Shen Ziliang are not mad."

"Exactly." Gao Shaoyuan said with a smile.

"Have you heard clearly? This is the third tube I'm talking about. There is such a three-pronged approach, which is aimed at the non-ferrous metal solder, mining pumps and concrete mixers of the Hongxing Machinery Factory. Do you think they can escape? "Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"No, we will definitely clean up the body to pieces." Cai Qian was full of energy and full of fighting spirit.

"now it's right!"

Zhao Shanhe slowly put his hands on the table, releasing a powerful force in his calm tone.

"Pu Duomi's funds will not be moved within two months, so I hope this matter will be resolved within one month, and by the end of April we will be able to completely acquire the Red Star Machinery Factory."


As the meeting wraps up, everyone jumps into action.They are now full of fighting spirit, and they are all looking forward to seeing the defeat of Hongxing Machinery Factory as soon as possible.Because only in this way can Hetu Manufacturing be completed.

in the office.

"Xiangyang, you should work harder during this time and pay attention to this matter." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Whether it's hard work or not, that's what I should do." Li Xiangyang waved his hands lightly, and said indifferently.

"Everything has been arranged?" Zhao Shanhe nodded, but he was not polite to him.

"Yes, everything has been arranged, and then we will see how Red Star Machinery will take over."


Zhao Shanhe snorted and smiled.

"What are they going to do? Where else can they go?"

Things are indeed developing as Zhao Shanhe predicted.

The first move was the collective price increase of non-ferrous metal solder suppliers. As they unanimously proposed measures to increase prices, Hongxing Machinery was instantly stunned. They never thought that this matter could develop like this?

We are already in such distress, how can you add fuel to the fire?

The news reached Jim Mingjian's ears immediately. He looked at the few people standing in front of him and asked in disbelief, "Is what you said true? All those suppliers have raised their prices?"

"Yes, we have contacted many suppliers here, and they have all raised their prices. The reasons given are various, but no matter what, the price increase is certain."

"We also wanted to find other suppliers to cooperate with, but they also said that the price had increased."

"Mr. Ji, we really can no longer produce non-ferrous metal solders. Every day of production is a loss of money. Even if the price is adjusted later, there are too many orders before. And the price has been adjusted until now, one No one came to buy it, and we have no way to fill this big hole.”


Listening to this, Ji Mingjian's brows were clouded.

Of course, he knew that it was impossible for those suppliers to say that all of them raised their prices in unison, and there must be something tricky about it.But in any case, the price increase is only good for suppliers and not harmful. How could they say no?

So what if it's tricky?Can you find out by yourself?Even if it is found out, people dare to do this, are you afraid of you looking for it?

"Stopping production is impossible! You should know that if we stop production now, the liquidated damages will be paid even more. Just the orders we have in hand are worth less than [-] million yuan. Do you think our factory can spend so much money now? "Ji Mingjian shook his head and said.

"But we can't keep doing this."

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. You guys just wait. This matter will be resolved sooner or later. It won't be a big deal when Shen Ziliang's investment is implemented." Ji Mingjian waved his hand, and he could only promise an empty promise.

"Shen Ziliang's investment? Mr. Ji, is it on track? It's been half a month, right? Not a penny of investment has come in. If this continues, it's uncertain whether this month's salary will be paid."

"That's right, we will be paid the day after tomorrow, are you sure you have money?"

"This!" The anger in Ji Mingjian's heart burned violently.

Is it useful for you all to force me here?Although I am still the factory director of Hongxing Machinery, I am a factory director. Shen Ziquan has the final say here. If you are looking for it, you should go to him.

At this time, Ji Mingjian didn't even notice that under the influence of the quiet, he no longer took Red Star Machinery too seriously, but had already begun to consider his personal interests.

"Wait for this matter, you guys hurry up and negotiate with those suppliers, continue to lower the price, at least the same as the previous price. Tell them, if anyone dares to raise the price, we will not cooperate with them in the future, no Buy from them."

Ji Mingjian waved his hand restlessly.


Several people looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, but they could only leave helplessly.

"Zhao Shanhe, you did all of this, right? How dare you play tricks behind my back?"

Ji Mingjian grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it to the ground.

In the lasing of countless fragments, the door of the office knocked from outside, and the secretary Fang Yuan walked in.After he glanced at the debris on the ground, his expression hesitated.

"What? What's the matter?" Ji Mingjian asked with a livid face.

"President Ji, there is something. Just now, Hetu Manufacturing announced a statement to the outside world. This statement is very fatal." Fang Yuan said in a deep voice, suppressing the panic in his heart.

"What statement will be fatal? Don't say it so exaggeratedly, just say it, you can't die!" Ji Mingjian frowned disapprovingly.

"They said that from now on, all manufacturers and merchants who purchase Hetu's mining pumps will implement the three-guarantee after-sales policy to relieve manufacturers and merchants from worrying about the future." Fang Yuan said in a low voice.


Ji Mingjian panicked.

"Is what you said true?"

"It's true. This policy has already been announced, and it's impossible to fake it."

"And I also heard that when the policy was announced, some manufacturers took the mining pumps they bought before, and Hetu Manufacturing replaced them on the spot without saying a word. Now many manufacturers are ready to continue to cooperate with Hetu. Manufacturing cooperation." Fang Yuan said in a low voice.

Ji Mingjian slammed his fist on the table: "It's unreasonable!"

"Is Zhao Shanhe crazy? Doesn't he know how much trouble this will cause? He is using the future of Hetu manufacturing to put a curse on all manufacturers."

"He's trying to force us to follow suit!"

Ji Mingjian grabbed the cigarette on the table and lit one. While puffing on the cigarette, he felt so depressed that he was really flustered by Zhao Shanhe's move.

"Mr. Ji, Hetu Manufacturing came out with a three-guarantee after-sales policy. We had cooperated with us before, and the manufacturers who agreed to sign the contract will definitely change their minds. Although our mining pumps are cheap, they don't care about after-sales after all. There is no way to compare with those made by Hetu."

Fangyuan secretly looked at Ji Mingjian's embarrassment, lowered his voice and said cautiously: "Unless we are like them, we may lose in the mining pump market."

"Can't lose, absolutely can't lose!"

Ji Mingjian roared like a beast.

He has put all his heart and soul into mining pumps and mixers, and if he is defeated now, he will have nothing, all his efforts will be for naught.

"Go and call those partners and tell them that the price of our mining pumps can be further reduced. As long as they pay all the payment for the order at one time, I will give them another contract price on the basis of the previously mentioned contract price." down five percent."

The veins on Ji Mingjian's arms were exposed, and he angrily choked out his half-smoked cigarette.

"Yes, I'll do it now." Fang Yuan turned around and walked out.

"I can't be chaotic, I can't be chaotic now, I have to stay calm. I want money, and I need funds now. Without the injection of funds, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long here."

Thinking of this, Ji Mingjian hurriedly dialed Shen Ziliang's phone number, and when he got connected there, he shouted impatiently: "Mr. Shen, what happened to the funds? Can it arrive today?"

"I'll try my best." Shen Ziliang replied hesitantly.

"As much as possible?"

The moment Ji Mingjian heard this, he erupted on the spot. He shouted with a ferocious expression: "Mr. Shen, I hope you can understand how bad the current situation is. All suppliers of non-ferrous metal solder have raised their prices. Hetu Manufacturing Just announced the after-sales three-guarantee service policy for mining pumps, how long do you think we can hold on under such circumstances?"

"We didn't have much capital in the first place, and we only relied on orders for mining pumps to maintain the situation. If we don't even have mining pumps, what do you think we will use to maintain the situation?"

"Fortunately, the concrete mixer is fine now. If there is an accident with this product, Mr. Shen, then I don't need to remind you, and you don't have to look for funds anymore, because there is no need for that."

"Ji Mingjian, I'm also anxious about this matter, but Ms. Pu is indeed in some trouble. It will be impossible to say that she will get the money for a while. You have to find a way to save yourself." Shen Ziliang said irritably.

"Self-help? Shen Ziliang, aren't you joking? How can I save myself? If I could save myself, I wouldn't have agreed to your shares in the first place."

"Mr. Shen, I'll leave a word for you here. The current Hongxing Machinery Factory is not only mine, but also yours. If you say you are willing to watch it decline like this, then I don't care."

Ji Mingjian hung up the phone after speaking.

Shen Ziliang held his elder brother with an angry expression on his face. He really wanted to have a big fight with Ji Mingjian, but he knew he couldn't.For that matter, arguing won't solve anything.And in the final analysis, this matter is my fault. What I said at the beginning was that I was responsible for the funds, but now I don’t have any money, so why are you arguing with others?

"After-sales three-guarantee service? Zhao Shanhe, are you really trying to push us to a dead end? How dare you even come up with such a policy?" Shen Ziliang's face was gloomy.

Of course he is very clear that this policy is simply a big killer.You let buyers have no worries, so buyers don't just look for a brand made by Hetu?

"Oops, if this is the case, what will Zheng Shouzheng of Jiandu Mining do?"

Thinking of this, Shen Ziliang suddenly became a little uneasy.

Although Zheng Shouzheng has signed a contract with them, the problem is that Hongxing Machinery has not yet been able to increase production, and has not yet delivered all the orders. Will make the decision to betray again and re-sign with Hetu Manufacturing.

"I need to talk to him."

Shen Ziliang turned around and got into the car.

"Go to Jiandu Mining."



Jiandu Mining Mine.

I was staring at the Zhongshan Road where the mining was being carried out, and suddenly found that a mining pump that was working had stopped running. No matter how the workers tried to do it, the mining pump would not move.


One of the workers slapped his face angrily, and said angrily, "What kind of mining pump is this? It turned off after running for less than an hour. How can it work?"

Who would have thought that it would be fine if he didn't take a picture. After such a picture, the mine pump broke down on the spot after emitting a puff of black smoke.

All the workers looked at this speechlessly.

"Quickly set aside and fix it." Zhong Shanlu shouted.


The worker in charge of operating the machine shook his head, and said in a strange voice: "It's better not to repair this mine pump. If you want me to say, just replace it with a new one, because the money you pay for repairing it is enough to buy a new one."

"Really? Is the maintenance fee so expensive?" Zhong Shanlu asked in surprise.

"Yeah, the maintenance fee is so expensive, and the Hongxing Machinery Factory also said that they have to pay a door-to-door service fee when they come here. It's really better to get a new one. But the problem is, even if it's a new one It doesn’t work either, Mr. Zhong, look over there, there are broken mining pumps that have just been replaced.”

Zhongshan Road looked over and found that there were more than a dozen mining pumps piled up in the open space not far away. He couldn't help but look surprised: "Are these all broken?"

"Yes, they are all broken, Mr. Zhong. If you want me to say that they are cheap but not good. Look at the ones made by Hetu. They have been used for a long time, but they are all broken before you use them. I don’t know how they got the quality certificate.”

Zhong Shanlu frowned.

"Mr. Zhong, I heard something, have you heard?"

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