Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 944 God-given opportunity

The meeting was chaired by Li Xiangyang.

All the people who participated in the meeting were the management of Hetu Manufacturing. The content of the meeting was to discuss how to deal with the price war of Red Star Machinery.After all, this battle has been going on for some time, and it can only end with a winner.Otherwise, how can it be satisfactory if it is carried out in an anticlimactic manner?

But for these people in front of them, they really didn't take this price war seriously.

Yes, a price war is a reckless fight that injures the enemy one thousand and self-destroys eight hundred. It is a kind of harm to both warring parties, and Hetu Manufacturing is of course no exception.But they had just experienced the confrontation between Yougu Dojo and Master Kang, and there was a kind of unyielding energy in their bones.

They are fearless.

Just like now.

When Li Xiangyang said that the market prospect of Hongxing Machinery's mining pumps and concrete mixers was very good, none of the people present were timid, and on the contrary, they were all speaking actively.

The first person to speak was Yang E.

"In fact, in terms of facts, Hongxing Machinery is now at the end of its strength. The reason why they can still operate is nothing more than the sale of mining pumps and concrete mixers. The problem is that the payment of these products is very slow, and there are no partners at all The payment will be settled directly in one lump sum.”

"Besides, it is impossible for Hongxing Machinery to deliver all the orders at one time, so why should they settle it for you? Under such circumstances, Hongxing Machinery is barely maintaining its operation with limited funds, let alone now and Let's play the price war of non-ferrous metal solder, and get rid of it."

"It is conservatively estimated that Red Star Machinery will pay 2000 million yuan in non-ferrous metal solder alone, and this is not counting workers' wages and other miscellaneous consumption. If it is all counted, it will have to be added More than 200 million. So I think we have an advantage now."

Yang E scanned the audience with a gentle smile.

"That's right, non-ferrous metal solder is already dispensable for us. We originally planned to keep it as a regular product. Who would have thought that Red Star Machinery would dare to target this and start a price war."

"In the end, I got rid of it myself."

"In addition, they have now restored the shipping price of non-ferrous metal solder to the original price, offending many orderers at once. I think if we take advantage of the present and cooperate with those factories that buy us, we may be able to hit them hard!"

Guo began to speak with a smile.

Everyone is expressing their opinions.

At the climax, there was a burst of applause outside the door, and when everyone got up, Zhao Shanhe walked into the meeting room with a smile, waved to everyone, and then said with a smile: "Everyone sit down!" Speak!"

Zhao Shanhe finally came back.

The moment they saw Zhao Shanhe, Yang E and the others finally relaxed their tense heartstrings.Although they all knew that Li Xiangyang could preside over the overall situation, but it was different from Zhao Shanhe after all.

With Zhao Shanhe here, it is equivalent to the Dinghaishenzhen.As long as they saw him present, everyone would feel inexplicably at ease.

"Director, where have you been?"

"That's right, we're playing like a raging fire here, you can't keep playing missing."

"The factory manager must have his own business to do, so he will come back soon."

In this pleasant atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and said gently: "You really wronged me this time, I didn't go out for fun, I went to get down to business."

"What's the business?" Yang E asked with a smile.

"The main thing is, you don't have to worry about Pu Duomei of Lexing Group investing in Hongxing Machinery Factory anymore! She has no money to spend now, and she can't transfer a penny!" Zhao Shanhe said calmly, instantly Let everyone be stunned.

No money available!

Not even a penny can be allocated!

real or fake?

Not to mention the uninformed management like Yang E, even Li Xiangyang, who knew about it, couldn't help being stunned on the spot after hearing this.Not so exaggerated, right?It's only been a few days, and you've packed Park Domi like this?

How on earth do you do it?

Park Duomi is not stupid, how could she say that she tied all her money like this?But since these words came from Zhao Shanhe's mouth, there is no falsehood.

He really did it!

Everyone looked at Zhao Shanhe with bright eyes.

Yang E and the others were surprised, but they were not surprised after being surprised. They believed what Zhao Shanhe said, and believed that since he dared to say such a thing, it proved that it was true.

Everyone thought that Zhao Shanhe had gone on a tour during this period, but they didn't expect him to accomplish such a big event without making a fuss.

It is impossible for any one of them to succeed in this kind of thing.

After the shock, they all had surprise expressions on their faces.Because they immediately thought of how influential this matter should be.They didn't know about Park Duomi's situation before, and thought she would continue to inject capital, so the various countermeasures they formulated were somewhat conservative and low-key.

However, now that we know this, all countermeasures can be released.

Don't be afraid that you won't be able to kill Red Star Machinery.

"Factory Manager, if this is the case, then we can have a good time playing with Red Star Machinery." Guo Chuan said with sharp eyes.

"A machinery factory on the verge of bankruptcy is still losing more than 2000 million yuan. Now it only relies on mining pumps and concrete mixers to make some money. If there is no foreign capital injection, we will kill them in a matter of minutes." Cai Qian said .

"I don't think we need to take action, they will collapse on their own." Yang E smiled slightly.

When everyone had finished talking, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "You are all right, but since this incident is aimed at our Hetu, if we say that we stand still, wouldn't it appear that we are too courageous?"

"So what you said about this matter, we should chase after the poor, and not be known as the overlord. No matter what this time, we must solve the problem of the Red Star Machinery Factory once and for all."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience with a loud voice.

"Don't forget what I told you before. I said that after taking Red Star Machinery, it will be our base camp in the future. This place will be given full authority to the laboratory to develop new products and be used as a museum for our Hetu manufacturing. .”


Everyone excitedly agreed.

"Factory manager, just give the order, what do you say we should do now?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"Simple, let's do three things."

Zhao Shanhe smiled brightly.

"This first tube still continues to make a fuss about non-ferrous metal solder."

"You should all know that as long as the Hongxing Machinery Factory produces non-ferrous metal solder, it is losing money. It is knowing that it is losing money and throwing it in."

"Since this is the case, I don't think we can just let those sellers get their wool, should we also give some benefits to those suppliers?"

Li Xiangyang's eyes lit up.

That's right, the wool can't be sold to the sellers, and the material suppliers should be given some benefits. Even if they just raise the price a little bit, it will be enough for the Red Star Machinery Factory to drink a pot.

In this matter, Zhao Shanhe and the others undoubtedly have the absolute right to speak.

Who made them the largest manufacturer of non-ferrous metal solder in the past two years, and they are very familiar with those suppliers, and those people will understand what they say casually.

What's more, even without Zhao Shanhe's help in this matter, do you think those suppliers are good at fault?Put the ready-made wool and don't know how to grab it?


"I'll take care of this." Li Xiangyang said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and continued: "The second tube I want to talk about is for mining pumps."

"Red Star Machinery is still able to run now, nothing more than the sales of mining pumps, and their main sales target is Jiandu Mining in our Handong City, and a mining group like Jiandu in our Eastern Province. "

"But you must know that not all mining groups are as ruthless as Jiandu, who are ungrateful for profit, and betray as soon as they are said to be betrayed. There are still several mining groups that continue to maintain good purchasing relationships with us. And what I want to say The second management is to serve them, to let them spread the word of mouth for us.”

"Director, do you mean to serve them?" Yang E asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, to serve them."

Zhao Shanhe held up a document in his hand and said calmly: "The service I want to talk about is after-sales three guarantees."

"Three guarantees after sale?"

Everyone was stunned.

They are all clear about the after-sales three-guarantee policy. The so-called three-guarantees refer to the abbreviation of "return, replacement, and repair" for the products sold by retail commercial enterprises. A credit guarantee method within a certain period of time that is responsible and adopted.

Of course, this kind of three guarantees specifically refers to product quality problems. If you want to say that the buyer damaged it intentionally, or that it was caused by improper operation, then you have to talk about it separately.

This policy first appeared in April 1986. At that time, the "Regulations on Industrial Product Quality Responsibility" clearly stated that the producers and sellers of products are responsible for product quality.

If the quality of the product does not meet the relevant national laws and regulations, quality standards, and the requirements for product application, safety and other characteristics stipulated in the contract, the producer and seller of the product shall be responsible for repairing, replacing, returning the product, and compensating for actual economic losses.

But the problem is that although this policy exists, it does not include mining pumps.Even for the products included in it, few manufacturers take it seriously, and no one pays attention to this so-called three-guarantee service policy.

Why did Zhao Shanhe bring this up at this time?

Isn't this putting a curse on yourself?Is it really possible to do this?Don't drag yourself into it just to deal with a Red Star Machinery mining pump.

"Factory Manager, isn't it inappropriate to do this?" Li Xiangyang asked in a deep voice with a serious expression on his face.


Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said without hesitation: "I know your worries, and I know your thoughts. But what I want to say is that your worries are unnecessary. After-sales service and the three-guarantee policy are originally There should be, you can’t just turn a blind eye if you think it’s troublesome?”

"If you want to do this, if you are targeted by serious buyers, you will regret it sooner or later. If this is the case, then we might as well follow the policy honestly."

"Yes, this policy has not yet covered our mining pumps, but if we take the initiative to undertake the after-sales service, what do you think those mining groups will think?"

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience, his eyes were full of brilliance, with a strange light shining.

"They have no worries, they will definitely choose to cooperate with us." Li Xiangyang said heartily.

"Yes, that's what I want to say. They will definitely cooperate with us because of this, and in this way, do you think the mining pumps of Hongxing Machinery Factory can still be sold?"

"They are cheap, but there are no good products if they are cheap. We dare to carry out after-sales three guarantees. Do they dare? As long as they dare, I dare say that their products will definitely be brought back in droves."

"Whoever makes their products must not pass the test."

Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Yes, I also think there is a problem with their mining pumps, because since they have placed more orders, in order to be able to deliver in time, some mining pumps are not produced by themselves at all, and many of them are produced by OEM."

"I don't believe that the quality of those produced by the OEM can be the same as that produced by Hongxing Machinery itself." Gao Shaoyuan gave the most professional advice.

"In this way, even if the quality of the mining pump produced by Hongxing Machinery is strong enough, they dare not make the same promise as us." Cai Qian said with a smile.

"Then this matter is settled like this, do you have any objections?" Zhao Shanhe looked at the people on both sides and laughed.


All voted unanimously.

Although this matter is a bit advanced, it doesn't matter, they are still very confident in their products. In this case, why not be afraid of giving a three-guarantee after-sales policy?

In fact, on this matter, Zhao Shanhe also has his own ideas in his heart.Even if he doesn't take the initiative to bring it up now, in 1995, two years later, the country will pass the new "Product Quality Law", which will clearly define the Three Guarantees policy.If everything has to appear, it is better to make it in advance.

"The third pipe I want to talk about is the concrete mixer of Hongxing Machinery."

Zhao Shanhe picked up the teacup in front of him and drank two sips of water. After moistening his throat, he said slowly: "The concrete mixer of Hongxing Machinery is good, and this product is indeed attractive in the market."

"However, we don't need to follow others to produce such machines. Since they are mixers, let's simply launch concrete delivery pumps."

"Concrete pump? What's this thing?"

"Do we have such a product?"

"Conveyor pump? Wouldn't it be to convey concrete out?"

When Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, several high-level officials began to discuss.

"Let Gao Gong talk about this matter." Zhao Shanhe pressed his hand to everyone, and then waved his hand to Gao Shaoyuan.

"it is good!"

Gao Shaoyuan stood up, scanned the audience and said with a smile: "The concrete delivery pump, as the name implies, is able to freely deliver the mixed concrete to any place you want."

"This kind of machine can save time and improve work efficiency to the greatest extent, and with the delivery pump, it can also ensure the safety of construction workers."

"When we were developing the transfer pump, Hongxing Machinery hadn't developed the mixer yet. When we succeeded in developing it, who would have thought that they would also tinker with the mixer. So I think this is a godsend opportunity."


Everyone's eyes lit up.

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